Hi, There:
This is the announcement from Octane, i.e., Oku, for the second half of
the practice on April 20.
In spite of a current social propaganda "Respect the Diversity", our life
style still remains undiversified. For example, such phrases as "Cos-Pa"
(cost performance) and "Tai-Pa" (time performance) are commonly heard in the
business community. Seriously, do you believe that higher economic and
technological performances are indispensable for our life? If so, don't you
think that our life is totally governed by economy and technology where
higher performance and efficiency are the primary mottoes without leisure.
Like this, we are probably in the trap of classical propaganda "Promotion
of Efficiency" and forget the importance of "Inefficiency and
Low-Performance". Thus, social sectors and activities at large are losing
attractive powers and charming features of diversity, don't you think so?
When such trends are normalized, particularly and awfully by means of AI
technology, we will lose mental health and happiness such as oldies' humor
(oyaji-gag), boring joke, small mischief, catnap minutes, unscheduled
voluntary service, charity action, etc., these are indeed our treasures. Is
this what we wanted?
Today, in order to ventilate our head with fresh air, I prepared this
material. You are requested to answer to the questions that first look
absurd but, second you'd nod your head with smile and, third start to answer
with jokes and ideas.
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Grouping: Make several groups consisting of 4 people.
Practice Pattern I: Inversion game. Change your point of view, for
example, from a prototype phrase "A is better than B" to the opposite "B is
better than A". Then, explain why your answer is correct or important.
Practice Pattern II: Rationalization game. Rationalize the description
that looks stupid, sounds absurd, and contradictory to the established
scientific facts. Wits and knowledge of trivia are very welcome.
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Pattern I. (30 min). for example.
a. Larger the better than smaller.-- No, smaller the better than
larger, because--
b. Taller the better than shorter.-- No, shorter the better than
taller, because--
c. Heavier the stronger than lighter.-- No, lighter the stronger than
heavier, because-
d. Richer the better than poorer.-- No, poor is better than rich,
e. Younger the better than older.-- No, old is better than young,
f. Faster the better than slower.-- No, slower the better than faster,
g. Having more money the better than having less.-- No, having less
money the better than having a lot, because--
h. Internet of things is more convenient than having none of it. No,
it's not convenient because--
i. Full is better than empty. No, --- because--
j. Your original options, if any.
Pattern II. (25 min). for example.
k Moon is larger than the earth, or moon has a square shape.
l. Sea level stays unchanged even after all the Antarctic iceberg melts
m. The world peace can be established by the end of this century.
n. A pen is mightier than the nuclear bomb.
o. Human life is not heavier than the earth.
p. Time flies slower than an arrow.
q. A corn of ice-cream is warmer than a cup of tea.
r. Your original options, if any.
Have a ball, enjoy talking in English!!!