(Mar. 18, 2000)

(Tadahiko NOGUCHI)

(Mar. 25, 2000)

[variety] "Doing Your Own Survey" (Kayoko OKA)

I'm planning to do a survey on the day, based on the themes covered by the NHK radio English program "Eikaiwa". Each of us will ask the other members one of the questions listed below, and all of us will answer them.

First, everyone seeks his or her partner and ask his or her own@question and other person answer it, then they change the roles. After both of them have done their survey, they have to find another partner and do the same thing. And after 40 minutes, probably each of us get several members' information.

Then, think about what you want to say from the result.

Finally, each of the members presents his or her own opinion individually.

So think about the following themes and prepare for your answer in your mind.
If you'd like to ask your own original questions, please think about it. You can ask whatever you want except very personal things.

Themes for the survey

1. What sport have you found agonizing and why ?
2. How do you feel about participating in some kind of team sport at your school or company ?
3. What has motivated you to keep your exercise regimen ?
4. Tell us about a collection belonging to you or an acquaintance ?
5. How are you coping with some of the latest technology around you ?
6. Some people feel uncomfortable handling ATM cards. How do you feel about handling them ?
7. Tell us about an interactive exhibit that you've been to ?
8. Would you feel awkward about becoming an organ donor ? Why or why not ?
9. Would you consider yourself member of the procrastination club? Why ?
10. Have you ever had to ask for help in the middle of the night ? What happen ?
11. What kind of sacrifice have you made for something you are interested in ?
12. Have you ever been to the emergency room? Describe your experience ?
13. In what ways are you conserving water ?
14. What measures are being taken to reduce trash in the area where you live ?
15. Have you made any changes in how you live in order to improve the environmental condition ?

from the NHK English Conversation textbooks

p.s. My original question will be like this. . .
When is your birthday ?
What month do you like the best in a year ? And why ?

Time table

6:30 - 6:40 preparation for the survey
6:40 - 7:20 survey
7:20 - 7:35 preparation for the presentation
7:35 - 7:45 presentation

Please come and join us at the temple for doing the survey of your own interest.
