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2017年04月 アーカイブ



京都HNK ESSメンバーのみなさま、

4月1日から京都NHK ESSの新しいスタッフとなりますメンバーよりご挨拶を申し上げます。

●リーダー 西村
30数年前、大学のESSスタッフをつとめて以来、再びESSスタッフとなりました。当時は東後勝明先生のNHKラジオ英会話テキストを利用し、英語力の基礎を身につけるため、泣き出すメンバーもいるほどスパルタンな活動を行なっておりました。しかし、この京都NHK ESSでは、和気あいあいながらも、心地よい緊張を味わいながら、老若男女のメンバーが楽しく英語を勉強できる場となるよう、頑張ってゆきたいと思います。

●サブリーダー・新入会員担当 A&M.T
サークル歴四半世紀近くのTabです。約20年ぶり(!)に3回目のスタッフを引き受けることになりました。NCさんが続けて来たくなるような居心地の良いサークルづくりを目指して頑張って行きたいと思いますので皆様のご協力をよろしくお願いします。【目標 : 新規NCさん定着5名以上!! 】

●プラクティス担当 Y.T

●イベント担当 佃

●会計担当 岩井

●PC担当 石川

毎週土曜日の午後には、多くのメンバーと楽しく、かつ互いに切磋琢磨しながら活動を継続できるよう、7名のスタッフで京都NHK ESSの活動をサポートしてゆきます。多くのメンバーの参加を待ち望んでいます。Ciao!


4月8日 プラクティス

Dear ESS members,

Hope everyone has been doing well in perfectly sunny spring days.
Sorry for the delay in announcement about next practice on 8th April.

Let me explain what activity we will do in that day.
This time what we are going to do is very very simple.

I'd just like you to talk about yourself with a partner.

First we will be divided into 6 groups.
Then please make a pair with a person next to you
and talk with his/her on the topic which I show.
After we have finished the last topic, please someone in your group voluntarily share with us what you talked.

The main theme I'd like you to talk is "Love", what you love to do, what you feel great excitement, happiness, fun, and passion for.

Let's train our English muscle just by talk, talk and talk!
Looking forward to seeing all of you this Saturday.

Thank you very much in advance and best regards,
Chiaki Namba


4月15日 プラクティス

Hi, everyone!

This is the announcement of the practice on April 15th.

[Genre ] One minute speech

[Theme] Things that you want to do.this spring,

In this session, you `ve going to give a very short presentation.
It`s shorter than 1 min.
The theme is "Things that you want to do this spring."
You have 15 minutes to prepare for the presentation.
After 17:50, the presentations will start.

I hope you will enjoy it.

Takako Suzuki


4月22日 プラクティス

Hello, Kyoto NHK ESS members! It’s already April 2017, when my term as the Treasurer for ESS has already ended.

Then, why am I writing another announcement to this Round Table? Of course, this is an announcement for the practice on April 22nd, 2017.

1) Date: April 22nd, 2017

2) Genre: Game

3) Title:Persuade to be “Great Communicator!!”

4) Description:
A) Choose 3 or more statements from 49 statements attached to this documents.

B) Within 20 minutes until 18:00, write whether you agree or disagree with these statements you have just chosen and also write one to three or more specific reasons and examples to support each of your opinions.

C) Choose your partner.

D) Share one of your opinions, that is, whether you agree or disagree with the one specific statement you choose and try to persuade your challenger to support your opinion.

E) The challenger would tell whether he or she agrees or disagrees with your opinion based on one or more specific reasons.

F) If the challenger agrees with your opinion, you get one point.

G) Switch the role and repeat D) to G).

H) Choose another partner to continue the game.

I) A person who could persuade the most people will get most points and will be the winner, and the title “Great Communicator” will be given.

※Of course, you can modify your opinions or imitate others opinions afterwards flexibly to win the game if you really think those opinions are persuasive.

Attached documents would be available as your source of options for 49 statements. 

Choose three or more statements and write one or more reasons for each of your choices.

Let’s have fun!


PS: I really do agree that 49 statements are too much, but you can also use them for your future practice on English. Good luck!

☆Statement No. (   )

I agree/disagree with the statement No. ( ), for following reason(s).

Reason (1)

Reason (2)

Reason (3)

Reason( )

Therefore, I agree/disagree with the statement No. (   )

☆Statement No. (   )

I agree/disagree with the statement No. ( ), for following reason(s).

Reason (1)

Reason (2)

Reason (3)

Reason( )

Therefore, I agree/disagree with the statement No. (   )

☆Statement No. (   )

I agree/disagree with the statement No. ( ), for following reason(s).

Reason (1)

Reason (2)

Reason (3)

Reason( )

Therefore, I agree/disagree with the statement No. (   )

Agree or Disagree(同意するか否?)
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Use specific reasons and/or examples to support your answer.

1) People are never satisfied with what they have; they always want something more or something different.(物欲に際限はない。)

2) People should read only those books that are about real events, real people, and established facts. (フィクションよりノンフィクションを読むべきである。)

3) It is more important for students to study history and literature than it is for them to study science and mathematics. (理系よりも文系の科目を学ぶ方が重要である。)

4) All students should be required to study art and music in secondary school. (中等教育では美術と音楽は必修であるべきである。)

5) There is nothing that young people can teach older people. (若者が年長者に教える事の出来ることはない。)

6) Reading fiction (such as novels and short stories) is more enjoyable than watching movies. (読書は映画など動画鑑賞より楽しめる。)

7) Some young children spend a great amount of their time practicing sports. .(子供はスポーツの練習に多くの時間を費やすべきである。)

8) Only people who earn a lot of money are successful. (沢山のお金を稼ぐ人だけが人生の成功者である。)

9) A person’s childhood years (the time from birth to twelve years of age) are the most important years of a person’s life. (生まれてから12歳までの子供時代が人生で最も大事な時期である。)

10) Children should be required to help with household tasks as soon as they are able to do so. (子供が家事・家計を助けられるようになったら、直ちにそうすべきである。)

11) Playing a game is fun only when you win. (ゲームは勝った時しか楽しくない。)

12) High schools should allow students to study the courses that students want to study. (高校は生徒が学びたい科目を好きに学べるようすべきである。)

13) Decisions that people make quickly are always wrong. (人々が急いで下した決断はいつも誤った判断である。)

14) People behave differently when they wear different clothes. Do you agree that different clothes influence the way people behave? (人はその時々に着ている服によって違ったふるまい方をする。)

15) Parents are the best teachers. (子供の両親は常に最良の教師である。)

16) Schools should ask students to evaluate their teachers. (教育機関は学生に教師を評価させるべきである。)

17) “When people succeed, it is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success.” (成功は努力の賜物であって、運不運は成功とは無関係である。)

18) Universities should give the same amount of money to their students’ sports activities as they give to their university libraries. (大学は付属の図書館の予算と同等の額の予算を、学生のスポーツ活動に与えるべきである。)

19) It is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city. (子供は大都市よりも田舎で育てるのが良い。)

20) People should sometimes do things that they do not enjoy doing. (人はイヤな事でもやってしまうべき時がある。)

21) Television, newspapers, magazines, and other media pay too much attention to the personal lives of famous people such as public figures and celebrities. (テレビ、新聞、雑誌その他のメディアは公職にある人物やセレブなど有名人の私生活に注目しすぎている。)

22) Businesses should hire employees for their entire lives. (企業は終身雇用制を採用すべきである。)

23) Attending a live performance (for example, a play, concert, or sporting event) is more enjoyable than watching the same event on television. (演奏会やコンサート、スポーツなどのイベント参加は同じイベントをテレビの前で鑑賞するより、もっと楽しめる。)

24) Progress is always good.(進歩は常に良い事である。)

25) Learning about the past has no value for those of us living in the present.(過去について学ぶことは現在を生きている我々には無価値である。)

26) With the help of technology, students nowadays can learn more information and learn it more quickly. (技術の進歩によって、現代の学生は、過去の学生よりもより多くの情報を、より迅速に学ぶ事が出来る。)

27) The expression “Never, never give up” means to keep trying and never stop working for your goals. (「決して諦めるな」という表現は、「努力を続けろ、目標を目指して努力する事をやめるな」、という意味である。)

28) Face-to-face communication is better than other types of communication, such as letters, email, or telephone calls. (直接、顔を見ながら会話する事は、他の手段、例えば手紙や電子メール、電話などよりも、良いコミュニケ―ション方法である。)

29) The most important aspect of a job is the money a person earns. (仕事で一番大切なのは、人がいくらお金を稼げるかである。)

30) One should never judge a person by external appearances. (人を外見で判断してはいけない。)

31) A person should never make an important decision alone. (人は重要な決断を決して1人で下すべきではない。)

32) Games are as important for adults as they are for children. (ゲームは子供にとってと同様に大人にも重要である。)

33) Parents or other adult relatives should make important decisions for their older (15 to 18 year-old) teenage children. (両親や親戚の大人は、15歳から18歳の10代後半の子どもに代わって重要な決断を下すべきである。)

34) Most experiences in our lives that seemed difficult at the time become valuable lessons for the future. (人生で苦労した経験のほとんどは、以後の人生で貴重な教訓を与えてくれる。)

35) Classmates are a more important influence than parents on a child’s success in school. (学業で良い結果を出すためには、同級生の影響の方が、両親よりも重要である。)

36) The best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide. (旅行にはツアーガイドに連れられたグループで旅行するのが最良の方法である。)

37) Children should begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school. (子供は学校に通い始めると同時に外国語学習を始めるべきある。)

38) Boys and girls should attend separate schools. (男子と女子は別々の学校で教育を受けるべきである。)

39) Technology has made the world a better place to live. (技術の進歩で世界はより住みやすい場所となった。)

40) Advertising can tell you a lot about a country. (広告は、一つの国について、多くの事を教えてくれる。)

41) Modern technology is creating a single world culture. (現代の技術は、単一の世界の文化を創り出しつつある。)

42) Telephones and email have made communication between people less personal. (電話と電子メールは、人々のコミュニケーションをより個人的ではないものにした。)

43) Dancing plays an important role in a culture. (ダンスは、1つの文化において重要な役割を担っている。)

44) Teachers should be paid according to how much their students learn. (教師は、教えている生徒がどれだけ学んだかに比例して報酬を与えられるべきである。)

45) It is better to be a member of a group than to be the leader of a group. (一つのグループの指導者になるより、一人のメンバーでいる方が良い。)

46) Playing games teaches us about life.(数々のゲームをする事は我々に人生について学ばせてくれる。)

47) Watching television is bad for children. (テレビを見る事は子供たちにとって良い事ではない。)

48) A zoo has no useful purpose. (動物園は何ら実利的な目的を持ったものではない。)

49) Borrowing money from a friend can harm or damage the friendship. (友人から借金をする事は、その友人との友情を傷つけ、損なう事がある。)


4月29日 プラクティス

Dear ESS Members

Please find below the practice planned on April 29th..

It is a twofold one, Game and Case Study.
The detailed descriptions will be shown at the temple. No pre-study is required.
Why don’t you start your GW by joining ESS on 29th !! 

Date : April 29th
Genre-1 : Game ( Time : 5:40 ~ 6:00 )
Genre-2 : Case Study ( Time 6:00 ~ 6:40 )
Title for the Game : Word Association
Title for the Case Study : Akkie’s Case ( Fiction )
Descriptions :

Make some groups for the Game and Case-Study.

< Game>
Someone in a group starts with a single word xxxx.. Then, the next person follows in turn with the specific phrase “ That reminds me of yyyy because ……. ”
“ That reminds me of zzzz because …….…. “ …. this continues…
( note : xxxx and yyyy , also yyyy and zzzz are associated words ).

< Case Study >
This is a group study. You will read Akkie’s Case and discuss how to answer to her questions. Then, summarize the study for your team presentation.

Hope you enjoy it !! Isamu Mashima


5月6日 プラクティス

1. Date: Saturday, May 6th, 2017
2. Genre: Presentation and Talking about
3. Title: What does Global English look like?
4. Description:
Global English can be defined as one of English(s) which enables native and non-native English speakers to come across beyond;
① Cultural;
② Linguistic, and
③ Phonetic differences
such as English which has been spoken in UN, EU, ASEAN, Kyoto NHK ESS and you name it.
Following the definition above, We’re supposed to think about focusing on;
① The reason why the Global English has got prevalent;
② The advantage that the Global English has brought us, and
③ The kernel that the Global English as a means of communication represents.

Hope to see you soooooon with a biiiiiiig curiosity there and then.

Making the best and most imaginative city for the world

土岐 泉

About 2017年04月

2017年04月にブログ「What's New at Kyoto NHK ESS?」に投稿されたすべてのエントリーです。新しい順に並んでいます。




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