« 2011-05-28のプラクティス予告 | メイン | 2011年5月のニュースレター »


Dear ESS members,

This is an announcement of the practice on Jun 4.
The outline of the practice is as follows.

Title:Interview by kindergarten child

1. Make some groups
2. 1person - Answerer,Others - Interviewer of kindergarten child
3. Answerer to disclose 1 topic to others for Q & A
4. Interviewer to ask question based on child thinking/horizon
For example;
1 ) Answerer Mr.Yamada disclose 'Osama bin Laden's assassination by
United States ' as a topic for Q & A
2 ) Interviewer ask question
-Why did US kill him?
-Why many Terrorists are attacking US?
-Why many Terrorists are from Islamite?
-How can they be friends? etc
5. Remarks
Answerer must answer the essence simply so that child can understand.
This means that Answerer is required to have the deep knowledge and
understanding about the topic.
So,pls disclose the topic which you are so familier or strong.
You will find what you are understanding or not yet even if you have
100% confidence about it right now.

I am happy if you find something to improve yourself.



2011年05月29日 10:19に投稿されたエントリーのページです。




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