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2009年08月 アーカイブ



Genre: disucussion
Theme: Golden Section(Golden Division, Golden Ratio)


Genre: disucussion

This time, I'd like you to have Discussions And the title of the practice is
: Is your learning on the right track?

It would be useful from time to time to look back in the past
learning and get some constructive feedback for future.
Also, It should be useful to share tips among group to make
the participation in the ESS more valuable.

Part A (~7:00)
Make presentations in turn on the following topics and then
discuss and share tips among your group.

・What was your utmost motivation to join the ESS in the first place?

・Have your English skills improved from the time you joined this circle? 
And how?(If you are a newcomer, what do you want to achieve?)

・Is there any skill (i.e., reading, listening speaking and writing skills etc.) 
that you think you should put more effort into?

・Are you spending time for study in addition to working on your NHK text?

Part B (~7:30)
Have a talk on any of the following topics.

・Role of grammar in speaking English

・Relationship between true command of English and the results of
 various proficiency tests for English

・Indispensable value of being abroad in acquiring a foreign language:
Can't we learn a language exclusively within our own country?

・How to build vocabulary

Part C

Make brief comment for all the participants on what you found
most impressive or interesting or valuable in the discussion.
I hope precious informaion or advice will be given by as many
memberas possible and everyone enjoy the talk.




1. Genre: Work and presentation

2. Title: Introduce your partner

3. Description:
In this practice, you will introduce not yourself,
but your partner in a group.
First, you will have a mutual interview with your partner,
and then introduce your partner to the other group member
according to your interview.

About 2009年08月

2009年08月にブログ「What's New at Kyoto NHK ESS?」に投稿されたすべてのエントリーです。新しい順に並んでいます。




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