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2018年08月 アーカイブ



This is an announcement about practice on 8-4
Genre: talking
Title: let's talk about mysteries.
Please tell us about your strange
experience. for examples , you saw
UFO, UMA, Paranormal Phenomenon.
If you have no ideas,tell us legedary stories,or introduce mystery novels.
I hope many goosebumps stories.

Kenji Tsujl



This is an announcement about the practice on August 18.
Genre: Discussion
Title: About this summer
Please talk with each other about what you enjoyed or felt in this summer. I suggest two topics below.

(Topic 1) Unusual heat
What did you do to avoid the heat?
How often did you use air conditioner?
Did you do some sports during this heat?
Please tell us whatever episodes relate to this summer.

(Topic 2) Your memories of this summer.
What is the most impressive thing or event during this summer?
Summer festival, family gathering, swimming pool, eating shaved ice (Kakigoori), whatever…

Let’s enjoy talking!




Dear ESS members
This is the announcement for the practice on Aug. 25th, 2018.

Genre: Discussion
Title: “fake news”, “post-truth” and “media literacy”
1 Make 4~5 groups.
2 First every member read through all the materials by yourself. Then
exchange your opinions in your group on each question below.

(1)That man fanned a “lion scare” with false tweets after the Kumamoto earthquakes
was arrested three months later for allegedly obstructing
the zoo’s operations but avoid indictment. What are your thoughts on this issue?

(2) Did you know “Russiagate”? And do you think Russian government resorted to acts
   that would favor the Trump campaign in the 2016 U.S. presidential race?

(3) How would you define “fake news”? Please explain your answer.

(4) Do you often get your news from social media? Why ?Why not?

(5)Why do you think”fake news” spreads so quickly on social media?

(6)What news organizations do you consider to be trustworthy? Why?

(7) In your opinion ,what should be done to stop the spread of “fake news”? Please explain
your answer.

(8) Would you argue that “fake news” is damaging to democracy? Why? Why not?

3 Introduce your group summary to other groups (from around 18:30).

If you need more information, please take a look at the attached link.



I hope you enjoy it!


🌻Kyoto NHK ESS レポートNo.4🌻


7月14日 西村さん
「Message without words」
アメリカのゼスチャークイズ、片手で現す ”I Love You” 覚えてますか⁉︎

7月21日 サマーパーティー

7月28日 石崎さん
「 English Haiku/ Senryu 」
少ない単語で状況を的確に表現する日本語の俳句と同じですね。人生初めて、英語の俳句を創った〜 いい経験!

8月4日 辻さん
「 Let's talk about mysteries」
”2014年墜落したマレーシア航空機はいったいどこに消えたんでしょうか⁉︎ ”
なんとも奇妙で不可思議な出来事、風景・・ 暑気払いにぴったりのプラクティスでした!

8月18日 北浦さん
「 About this Summer」
みなさん、楽しそうなお盆休みを過ごされたんですね〜 ”蕎麦にゴマ油⁉︎” ” タコ焼きにチーズ⁉︎” 本当に美味しいんですかあ〜〜

8月25日 田畑誉子さん
「 ”fake news”, ”post-truth”, and ”media literacy” 」
世界中で最近、なんでfake newsってよく聞くんでしょうか⁉︎ 情報の真実をとらえること、だんだん難しくなってきてますね。 とっても勉強になりました!


2018 Kyoto NHK ESS スタッフ一同

About 2018年08月

2018年08月にブログ「What's New at Kyoto NHK ESS?」に投稿されたすべてのエントリーです。新しい順に並んでいます。




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