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2019年10月 アーカイブ



Hi! Every one
Here is the announcement of ESS Practice on 2019-10-05:
■Title:Kyoto sightseeing spot
I will bring a tiny map of Kyoto City

1 Make some groups.

2 Warm-up task(quizzes )

3 Let's share your unique experience at memorable spots in Kyoto.
You can choose any spots even though the spot is not seen at the map.

I hope you enjoy it!
Regards: Kazu Yasuda



Dear Kyoto NHK-ESS member
This is the information about the practice on October 12.

1. Genre: Talk & Discussion
2. Title: Talking about the present situation
3. Description

[Step. 0]
Make some groups and make pairs in each group. If you don’t have partner, please find a partner in other group. If there is no partner in all groups, I will become your partner.

[Step. 1] 1 minute to speak (5〜10min)
This is a 1 minute to speak. You talk about a topic for 1 minute. Your partner just listen. After your talking, exchange a role. I’m a timekeeper. I choose topics below.
Sport, Reading, Appetite or Food, Art, Autumn, Spring

[Step. 2] Free conversation (35〜45 minutes)
Please gather in each group.
Please introduce yourself quickly and talk about your present situation one by one.
You can continue talking and discussion. You can talk about any topics. If you don’t have any topics,
you can use my topics that is “How do you enjoy in autumn?” “How do you enjoy in national holiday?”

[Step. 3] Dialogue (10〜15 minutes)
I distribute a number card. One person having your same number is your partner.
Let’s talk freely each other.

Hirokazu Sakai



My beloved members of Kyoto ESS,

It’s my pleasure to announce the practice for the second half of our activities on October 19th.

● Genre: Game
● Title: Chinese Whispers
● Description:
“Chinese Whispers” is an internationally popular game in which players form line, and the first player comes up with a message and whispers it to the ear of the second person in the line. The second player repeats the message to the third player, and so on. When the last player reached, they announce the message they heard to the entire group. The announced message by the last player should be compared with the original message. The team who could most correctly convey the message throughout the line will win the game.
● Procedures:
1. You will be divided into several groups to make teams.
2. The team will make a line for trying to convey the message correctly from the first player to the last one.
3. Whispering the message to the ear of the next person in the line ONLY ONE TIME.
4. The last player in each team is required to write down the message on a paper to show it to the entire group.

I will prepare funny phrases for you to whisper. Let’s enjoy the game together!

Best regards,

Makoto Nishimura



Origami within English

1. Making Origami “turtle” with one paper.
2. Making Origami “Kawasaki rose” with one paper.

I thought that Origami was the Japanese original art.

But it was wrong. Last year I came to know an Chinese young student ,Origami artist. He made me Origami so called

“Kawasaki Rose”. His excellent work impressed me so much.

Since then, I have loved making Origami so much.

You can enjoy yourself by making Origami.
Everything I will prepare for you.

  By Takeo Kuchinaka

About 2019年10月

2019年10月にブログ「What's New at Kyoto NHK ESS?」に投稿されたすべてのエントリーです。新しい順に並んでいます。




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