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1月31日 プラクティス

Dear ESS members,

Let me inform you of the practice on Jan.31th.

Genre: debate
Title : Logical argument
1. Make some groups.
2. The debate topics, which can be seen below, are distributed to each group.
3. Decide your position (pros cons, or which you prefer?)
4. Start the argument from topic a.
*Why you choose the position. What is the advantage/disadvantage and so on.
5. And then, go to next topics.
*If you want to focus on one topic, no need to go to next one.

a. Which you choose for your pet? Cats or dogs?
b. Which is better for junior high-school children? School uniforms, or plain clothes.
c. Which you prefer for newspaper? A paper material, or an electronic version.
d. Should a big budget be used for space exploitation while severe famine is still continued?
e. Now that 70 years has past since the end of world war II. Is it high time to reconsider the permanent
membership of U.N. Security Council?

I hope you will enjoy the practice.
Sincerely yours,
Natsuko Mori


2015年01月31日 15:14に投稿されたエントリーのページです。

ひとつ前の投稿は「1月17日 プラクティス」です。



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