« 2011-07-30プラクティス予告 | メイン | 2011年7月のニュースレター »

2011-08-06 プラクティス予告

Hello, there!

This is an announcement of the ESS practice on August 6, 2011.
I hope you like it :-)


-- Masakazu Yoshida

Genre: Group discussion

Title: Judgement and Choice Baiases


Life is a matter of choices. It always seems hard for me to make a good descision. Let's think about judgement and choice baiases through group discussion.

First, you will be asked to cope with problems from Gilboa's book [1]:
Read the problems carefully and write down your decisions if you were under those circumstances.

Then, let's discuss about your choices and share your insights:
Explain the reasons why you made your decisions and compare with others. Are there any differences or tendencies (biases)?

I hope this practice might be food for thought.
Thanks for reading.


1. Itzhak Gilboa, "Making Better Decisions: Dennison Theory in
Practice," Wiley-Blackwell 2011.

2. Itzhak Gilboa, "Rational Choice," MIT Press 2011.


2011年07月31日 11:07に投稿されたエントリーのページです。




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