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2012-10-20 プラクティス予告

Hi there

I'm happy to make an announcement about Practice on October 20, 2012.

Genre: Presentation and Talk
Title: "Lightning Talks"


In this session, I want you to give very short presentations. Some people (in Japanese ITC community) call it "Lightning Talks".

You're going to be split into groups, and present your ideas in turn.
Don't forget this is a "Lightning Talks" so that the time slot given for each of you will be, say, less than three minutes.

There should be creative ways to present ideas in a very short time. No worry! If you aren't familiar with the format, just stick to this orthodox one:

1. State your core idea in a single sentence.

2. Give three reasons, or examples to support your idea.

3. Repeat your idea, and conclude your presentation.

You might find it interesting to talk about what presented. Great!
Please go ahead.

Note: You can present whatever you want. If you have nothing to talk at all, I'll give you some hints.




2012年10月15日 10:31に投稿されたエントリーのページです。

ひとつ前の投稿は「2012-10-13 プラクティス予告」です。

次の投稿は「2012-10-27 プラクティス予告」です。


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