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7月8日 プラクティス

The practice on July 8th is as follows;

2017.7.8 (Sat.)
Made by Matsumoto Ryuhei

Translation Training(J→E)

✓ Make five (A, B, C, D, E) groups.

[Part 1] 30min.(10min. for translation, and 20 min. for presentation of the 5 jobs)
✓ Each group translates some different Japanese sentences on the following five themes into English as a group work.
1)Buddhist images(如来、菩薩、明王)
2)martial arts(空手、剣道、柔道)
3)something to do with a shrine(破魔矢、手水舎、絵馬)
5)Japanese architecture(合掌造り、寝殿造り、書院造り)

✓ Each group will show its translation work from 1) to 5).

[Part 2] 15min., when time allows
✓ Representatives from the five groups will move to the front, and pick up a piece of paper(only in Japanese) from ① to ⑤.

✓ They make an impromptu translation from Japanese into English in the numerical order.

✓ Evaluated by the other participants randomly.

✓ Repeat the above process three times at most.

From Matsumoto


2017年07月03日 21:38に投稿されたエントリーのページです。

ひとつ前の投稿は「7月1日 プラクティス」です。

次の投稿は「7月15日 プラクティス」です。


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