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2024年2月17日 プラクティス

Dear members
This is the information about the latter half of the practice on February 17th.

Genre: Brain Teasers (Quiz) & Letter Building

Form 3~4groups of four members(depending on the day’s number of participants)

For the brain teasers, find the answers to the problems by discussing them with other members.
(some old members might already know the answers because the Quiz in question contains ones that I used in the past. I count on their forgetfulness like mine.)
Use your brain muscles and enjoy laughing.

For the letter building, I will give you a sheet of paper with a direction, you will form as many words as you can within five minutes that start with the given letter.
Please avoid using the same prefix letters to score big points and you are not allowed to use dictionaries of any kind during the session.

The members of the winning group will get a little gift.
I hope you will enjoy this practice.

Kumiko Takesue


2024年02月01日 09:33に投稿されたエントリーのページです。

ひとつ前の投稿は「2024年2月10日 プラクティス」です。

次の投稿は「2024年2月24日 プラクティス」です。


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