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2013年07月 アーカイブ


2013-07-13 プラクティス予告

Dear ESS members,

This is the announcement about the practice on 13th July.

Genre: Talk & discussion
Title: Let's translate the salaried workers' Senryuu into English !

1. Divide yourselves into several groups as usual.
2. Translate the latest top 10 titles of salaried workers' Senryuu into English by yourselves, first.(for 30 min),
which were published by Daiichi mutual life insurance Co.
3. Discuss about your works to make each of them better in your group, and chose only the best work for the presentation.
4. Repeat the operation above from the 2nd to the 10th title.(for 20 min) 5. Make presentation of the best works in your group..(for 10 min)

The latest top 10 titles are bellow.

1いい夫婦 今じゃどうでも いい夫婦
2電話口 「何様ですか?」と 聞く新人
3「辞めてやる!」 会社にいいね!と 返される
4風呂にいた ムカデ叩けば ツケマツゲ
5ダルビッシュ 一球だけで 我が月給
6スッピンで プールに入り 子が迷子
7人生に カーナビあれば 楽なのに
8すぐキレる 妻よ見習え LED
9ワイルドな 妻を持つ俺 女々しくて
10何かをね 忘れたことは 覚えてる

There are several examples which were already translated into English, which are called Senglish now.
I'll show you them bellow.

君がやれ 俺が 報告しとくから
You finish this work
I'll be too busy making
Our progress report

地球より 家庭に欲しい 温暖化
Rather than the globe
My family could use some
Overall warming

プロポーズ あの日にかえって ことわりたい
My proposal day
I'd seek a cancellation
If I could go back

『ゴハンよ』と 呼ばれていけば タマだった
"O.K., I'm coming."
I answer the dinner call
But it's for Tabby

It seems to me there are some tips to translate them better.
I'll tell you them at the beginning of the session.
I hope you enjoy the translation & discussion.

Kisei Masayama




(出典:H25.6.4 日本経済新聞より)

Presenter: 沼田宗典さん
Genre:  Discussion

Title:  A turning point


Presenter: 鈴木貴子さん
Genre:  Talk

Title:  The average middle-aged Japanese men and women



Presenter: 井上もとみさん
Genre: Discussion(Group work)
Title:  The Cruiser story
参加者: 29名

Presenter: 尾上啓子さん
Genre: Discussion
Title :  The memories of your part-time job
参加者: 33名

Presenter: 冨士雅子さん
Genre: Talk
Title :  Let`s translate Haiku!
参加者: 35名

<Topics -日本の選挙制度ー>


 The Japanese political system has three types of elections: general elections to the House of Representatives held every four years

(unless the lower house is dissolved earlier), elections to the House of Councillors held every three years to choose one-half of its members,

and local elections held every four years for offices in prefectures, cities, and villages. Elections are supervised by election committees

at each administrative level under the general direction of the Central Election Administration Committee, an attached organization

to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC). The minimum voting age is twenty years; voters must satisfy a three-month residency

requirement before being allowed to cast a ballot. For those seeking office, there are two sets of age requirements: twenty-five years of age

for admission to the House of Representatives and most local offices, and thirty years of age for admission to the House of Councillors and

the prefectural governorship. Each deposit for candidacy is 3 million yen (30 thousand dollars) for single-seat constituency and 6 million yen

(60 thousand dollars) for proportional representation.







 ちなみに日本を含め 投票行動は多くの国で任意ですが、オーストラリア、ベルギー、ブラジルなどでは、義務投票制が採用されています。













 In this system, each voter votes twice, once for a candidate in the local constituency, and once for a party, each of which

has a list of candidates for each block district. The local constituencies are decided by plurality, and the block seats are then handed out

to party lists proportionally (by the D'Hondt method) to their share of the vote. Often the parties assign the block list spots to single-seat candidates,

so that unsuccessful single-seat candidates have a chance to be elected in the proportional block. Parties may also place dual district and

block candidates on the same list rank; in that case, the Sekihairitsu system determines the order of candidates.



the House of Representatives   衆議院

the House of Councillors 参議院

the Central Election Administration Committee  中央選挙管理委員会

the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC)  総務省

cast a ballot 投票する

deposit 供託金

single-seat constituency 小選挙区制

proportional representation 比例代表制

plurality 最高得票数、相対多数(票)

share of the vote 得票率

Malapportionment 議員定数不均衡

A system for early voting  期日前投票制度

                           京都NHK ESS  staff


2013-07-20 プラクティス予告

Dear ESS members;

This is the announcement of the practice on July 20th
Gene; Discussion
Title; Election for the House of Councilors 2013 Special

The next day of this practice(July 21th) is the Voting day of the Election for the House of Councilors (参議院選).
In this practice I'd like you to discuss the election issues freely.

Parts of the subjects for the discussion are as below;

Do you support the policies of Democratic Party of Japan and other parties?
Which issues are you interested in most?

Economics (Abenomics)
Re-operation of the nuclear power plants &energy issues
Revision of the constitution
Diplomacy&national security

I am preparing a large amount of information about the commitments of each party
and English translations of important words for your help .

Hoping everyone enjoy it !

Akihiro Tabata


2013-07-27 プラクティス予告

Dear Kyoto ESS members.

This is an announcement of the practice on July 27th.

Title:The memories of summer vacation

Let's talk our memories of summer vacation!

1,Make some groups.
2,Please talk about your memories of summer vacation.

(1)What was the most enjoy memory for you?
(2)What was the most impressive memory for you?
(3)What was the worst memory for you?

For example,the beach,pool,grandparents house,camping,trip,the homework,firework,etc...anything is ok!

I hope you enjoy my practice.Thank you.

Risa takayama.

About 2013年07月

2013年07月にブログ「What's New at Kyoto NHK ESS?」に投稿されたすべてのエントリーです。新しい順に並んでいます。




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