« 2010-7-31のプラクティス予告 | メイン | 7月のニュースレター »


Presenter: Ms. Tanihara

Genre:Dictation and Talk

Title: Let's enjoy fairy tale!

At first, please make some groups to have 5-6members in each group.

Part 1: Dictation
Listen to the following synopsis of two story and fill in the blanks.
"A fox Called Gon"
"Miracle on New Year's Eve"

Part 2: Talk
Have you ever have a question or come upon another story when you read fairy tale? Shall we share and discuss those questions? Here, I show some examples. At first, please discuss these questions. Next, please find questions or another story about fairy tale and discuss it in your group.

I hope you will enjoy it! See you on Saturday.


2010年08月23日 00:02に投稿されたエントリーのページです。




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