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2013-05-11 プラクティス予告

This is the announcement about the practice on May 11th.
Genre: Discussion
Title:  My own rule

We talk about our own rules.
For example; When you get up, what do you do at first?  Who takes bath at first in your family?  Do you leave the toilet seat up or down? And why?

1. Make some groups.
2. Talk about one`s own rules one by one in each group. Please don`t forget explaining the reasons.
3. Choose and announce the most interesting rule in each group. (18:20-18:40)

Megumi Iwai


2013年05月04日 01:21に投稿されたエントリーのページです。

ひとつ前の投稿は「2013-05-04 プラクティス予告」です。

次の投稿は「2013-05-18 プラクティス予告」です。


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