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2014年12月 アーカイブ


12月13日 プラクティス予定 

Here is an outline of the practice we will be enjoying in the afternoon on December 13th, Saturday.

.ANX Genre: Fun Talk in English regarding Hypothetical Question

NX Title: Want to be Adam or Eve?

NX Introduction:

According to the Bible, God shaped Adam, the first man on the earth, from dust and places him in the Garden of Eden where he is to have sovereignty over the plants and animals. Then God places a tree in the garden which he prohibits Adam from eating. Eve, the first woman, is created from one of Adam.FN"s ribs to be AdamN"s companion. Since then, the world has been constituted with two species, man and woman.

Here is the hypothetical question to trigger our fun talks in English conversation.

“If you are given a special privilege to reincarnate three times, do you want to be a man or woman at your third existence?”

.ANX Procedures:

I. Divide us into a few groups.

II. Quiz for wakening up our brain cells. (10 min.)

III. Individual preparation for sharing your own opinions on “Want to be Adam or Eve?” (10 min.)

1. The reasons why wanting to be born again as a man

2. The reasons why NOT wanting to be born again as a woman

3. The reasons why wanting to be born again a woman

4. The reasons why NOT wanting to be born again as a man

IV. Animated conversation with your group members. (25 min.)

V. Introduction of the discussion by your group representative. (15 min.)

Best regards,

Makoto Nishimura
担当 西村 誠さん(英語スピーチはまさにプロ顔負け)


12月20日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

Hello, everyone.
Let me inform you my practice on Dec.20th.

Genre: Talk
Title: Synchronicity (Between former Presidents Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy)

For a half century, Americans have marveled at the incredible list of similarities and coincidences between former Presidents Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy. While the majority of this impressive and eerie list has been circulating for years, including the dirty joke at the end, fans of the two Presidents continue to add more incredible items.
I hope you will enjoy talking about those coincidence based on the list of each similar item.


1. Exchange your comments in your group on each item which shows [ Similarities and Coincidence] between both presidents.

2.You may have your own story which is similar to that story.
Tell us your original interesting experience.

3. One representative may tell us below please

� How do you think about those similarities between them? Is it mere coincidence?
� Tell us your experience.

I hope you will enjoy it!
                            See You Soon    Yasuda


12月27日 プラクティス

Dear members,
At the end of this year , you have a lot of stress with your daily life.
Please say something that you cannnot say in your houses or companies.
After that you can see a happy new year life.

Genere: Discussion
Title; We should get angry at the matters around us in 2014.

We divide our members into five or six groups.
Each group has different topic.
Please discuss about these topics below.

Prime minister Abe and L.D.P.(野党は無いに等しい)
Well-known TV entertainers and also politicians. (猪木,ヤワラ, 橋本聖子,橋下)
Chisako Kakei’s sequential murder case (どうしたらこんなおばさんの悪事を未然に防げたか?)
U.S. army bases in Okinawa. (要るの要らないの、どっち?)
 How to increase the birth rate of Japan? (究極の選択、どうする?)
Sumo wreslers should be Japaneses. Expel foreign Sumo wrestlers.(外人に国技はおかしい)
Shall we need the English classes at primary schools ? (小学校で学んだら、中学はもっと高度になるはず)

presented by Kuchinaka. (the third old-carrier member in tradition)

担当者  口中 武夫さん

About 2014年12月

2014年12月にブログ「What's New at Kyoto NHK ESS?」に投稿されたすべてのエントリーです。新しい順に並んでいます。




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