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4月25日 プラクティス

Dear ESS members,

Let me inform you of the latter half of the practice on April 25th below.

Time: 17:40-18:45
Genre: debate
Title: family matters
Make 6 or 7 groups according to the number of the participants.
Start debate from any topic. Make sure to decide your position, pros or cons for topic a. and b.
Summarize the debate and make presentation at the end of the practice.
The pros and cons of separate surnames for married couples.
The pros and cons of arranged marriage.
Causes and effects of increasing divorce rates.

Sorry for the debate again (third time around this month), but I hope you will enjoy it.
See you soon!

Natsuko M.


2015年04月18日 14:42に投稿されたエントリーのページです。

ひとつ前の投稿は「4月18日 プラクティス(改訂後)」です。

次の投稿は「5月2日 プラクティス」です。


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