« 2012-10-27 プラクティス予告 | メイン | 2012-11-10 プラクティス予告 »

2012-11-03,04  合宿 プラクティス予告


Dear Kyoto ESS members.
Hello, I'm Yuuho MASUDA.
This is an announcement for the practice in a training camp on Nov.3rd.

1. Genre: The four skills
① listening
② understanding & imaging
③ translation
④ reading aloud & story-telling

2. Title:
"Let's play KARUTA and enjoy it together !"

3. Description
Make some groups as usual.

Card-playing party

After that,
Let's read aloud & tell that story!

Y. Masuda

Dear Kyoto ESS members

I’m Shimon Nakamura (中村史門), Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto.

Genre: Discussion (speaking and replying to questions)
Title: Speak your own experiences in school days

This is an easy and small but important practice for speaking English just before 31 participants in the camp without looking at any English written slip.
Make your speech by your own words so as to make them understand what you said
You know best what experiences you had in school days and will be able to speak memories freely.
No preparation is needed except some memo in Japanese.
If you feel reluctant to do so before all participants,
you may do so in the separated group.
Please enjoy participant’s surprised talks
Thank you.

S. Nakamura

Dear Kyoto ESS members,

Hello, I'm Takanori Hayashi.
This is an announcement for the practice on November 3rd&4th(Camp).

Genre : Discussion and Presentation
Title: Japan-US cultural comparison

-1 Make some groups
-2 Pick up the differences between Japan and US from the several points of view
-3 Categorize for each item in Culture, Custom, View, Philosophy, Rule, Life Style and so on
-4 Explanation and discussion for these items in each group
-5 Presentation as selected item by presenter in each group in order to share the most interesting item.

I'd like to ask you to prepare for collecting the differences between Japan and America from the several point of view.
These differences may consist of several categories which are experienced by your own or information which you've had in the past.
Please share and explanation among us for each difference in order to understand mutual nations.

-2, -3,-4
The style of Picking up, categorizing and discussion in each group is free,
For example:
- Brainstorming (Open discussion)
- Analysis meeting
- KJ method
- Mind Map
- Lightning talk which has been introduced by Yoshida san,20th.October.
(Yoshida san, Thank you for your interesting introduction as effective presentation style.) and so on.

Thank you

T. Hayashi



Dear Kyoto ESS members.

Hello,this is an announcement for the practice in a training camp on Nov.3rd /4th .

Genre:Talk and presentation
Title:(Have a break!) Boast of your birth prefecture (home town)

Please choose one theme in the next themes (I will show some themes in that day)and boast about it in your birth pre.(home town)one by one.(However except Kyoto.If you are born in Kyoto,please boast it in your parents or relatives or friends ….
Except Kyoto everything is O.K.Foreign stste of course (O.K.)
Make some groups as usual.You are allowed five minutes for your speech.Question time is also.
Finally please choose the best interesting boast in your group and someone present it in front of us in two minutes group by group.Enjoy your talking.



Hello everyone. I'm Isamu Mashima.

Here is my practice planned for 2012 ESS Lodging-Together in Nov.

Genre : Debate Match
Introduction :

Debate is to argue about the given proposition taking either Yes or No position.
You are requested to articulate your remarks as much logically as possible.

Propositions :
1. Japan should host Tokyo Olympic in 2020.
Yes (Affirmative)
No (Negative)
2. Japan should improve Food Self-Sufficiency Ratio(自給率)
Yes (Affirmative)
No (Negative)

We will make two teams, the affirmative and negative, against each proposition.
I will announce team members and a leader just before we start the game.
A single debate duration will be 30min and total practice time will be 70min.
Until then, please prepare yourself !! See you soon.



2012年10月28日 09:32に投稿されたエントリーのページです。

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