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2012-11-24 プラクティス予告

Hello 京都NHK ESS members.
I am glad to announce the contents for the practice on Nov 24.

Title:Challenge “One minute speech”

Let’s train your output power in a talk.
You need a quick response to keep a conversation going at a real situation, having no time to translate what you are thinking in Japanese into English.

Here is the process.
1. Each group has 20 topics listed on a sheet of paper.
2. Choose one topic from the list and the first member speaks anything relating to it
for one minute.
3. Then the second person speaks about the same topic.
4. After all members finish speaking, choose a next topic and take the second round.
5. Repeat the same procedure.

Do not think the matter seriously but speak promptly anything you come up with.
Please keep talking as much as you can for a minute.

I am sure many members feel one minute short, but it is long for some.
So, a timekeeper is placed in each group to share time equally.
Topics are familiar words for everyone such as Apple, Bike, China, Dog, Exam, etc.
But I am sorry to say that there will be other entries on the very day.
I expect you will be good kind of tired on your brain after this practice.

Fujio Hirano


2012年11月18日 10:20に投稿されたエントリーのページです。


次の投稿は「2012-12-1 プラクティス予告」です。


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