PRACTICE (March 1, 2003)

[Discussion] "What will our future be like ?" (Iwasaki)

Do you know what day the 2003/4/7 is ?
It is the day that "Tetuwan Atom" will be born.
Regrettably it isn't likely to come true on 2003/4/7.

But human beings have already made a robot like Asimo. I think "Atom" isn't either a difficult dream in near future.

New inventions always come out of our imagination.
In this week's practice l want you to imagine our future.

Now I'm thinking of two questions.

1. What do you think the year 2050 will be like ?
2. What do you want to have in future ?
Ex) time machine, Docodemodowa, etcEEE

Let's talk about out bright future !
