
プラクティス アーカイブ


2025年2月22日 プラクティス

Dear ESS members,

I'm in charge of the latter practice on February 22nd.
I'd like to send you the agenda of the day.

Genre: word game
Title: two Truths and a Lie
Procedure: Everyone writes 3 sentences about yourselves.

Two sentences are Truth and one sentence is Lie.
The first person in a group read the 3 sentences to other members.
Then, discuss together and tell the reader which sentence is a Lie.

e.g. ・My daughter is a teacher.
・I have been to Vietnam before.
・"Bonsai" is one of my hobbies.

Qs, ・What subject does your daughter teach?
・What did you go to Vietnam for?
・Why do you think "Bonsai" is so popular among young people overseas?

I hope that you will get to know about ESS members through this practice.
Let's enjoy it!




2025年2月15日 プラクティス

Hi all !

The latter practice on 15th Feb is "Challenging Medical terms"!

Please bring Note taking Equipment.筆記用具as the test style is paper test.

Time table
Test answer 30 minutes
Answer session 20minutes
Announcement of grade 10minutes

If you master it you’ll be fine even if you suddenly get sick overseas!

The question range from gentle to very difficult.

I am looking forward to meeting you all.



2025年2月8日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

This is Motoko Tabata, and I'm in charge of the latter half practice on Feb. 8.
I'd like to send you the agenda of the practice and the procedure of that day.

☆Genre: Variety (Quizzes and talk)

☆Title: "Color, Color, and Color"

1 Make some groups.

2 Warm-up quizzes
Please try to answer ”色彩検定3級".

3 Exchange your comments in your groups.
(1)How many colors are in the rainbow?
(2)What are the colors associated with?
(Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet, Brown, White, Black )
(3)Which is the strongest color for you? And why?
(4)Which color is the weakest for you? And why?
(5)Which color motivates you most? And why?
(6)Which color makes you relax and feel comfortable?
(7)What color of the clothes do you wear often?
(8)Which color represents yourself?(Which color is your image color?)
(9)What'll happen if our world loose colors and turn to be monotone?
Please imagine what 's the colorless world like?
(10)If you have any unforgettable memory about colors, please share it in your group.

Hoping you'll enjoy my practice!

Motoko Tabata


2025年2月1日 プラクティス

Hello, my friends,
Here is my announcement of the second half practice on February 1.

Title: What makes a good life?

Genre: Discussion

You are supposed to discuss following two topics after viewing the video.
・ What does “A good life” mean to you?
・ How do you try to make your life “Good”?

Video: Lessons from the longest study on happiness
What keeps us happy and healthy as we go through life? If you think it's fame and money, you're not alone – but, according to psychiatrist Robert Waldinger, you're mistaken. As the director of a 75-year-old study on adult development, Waldinger has unprecedented access to data on true happiness and satisfaction. In this talk, he shares three important lessons learned from the study as well as some practical, old-as-the-hills wisdom on how to build a fulfilling, long life.

Best regards,


2025年1月25日 プラクティス

Loanwords in English Quiz

This is the announcement of the practice on Jan. 25, 2025.

English is affluent in loanwords of various origins. Why? The history of the English language is that of conquests.

The English language is the result of the fusion of many different elements, which those conquests brought about.

Finding loanwords in English is knowing English history. It is fun to find out loanwords in English.

【Ultra-Short History of English】

The original inhabitants of Great Britain were Celts. (Celtic)
54 B.C. Roman Conquest. (Latin)
Julius Caesar occupied Great Britain, which came under the complete control of Rome by Emperor Claudius in A.D.43.

449 Germanic Conquest. (Anglo-Saxon language=Old English) The legendary Celtic king, King Arthur, fought against Germans only to the exile of Celts.
Germanic society consisted of patriarchal tribes.

1018 Danish Conquest. (Old Nordic language=Old Norse)
Alfred the Great fought against Danes and repelled them. Knud the Great conquered England after all.

The fusion of Old English and Old Norse contributed to the grammatical simplification of English.

1066 Norman Conquest. (Norman French)
William the Conqueror conquered England and established the English feudalism.

With the influx of Norman French, Old English turned from synthetic language (=inflective language) into analytic language (=word-order language) called Middle English.

1485 End of War of the Roses. (Greek, Latin, French Italian, Spanish)
England developed under the monarchism established by Henry�, � and Elisabeth�.

They introduced Renaissance from continental Europe, during which Shakespear brought many loanwords into English.

The English language in this era is called Early Modern English, which is fairly near to Present Day English.


1. Divide into three or four groups. (six to seven members each.)
2. Decide MC (the chief) in each group.
3. MC hands out a quiz sheet to every participant.
4. Answer the questions according to the direction on the sheet.

Individual activity is as follows:

(1) Match each loanword underlined with the meaning below.
(2) Tell what origin it has.
(3) Turn each sentence into Japanese.

MC checks answers session by session (six sessions in all).
MC has both the answer sheet and the Japanese translation sheet.

Each session should be finished within ten minutes including both answering and checking.)

I hope you will enjoy the quiz. Thank you. (by Shinichiro Kittaka)


2025年1月11日 プラクティス

Dear ESS members,

Happy new year!
This is an announcement for the practice I will hold on Jan. 11.
We are going to sing some of the songs that were requested in the previous practice.
First, I will sing to my ukulele on behalf of you. If you know the song, sing with me.
Then, we will have some discussion time. If you are not sure about the lyrics, ask the other members.
Finally, all the members who want to sing with me can sing.
And this time, in addition, we will sing the same songs in the new year's party on the following Saturday!
If you want to practice our songs in advance, you should definitely join my practice!

Atsushi Kato


2024年12月21日 プラクティス

Hello our ESS members

This is Kazu Yasuda, and I would like to inform you of my practice of the ESS meeting on Saturday, December 21st which will be our last time
English meeting in this year.

We have a lot of news again in this year. I hope all of you may talk about several news in this year group by group.
I may provide around 20 news items on that day and hope you may have discussion based on those items.

1 Make groups with three or four members.
2 Enjoy your discussion about those 20 written items and others not written there.
3 Hope reporter of your group will explain three top items based on your discussion.

I hope you will enjoy the last practice of this year on 21st Dec.

Regards: Kazumasa Yasuda


2024年12月14日 プラクティス

Hello, my friends,

Here is a proposed practice for December 14 Online Meeting.

Title: Let's check our level of knowledge and information about Japan.

You may have opportunities to introduce unique Japanese culture, historically famous buildings and places, wonderfully delicious Japanese cuisines, and many other things to visitors from overseas. So, I’d like you to check your level of knowledge and information about Japan by challenging yourself with quiz.

For your information, I’ll provide you the latest information about the situation of visitors from overseas in FY2023 as follows.

The number of foreign visitors to Japan had reached a new record high until 2019 due to such measures as the strategic relaxation of visa requirements, the expansion of the consumption tax exemption system for foreign visitors to Japan, and the enhancement of the CIQ3 (Customs, Immigration, Quarantine) system, as well as the enhancement of transportation networks such as airlines, railways, and ports, the improvement of the reception environment such as multilingual labeling, the creation of attractive content, and the promotion of visits to Japan by the Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) and other organizations.

In October of the same year, the number of foreign visitors to Japan exceeded the same month in 2019, and the annual number of foreign visitors to Japan was 25.07 million (down 21.4% from 2019).

Looking at the number of foreign visitors to Japan in 2023 by country and region, the number of foreign visitors to Japan from the major Asian markets was 19.495 million, accounting for 77.8% of the total. In East Asia, South Korea was the largest of the major markets at 6.958 million, followed by Taiwan (4.202 million) and China (2.425 million), accounting for 62.6% of the total. In Southeast Asia, the number of foreign visitors to Japan from the six major markets of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was 3.628 million, and the number of visitors from Singapore, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam reached a record high.

The number of foreign visitors to Japan from the major North American markets was 2.472 million, and the number of visitors from the United States and Canada reached a record high. The number of foreign visitors to Japan from the six major European markets was 1.213 million, and the number of foreign visitors to Japan from Australia was 613,000. In other regions, South America was 99000 and Africa was 38000.

I hope you'll enjoy the upcoming second-half practice on December 14.



2024年12月7日 プラクティス

Dear ESS members

Merry Christmas to everyone !
I have an announcement about the practice on December 7th.
The details are as follows.

First, I’m going to divide you into 3 or 4 groups.

1. Please tell me your Christmas memories and plans. For example, I have fried chicken and sushi on Christmas at home.

2. Let’s play board games!

I’m looking forward to seeing you!

Thank you
Takae Ishii


2024年11月30日 プラクティス

Dear members

This is the announcement of the practice held at the temple next week.
Genre: Amusement and Word Construction

I’ll give you a sheet of paper with strange words and fonts that are difficult to read or understand. Please challenge and try reading them.

Next, I will give you another paper. Please write down as many words as possible using the given letters within five minutes. While doing this you are not allowed to use dictionaries of any kind.

I hope you will find this practice interesting and enjoyable.

Kumiko Takesue


2024年11月16日 プラクティス

This is 山本 正廣, and I would like to inform you of my practice during the latter half of the ESS meeting on Saturday, November 16th, 2024

Agenda: Discussion

Title: About AI art


Make groups with four or five members.

I would like to distribute the following content for all.

Then please choose a chairman and a reporter in each group.

Please prepare for this issue, something like reading and considering in advance so that you may participate in the discussion positively.

What is AI art?

AI art refers to artworks created using artificial intelligence. Works are produced in various forms, including paintings, music, and video. The history of AI art dates back to early computer art in the 1960s. In recent years, advances in technology have made it possible to create more advanced and realistic works.

Advantages of AI art

One of the advantages of AI art is that it complements human creativity and helps generate new ideas. AI can create unique works by combining multiple painting styles and designs. AI can also process large amounts of data quickly and generate works efficiently. This can significantly reduce production costs and time.

For example, when using AI to compose music, AI can learn various musical elements and styles and create new melodies and rhythms based on them. Music generated by AI can have unique sounds and structures that are different from traditional music. This can lead to the creation of new musical genres and styles. In addition, collaboration between AI and humans can create richer artistic experiences.

Disadvantages of AI art

AI-generated works may lack complete originality because they are based on existing data. This may cause the uniqueness of the work to be lost. AI may also take away jobs from human artists. AI technology still has limitations and is not compatible with all art forms. In certain genres and styles, it may be inferior to human creativity.

Ethical issues

Issues arise regarding copyright and ownership of works generated by AI. When AI learns from existing works and generates new works based on them, the question of who should own the copyright and ownership of the work arises. Usually, copyright and ownership of a work belong to the person who created it. However, works generated by AI are not based on the creativity of human artists. AI makes predictions based on patterns and trends in the given data and generates new works. Therefore, it is not clear who should own the copyright and ownership of works generated by AI.

Questions: Please circle whether you agree or disagree with each statement below and add your idea.

1. Laws must be enacted to determine who has copyright and ownership of works generated by AI. agree disagree

2. AI art is a huge step forward in human technology and art, and it needs to continue to develop more. It would be interesting to see a museum dedicated only to AI art.

agree disagree

3. AI art is a blasphemy to human creativity, and the United Nations must take the lead in regulating it globally.               agree disagree

4. It would be interesting to see the competition of arts between humans and AI, just like that of Igo or Shogi between the two. agree disagree

5. AI art could take away the jobs of human artists in the future, so it should definitely be regulated by laws. agree disagree

6. Unlike human art, AI art has the potential to expand into new fields. There is also the possibility that companies selling AI art could make a huge profit.

agree disagree


2024年11月9日 プラクティス

Hello, my friends,

I'm happy to announce the second half of the practice on November 9.

Title of the practice: Our future lives living with robots
Category of the practice: Discussion

First you will watch a video of “Meet Spot, the robot dog that can run, hop and open doors.” at our online meeting for the second half practice on November 9, which will be conducted online.

That science fiction future where robots can do what people and animals do may be closer than you think. Marc Raibert, founder of Boston Dynamics, is developing advanced robots that can gallop like a cheetah, negotiate 10 inches of snow, walk upright on two legs and even open doors and deliver packages. Join Raibert for a live demo of SpotMini, a nimble robot that maps the space around it, handles objects, climbs stairs -- and could soon be helping you out around the house.

Then I would like you to discuss following items.
1. Have you ever been given any services or assistances by robots?
2. Show your unique proposals for social applications of the robots to make our lives convenient and happier?
3. Do you have any concerns or worries about being with future robots?

I hope you’ll enjoy the practice.



2024年11月2日 プラクティス

Hi, ESS members!
This is an announcement for coming ESS latter half ;practice on Nov. 2nd 2024

I found interesting topic for our discussion though shortly before US Presidential Election Day.

Since so many articles and news would prevail increasingly for the election, I decided to choose” Thucydides' Trap” as our hot agenda for discussion.

Make several groups as usual so that we will have 3-5 members for each group.

I would distribute papers to serve as informative material for discussion on Nov. 2nd.
Maybe you can find abundant sources on the topic if you go the Internet in your spare time.

Below is the definition from Wikipedia.

The term describes the theory that when a great power's position as hegemon is threatened by an emerging power, there is a significant likelihood of war between the two powers.[1][2] In Graham Allison's words:
Thucydides' Trap refers to the natural, inevitable discombobulation that occurs when a rising power threatens to displace a ruling power...[and] when a rising power threatens to displace a ruling power, the resulting structural stress makes a violent clash the rule, not the exception.[13]: xv–xvi 

1) Confirm what the topic is.
2) Do you think any future war between US and China likely?
3) Do you believe economic interdependence can prevent war?
4) Do you believe either US or China will give up Taiwan?
5) What is Thucydides’ Other “Traps”?
6) What do you feel as reasonable policy response for this situation?

See you soon!



2024年10月26日 プラクティス

Hello, E.S.S members,

This is the announcement of the practice on 10/26.

Discussion about 'Uniform'

We have many kinds of uniforms in our life.
Some members of E.S.S have experience wearing Uniforms in the workplace.
And some have memories of school life in 'Gakuran'.
We can enjoy the uniforms of major league teams, too.
Today we want to talk about "Uniforms" together.

1.We need school uniforms or not. Why?
2.If yes, we should be able to choose pants or skirts for all students.
3.Tell about your experience wearing uniforms in your workplace. Good or bad?
4.Nowadays many uniforms are changing in 10 years. How? Why?
5.What do you think about business suits for Japanese businessmen like 'Uniforms' for them?

Let's enjoy the discussion together!

Naomi Tanahara


2024年10月19日 プラクティス

Hello , everyone of ESS members

I am also studying English in some places.
Do you know SEKAI Cafe in Kyoto? I usually enjoy studying there.
Foreign students are working there . I saw 6 foreigners there.
This time my practice is translating English into Japanese.
I will put some materials on this topic.



2024年10月12日 プラクティス

Dear ESS members,

This is an announcement of the practice I will hold on Oct. 12.
Genre: Song practice
I will bring my ukulele and some lyrics cards. This time, we will sing some songs that are familiar to many Japanese people.
First, I will sing to my ukulele on behalf of you. If you know the song, please sing with me.
Then, we will have some discussion time. If you are not sure about the pronunciation and meanings, ask the other members. Maybe I will bring some questions to discuss.
Finally, everyone who want to sing will sing to my ukulele.

Atsushi Kato


2024年10月5日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,
Here is the announcement of the latter practice planned on October 5th.
Genre: Talking
Topic: Presidential election in U.S.A

1.A professor from Smith college in Massachusetts speaks about the system of Presidential election in U.S.A.
2. Q & A time
The audience can ask questions.
He answers as much as he knows.
1. and 2. are done repeatedly at good stopping points.

The speaker would like you to consider this,
'What do you think are the most important issues for Americans in the presidential election? What are the most important issues for Japanese people in our next election?

I attached two materials.
These materials are going to be used in the talk, if you read in beforehand, it will be easy to understand.
I recommend you to prepare questions about the system of Presidential election in U.S.A. in advance.

I hope you can enjoy free talking.
Thank you.
By Megumi Iwai


2024年9月28日 プラクティス

Hi everyone.

Here are the details for the practice session scheduled for 9/28.

・Genre : Riddles and Group Discussion
・Title  : Part1: Warming up test 10min
Part2: Riddles 20-min
Part3: Group Discussion 30min
Topic : Can you survive a Mega-Quake ??
1. Form groups.
2. Part1 will be conducted as a whole group.
3. Part2 and Part3 will be completed within each group.

At the end of Part 3 , each group presents one of your helpful survival plans for a Mega-Quake.

Hope you have fun !! !!



2024年9月21日 プラクティス

Hi, everyone!

Here is my announcement of the second half of practice for September 21.

Title: "How language shapes the way we think."
Genre: Discussion

I will show you a video presentation of Cognitive scientist Lera Boroditsky first. According to her, there are about 7,000 languages spoken around the world -- and they all have different sounds, vocabularies and structures. But do they shape the way we think? She shares examples of language -- from an Aboriginal community in Australia that uses cardinal directions instead of left and right to the multiple words for blue in Russian -- that suggest the answer is a resounding yes. "The beauty of linguistic diversity is that it reveals to us just how ingenious and how flexible the human mind is," Boroditsky says. "Human minds have invented not one cognitive universe, but 7,000."

Then, I would like you to share your opinion on the following items.

1. What did you think of her presentation?
2. When you compare Japanese speakers to English speakers, have you ever felt that the difference in thinking and behavior might be caused by the language?
3. Could you provide some examples of characteristic ways of thinking and behavior that Kansai dialect seems to influence?

Hope you'll enjoy the practice!



2024年9月14日 プラクティス

Hi all

I am thrilled to offer you the next weekend’s practice. I would like you to read a couple of articles: one is “social media and fake news,” and the other “fun of fear.” And then talk about those as a group as usual. I hope many people come and you have a fun time.


Okata Shoyo


2024年9月7日 プラクティス

Dear ESS members,

I sincerely apologize for my belated announcement of the contents and the relevant procedures for the practice on August 31st.

【Genre: Dialogue (What is 〇〇 for you?) 「あなたにとっての〇〇は何?」)】
1. Make some groups.
2. Several questions will be distributed on sheet.
3. Pick up one by one and all group members are requested to answer the question.
4. .One member will summarize the dialogue.

【Here are just a few examples of the questions.】
Who is a Showa Star for you? あなたにとっての昭和のスターとは?
What makes life worth living? あなたの生きがいとは?
What irritates you? あなたにとってイライラするものとは?
What kind of food enhances the rice? あなたにとってのご飯のお供とは?
The apple of you eye. あなたにとって目の中に入れても痛くないものとは?
Who is a Hollywood star for you? あなたにとってハリウッドスターとは?
What is petit luxury for you? あなたにとってのプチ贅沢とは?

Have enjoy!
Natsuko Kado


2024年8月31日 プラクティス

Dear ESS members,

I sincerely apologize for my belated announcement of the contents and the relevant procedures for the practice on August 31st.

【Genre: Dialogue (What is 〇〇 for you?) 「あなたにとっての〇〇は何?」)】
1. Make some groups.
2. Several questions will be distributed on sheet.
3. Pick up one by one and all group members are requested to answer the question.
4. .One member will summarize the dialogue.

【Here are just a few examples of the questions.】
Who is a Showa Star for you? あなたにとっての昭和のスターとは?
What makes life worth living? あなたの生きがいとは?
What irritates you? あなたにとってイライラするものとは?
What kind of food enhances the rice? あなたにとってのご飯のお供とは?
The apple of you eye. あなたにとって目の中に入れても痛くないものとは?
Who is a Hollywood star for you? あなたにとってハリウッドスターとは?
What is petit luxury for you? あなたにとってのプチ贅沢とは?

Have enjoy!
Natsuko Kado


2024年8月24日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

Here is an announcement of the practice planned on Aug 24th, 2024

Genre: Group Talk
Topic1: Let’s talk about America
Like it or not, the United States still has a major political, military, economic, and cultural power today.
In the latter half of today's practice, we will discuss the following aspects of the U.S.
1) Please tell us about any experience you have had like traveling, studying, or living in the U.S.
2) What have you learned or been influenced by the U.S. yourself?
3) Do you like America? Or do you dislike it? Why?
4) What do you think is the good aspect about the U.S.? Why so?
5) Are there any places you would like to visit in the U.S.? Why so?
6) About immigration policy, the U.S. continues to accept immigrants even now
that the detention facilities are said to be over capacity. What do you think of the immigration policy?
7) Which do you think will win the U.S. presidential election, Harris or Trump? Or, who do you want to win?

Topic 2: Casual topics
If your group still have time, please talk about topics listed below
1) How did you spend obon holidays? Please talk about your obon.
2) What do you think about Z generation(Age13-27),and feature(s) you have noticed.

Procedures: I’m going to make several groups of 3 or 4 people and you can enjoy discussion on the topic!
When the time is up, this practice ends.

Thank you.
Hiroaki Ishizaki


2024年8月10日 プラクティス

堀 薫夫です。

Date: Aug. 10th
Title: Customer Harassment
Genre: Discussion
Procedure: Make some groups, and discuss this topic using agenda of discussion. Finally, one of the group members will summarize the result of the discussion.
Description: There exist lots of harassments; sexual harassment, power harassment, etc. One of the recent social problems is Cus-Hara or Customer Harassment, namely unreasonable claim from the customer or client. In a restaurant, or a convenience store, government office, we sometimes witness a senior person make a complaint with loud voice to a young reception person at the counter. Tokyo Metropolis recently decided to enforce Prefectural Regulations for Customer Harassment, in order to protect business and commercial people in Tokyo. Also recently Ministry of Health and Labor made a manual how to deal with customer harassment for companies to protect their employees. In this original manual, the characteristics of these claimers were supposed to be males of around 50s to 60s and in a directing position of their former working place. One important point is that all the senior people are not claimers, so the Ministry has revised the expression in order not to generate age discrimination.
I’d like all of you to discuss this current and urgent issue with agenda of discussion wishing for creating a happy community. Thank you.

(reference article)

堀 薫夫(HORI Shigeo)


2024年7月27日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members

Hi,I am Yu Fang Lai.
Here is an announcement of the practice planned on July 27th. 

1.Genre: discussion
2.Title: Are you a health-conscious person?
3. Description:
(1) Make several groups consisting of 4-5 members.
(2) Get a reference questionnaire about health.
(3) Answer the prepared questions individually.
(4) Share your answers in your group.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO,2024), the country with the highest average life expectancy is Japan, where people live to an average age of 84.5 years. The average Japanese life span is 81.7 years in men and 87.2 years in women.

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. There is about 9 years difference between life expectancy and healthy life expectancy.
Let's talk about What you can do to improve your health and share your thoughts.

I hope you'll enjoy the practice.

I am looking forward to seeing you on that day!

Best regards
Yu Fang Lai


2024年7月20日 プラクティス

"Englishes make a difference" presented by IZUMI TOKI


2024年7月13日 プラクティス

Dear ESS members,

Hello, I am Akihiro Tabata from Ishikawa pref.
Here is an announcement of the practice planned on July 13th. 

(1) Genre: Group Talk
(2) Title: “Are you an economical person or a big spender?”
(3) Description:
1. Make several groups
2. I distribute reference material(questionnaire results about saving money) .
3. Read the material and answer the prepared questions individually.
4. Share your answers in your group.

Prices have been rising recently. This may have a big impact on our lives.
Let's talk about money saving and share your views.

I hope you will enjoy the practice.

I am looking forward to seeing you on that day!

Best regards,
Akihiro Tabata


2024年7月6日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members

This is Naomi Tanahara

I`m incharge of the latter part of the practice on July 6th

【Genre】 Discussion
【Title】Let's Make The Best Tour in Kyoto
① Please make some groups consisting of 4-5 members as usual.
② One of the group members will be tourist from other countries.
Please choose the example from my list A-D.
③ The other members will be tour coordinators for them.
④ Tourists, please be very selfish and make many requests to coordinators.
Coordinators, make the best plan which makes them satisfied.
➄ After discussion, please present your best plan as a summary.

I hope you will enjoy the practice.
Thank you

Best regards

Naomi Tanahara


2024年6月29日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS friends,

Here is an announcement for later half of the practice on June 29.


It is a practice to compete whose brain is the clearest.
I prepared many questions in English for your brain to sweat.
The slids will be shared with you on the Zoom screen.
The right to answer a riddle is granted only once, so before you answerit,
please turn your brains on and make sure you don't regret your shallowness.

Looking forward to seeing you on Zoom Online in the evening of June 29.

Makoto Nishimura


2024年6月22日 プラクティス

Hi,ESS members !
We will inform you about practice on June 22.


Let’s talk about your favorite books. If possible prepare the books.

1. Describe the type of books that you like to read.
2. Describe a book that had a major influence on you.
3. Describe the writing style of your favorite author.
4. Describe the difference between paperback books and hardback books.
5. Describe the importance of books.

Thank you very much.
2024 Staff


2024年6月15日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members

This is Seiichiro Iwai.
I`m incharge of the latter part of the practice on June 15th.

【Genre】Listenig & Discussion
【Title】Listen to the famous person`s speech
① Please make some groups consisting of 4-5 members as usual.
② I will distribute a paper. Some quizzes are written on paper.
Please raise your hand and answer them.
③ We will listen to the famous person`s speech. Questions concerning the speech
are written on paper. Please answer the questions. It's a secret whose speech is until practice.
④We will have a discussion session concerning the speech in the group. Topics are written on paper.

I hope you will enjoy the practice.

Thank you

Best regards

Seiichiro Iwai


2024年6月8日 プラクティス

Dear members of Kyoto NHK ESS.
Here is the announcement for the second practice on June 8th,
for which I am in charge.
So, I let you know in advance.
Firstly, we make some groups have 4-5 members each group as usual.
and assign the leader in each group.

【Genre: Mini Game and Talk】 The practice has two sections below.

Section 1【Mini Game : Quiz】 (10-15minutes)
1. There’s a paper-written quiz.
2. First, everyone please read a paper and answer the quizzes individually for about 5 minutes.
3. Next, each group leader shows the correct answer.
Please check and discuss the answer in each group.
4. Then a winner in each group, please raise your hand and show the number of correct answers. The person with the most correct answers is today's winner.
(In case of a tie, please play rock-paper-scissors to determine the winner.)

Section 2【Talk: About some short articles】 (30-40minutes )
1. Materials will be distributed.
2. Please select articles and read and talk about them in each group.

Lastly, we will summarize the group discussion for today’s talking and share it with everyone.
Could you each-group leader make a one-minute presentation about your story regarding the topics? (5 minutes)
I hope you’ll enjoy the practice.

By Yasuhiko Fujioka (the name of the person in charge)


2024年6月1日 プラクティス

ESS members,

Hello! I am Yuji Tsukuda.
This is the announcement of June 1 practice.
This practice is held on Zoom.

Title: What’s your favorite?
Genre: Talk

The procedures are as below
1) Make some groups. Each group has 3-4members.
2) Introduce yourself or sharing your current topic in your group for icebreaker.
3) A speaker shares his/her favorite thing, person, place or etc.
4) Other members make some questions to the speaker.
5) Repeat Procedure3 and 4.

Although you don’t need to prepare for the practice in advance, it is highly helpful if you prepare pictures or movies to be shared on the screen.

I am looking forward to seeing you on the day.

Kind regards,
Yuji Tsukuda.


2024年5月25日 プラクティス

Hello ESS members,

I will announce our practice on May 25.

I'd like to send you the agenda of the day.

Genre: talk

Title : On an airplane

Recently, the number of overseas travelers to Japan has been increasing. But not many Japanese go abroad.

However, we are finding many Japanese who try to go abroad for travelling against the week yen condition.

Maybe later, many of our ESS members will try to enjoy overseas travel.

As our country is surrounded by sea,
we may use an airplane most probably.

Let's talk about your interesting experience of airplane trip!

2024 Staff ( K. Yasuda)


2024年5月18日 プラクティス

Hello ESS members,

I'm in charge of the latter practice on May 18.

I'd like to send you the agenda of the day.

Genre: talk
Title : Which city in the world is waiting for you?

Recently, the number of overseas travelers from Japan has been increasing.
However, the recovery in Japanese outbound tourism is lagging behind pre-corona virus levels.
This is because there are problems with high prices and weak yen around the world.
After the corona virus pandemic, many Japanese people also want to travel abroad, as well as many inbound tourists to Japan.

・If you could travel abroad, which country or city would you like to visit?

・What do you want to do in the city?

・What kind of city is an attractive tourist city for you?

Let's talk about your desired overseas trip!

R. Tanaka


2024年5月11日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

This is Motoko Tabata, and I'm in charge of the latter half practice on May 11.
I'd like to send you the agenda of the practice and the procedure of that day.

☆Genre: Variety (Quizzes, listening and discussion)


1 Make some groups.

2 Warm-up quizzes
I’ll give you some easy quizzes on social media(SNS).

3 Listen to the related news and fill in the blanks.

4 Exchange your comments in your groups.

Nowadays we can't imagine living without social media(SNS).
Almost every day, we watch You Tube, check Instagram and browse websites.
We must admit the internet has become a significant part of our daily lives.
But social media is like a "double-edged sword".
It offers us greater convenience and connectivity, but it's also addicting
and the more time spend on social media can lead to cyberbullying and sometimes affect our mental health.
And hate speech, fake news and celebrity investment scams have become a serious problem especially in these years.
Let's talk about what's the best way to use social media.

Hoping you'll enjoy my practice!

Motoko Tabata


2024年4月27日 プラクティス

My friends,

I'm happy to announce a practice for the second half activity on April 27. We will play the game of “TABOO WORDS.” This is my second cordination to propose the same English game because I have many cards that have left from this same game we enjoyed in April last year.

・Category: English Game
・Feature: Building up Speaking and Listening
・Procedure & Explanation of the game: Refer to the steps from 1 to 12 below.

Guess word: ""Banana"
TABOO WORDS: "Fruit", "Yellow", "Monkey"

1. You will be divided into two groups.
2. Pick one player from the group to be Clue-giver. The role of Clue-giver will alternate with each team's turn, so that everyone gets a chance.
3. If you're a Clue-giver, you must go sit with other team, so that they can keep an eye on you as you give the clues to your teammates.
4. The team that's not giving the clue puts one player in charge of the timer, and all other players in charge of the watchdogs for the “TABOO WORDS”.
5. Clue-giver takes a card from a deck and turn it over so that your teammates can't see the word you're looking at.
6. When you pick up the card, show that card to your opponent team members.
7. When the player in charge of the timer starts counting it down. Clue-giver starts giving the clues to describe the “Guess Word” for your teammates to guess what it is. Time limitation is three (3) minutes.
8. When describing the “Guess word,” you can use a single word or complete sentences to describe the “Guess Word”, but make sure you DON'T say the “TABOO WORDS” on the card.
9. If you say any of the “TABOO WORDS” during the description of the “Guess Word,” you lose the game.
10. Keep describing the “Guess word” until the time of three (3) minutes runs out.
11. You'll get one point if your teammate can correctly guess the “Guess Word” within three (3) minutes.
12. You lose the game when time runs out or when saying any of the “TABOO WORDS.”

I hope you will all enjoy the Englsih Game, “TABOO WORDS."

in charge of the second half practice for April 27


2024年4月20日 プラクティス

Hi, There:
This is the announcement from Octane, i.e., Oku, for the second half of
the practice on April 20.

In spite of a current social propaganda "Respect the Diversity", our life
style still remains undiversified. For example, such phrases as "Cos-Pa"
(cost performance) and "Tai-Pa" (time performance) are commonly heard in the
business community. Seriously, do you believe that higher economic and
technological performances are indispensable for our life? If so, don't you
think that our life is totally governed by economy and technology where
higher performance and efficiency are the primary mottoes without leisure.
Like this, we are probably in the trap of classical propaganda "Promotion
of Efficiency" and forget the importance of "Inefficiency and
Low-Performance". Thus, social sectors and activities at large are losing
attractive powers and charming features of diversity, don't you think so?
When such trends are normalized, particularly and awfully by means of AI
technology, we will lose mental health and happiness such as oldies' humor
(oyaji-gag), boring joke, small mischief, catnap minutes, unscheduled
voluntary service, charity action, etc., these are indeed our treasures. Is
this what we wanted?

Today, in order to ventilate our head with fresh air, I prepared this
material. You are requested to answer to the questions that first look
absurd but, second you'd nod your head with smile and, third start to answer
with jokes and ideas.
- - - - - - - - - -
Grouping: Make several groups consisting of 4 people.
Practice Pattern I: Inversion game. Change your point of view, for
example, from a prototype phrase "A is better than B" to the opposite "B is
better than A". Then, explain why your answer is correct or important.
Practice Pattern II: Rationalization game. Rationalize the description
that looks stupid, sounds absurd, and contradictory to the established
scientific facts. Wits and knowledge of trivia are very welcome.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Pattern I. (30 min). for example.
a. Larger the better than smaller.-- No, smaller the better than
larger, because--
b. Taller the better than shorter.-- No, shorter the better than
taller, because--
c. Heavier the stronger than lighter.-- No, lighter the stronger than
heavier, because-
d. Richer the better than poorer.-- No, poor is better than rich,
e. Younger the better than older.-- No, old is better than young,
f. Faster the better than slower.-- No, slower the better than faster,
g. Having more money the better than having less.-- No, having less
money the better than having a lot, because--
h. Internet of things is more convenient than having none of it. No,
it's not convenient because--
i. Full is better than empty. No, --- because--
j. Your original options, if any.

Pattern II. (25 min). for example.
k Moon is larger than the earth, or moon has a square shape.
l. Sea level stays unchanged even after all the Antarctic iceberg melts
m. The world peace can be established by the end of this century.
n. A pen is mightier than the nuclear bomb.
o. Human life is not heavier than the earth.
p. Time flies slower than an arrow.
q. A corn of ice-cream is warmer than a cup of tea.
r. Your original options, if any.

Have a ball, enjoy talking in English!!!

2024年4月13日 プラクティス

形式: ディスカッション(出席人数により 3~5グループに分ける) 
主題: ウクライナーロシア 紛争
資料: 当日配布(2ページ前後の纏め資料)


2024年4月6日 プラクティス

This is the announcement of the latter half of practice on April 6.

“Let’s Enjoy English Riddles”
1. Divide into three groups of six to seven members.
2. Choose the chief in each group to have the solution sheet and hand out riddle sheets to the other members in the group.
3. The chief hands out riddle sheets to the others in the group.
4. Start solving riddles starting from 1 to 5.
5. The other members of the group can ask the chief for clues. The chief can provide the others in the group with various clues.
6. The member who seems to find a solution to the riddle reports it to the others with the reason for it. (claps for the right solution!)
7. Change the chief and get the next riddle sheet from MC.




2024年3月30日 プラクテイス

Title: March: Let’s describe and discuss each monthly topic!

Genre: Talk
Topic: March Topics.

Please make some groups having 4-5 members in each group.
At first, please choose your own topic from the following list or create your own idea that has something to do with March. No overlap over the topics in your group, please.

List of Topics
girl’s festival, peach, graduation ceremony,transfer/move,mochi with mugwort, spring equinox day, edible wild plant,white day, professional baseball, daphne,saxifrage,Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, dandelion, canola flower,St. Patrick’s Day, or Your Own Idea .

Part 1: Design and construction of your prompt speech for 5 min.
Part 2: Present your speech for 1 min.
Part 3: Share idea and opinion on the presented topic in the group for 10 min.
Repeat Part 2 and Part 3 after the first speaker in your group finishes the practice.



2024年3月23日 プラクテイス

Dear Kyoto NHK-ESS members.

I’m writing to inform you of the practice on March 23.

Genre: Talk
Topics: “Oh yeah! Let’s go to London “

I’m going to divide into 3 or 4 groups.

1: I play a British tour guide. Please fill in the blanks.
2: Let me hear about your memories of trip .
This is my first practice. I’m looking forward to seeing you at the temple.

Takae Ishii


2024年3月9日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members
Here is the announcement for the latter half of practice on March 9th, 2024. Everyone, please prepare for your own opinions.

Genre: Discussion
Topic: Seamless lifelong support system for pregnancy, education, job, health care, disabilities, and pension with no one left behind from the cradle to the grave.

1) Make some groups so each group would consist of three members. If two members were left, Minamihashi would join the group. If there are only two members for two groups, I would ask the leader to be an additional member for group one. Be your timekeeper within your group for each of you. Choose one of the issues below for your group immediately. It is up to you.
2) Write and prepare your speech on the issues, significant points, advantages, and disadvantages, impression, within five minutes.
3) Decide your group's order to present your speech.
4) Present your speech, opinion, and impression on the issues. The other member in your group should confirm and ask questions on the speaker’s opinion and impression.
5)Take turns to present your speech in your group. Try the other issue if you have time.
A) What is health? When do you feel healthy, and how do you keep your health in good condition?
B) What do you think are the factors causing health gaps or inequalities in health?
C) What do you think of the social security system in Japan compared with the other countries?
D) What would you say if the young generation requested total government support for the whole cost of marriage, raising kids, and education? Do you think taxpayers should pay more? Or do you expect Japan to decrease its population from 120 million in 2023 to 80 million or 60 million?
E) What do you think of seamless lifelong support with my number system, no one left behind?
F) What do you think of supporting the elderly and people with disabilities? Do you think taxpayers should pay more for the elderly and disabled people?
G) What do you think of ban request of description on personal attributes in resume besides one’s skill necessary for applying job?
H) Do you think Japanese Government should prohibit compulsory retirement age and offer elderlies the choice to get pension, medical care, reskilling, reeducation, or keep working even after 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, or 90, if preferred?
I) What do you think of Japan's financial debt? Is MMT dependable for finance in Japan?
J) What would you say if PM Fumio Kishida asked you to present your opinion for 3 minutes?



2024年3月2日 プラクティス

Announcement is 3/2 latter practice

Topic: English etymology test (語源テスト)

The test style is "Raise your hand".

For example : "ad" は 語源は"〜の方へ",  
例えばadopt "opt"は選ぶ, 〜の方を選ぶで "採用する"という意味

Therefore, English words consist of etymology(語源).

If you know etymology, you can understand English words.



ではお寺で! M. Yoshikawa


2024年2月24日 プラクティス

Genre : DIscussion
Title: February: Let’s describe and discuss each monthly topic!

Please make some groups having 4-5 members in each group.
At first, please choose your own topic from the following list or create your own idea that has something to do with February. No overlap over the topics in your group, please.

List of Topics
close of winter, Sapporo snow festival, snow igloo,Valentine’s day, Japanese plum, Japanese nightingale,water-drawing ceremony, national foundation day,Presidents’ Day (US), or Your Own Idea .
Part 1: Design and construction of your prompt speech for 5 min.
Part 2: Present your speech for 1 min.
Part 3: Share idea and opinion on the presented topic in the group for 10 min.
Repeat Part 2 and Part 3 after the first speaker in your group finishes the

ESS Staffs


2024年2月17日 プラクティス

Dear members
This is the information about the latter half of the practice on February 17th.

Genre: Brain Teasers (Quiz) & Letter Building

Form 3~4groups of four members(depending on the day’s number of participants)

For the brain teasers, find the answers to the problems by discussing them with other members.
(some old members might already know the answers because the Quiz in question contains ones that I used in the past. I count on their forgetfulness like mine.)
Use your brain muscles and enjoy laughing.

For the letter building, I will give you a sheet of paper with a direction, you will form as many words as you can within five minutes that start with the given letter.
Please avoid using the same prefix letters to score big points and you are not allowed to use dictionaries of any kind during the session.

The members of the winning group will get a little gift.
I hope you will enjoy this practice.

Kumiko Takesue


2024年2月10日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK-ESS member
This is the information about the latter practice on February 10.

1. Genre: Talk & Discussion
2. Title: Talking about the present situation
3. Description

[Step. 0]
I’m going to make several groups of 3 or 4 people.

[Step. 1] 1 minute to speak (about 30 min)
This is a 1 minute to speak. The first speaker is the youngest person in your group. The second speaker is the left side person of the first one. Please decide the timekeeper in your group. The first speaker choose one topic from the followings and speaks about the topic for one minute. Then the second person speaks about the same topic for one minute. After all member speaking, second person choose one word and continue the same process. You don’t need to think the topic seriously. Please keep speaking as much as you can for a minute.

Sport, Reading, Travel, Language, Music, Food, Art, Science, Temple & Shrine, Energy, Winter, Car, Japan, Personal Computer, Politics, Family

[Step. 2] Free conversation  (about 30 minutes)
Please introduce yourself and talk about your present situation quickly one by one.
You can continue talking and discussion. You can talk about any topics. If you don’t have any topics,
you can use my topics that is “How do you enjoy in winter?” “How do you enjoy in vacation or holiday?”

Hirokazu Sakai


2024年1月27日 プラクティス

Title: January: Let’s describe and discuss each monthly topic!

Please make some groups having 4-5 members in each group.
At first, please choose your own topic from the following list or create your own idea that has something to do with November. No overlap over the topics in your group, please.

List of Topics
new year’s card, hatsumoude, osechi-ryori, ozoni, karuta, Japanese zodiac, coming of age day, new year’s relolution, Great Hanshin earthquake, Great Noto quake, seven spring-herb rice porridge, Tokyo-Hakone intercollegiate long distance relay race, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, JAL accident in Haneda Airport, or Your Own Idea.

Part 1: Design and construction of your prompt speech for 5 min.
Part 2: Present your speech for 1 min.
Part 3: Share idea and opinion on the presented topic in the group for 10 min.
*Repeat Part 2 and Part 3 after the first speaker in your group finishes the practice.

ESS Staffs


2024年1月20日 プラクティス

Dear ESS members,

This is an announcement of the practice I will hold on Jan. 20.
Genre: music
Contents: We will be practicing some Japanese songs translated into English.

I will bring the lyrics cards and an ukulele.
First, I will sing to the ukulele on behalf of you. If you know the songs, please sing with me.
Then, we will have some discussion time. If you are not sure about the pronunciation, meanings and nuances of the lyrics, ask the other members. In addition, I will print some questions related to the songs. The group leader will summarize the discussion results.
Finally, everyone who want to sing with me will sing.

Atsushi Kato


2024年1月13日 プラクティス


This is an announcement for the second half of practice on 13 January 2024. This is the first practice of the year.

Title: What did you want to be and what do you want to become?
Genre: Group discussion

Form groups and discuss the following points:

- What did you want to be when you were 15 years old?
- What do you want to become?
- Based on the above, what do you want to do this year?

Have a Happy New Year!

Masa Yoshida


2023年12月23日 プラクティス

Title: December: Let’s describe and discuss each monthly topic!

Please make some groups having 4-5 members in each group.
At first, please choose your own topic from the following list or create your own idea that has something to do with December. No overlap over the topics in your group, please.

List of Topics

christmas, year-end gift, year-end cleaning, bonus, yuzu,pumpkin, year-end party, nabe, toshi-koshi-soba, winter solstice, red and white singing festival, poinsettia,Cyclamen, or Your Own Idea.

Part 1: Design and construction of your prompt speech for 5 min.
Part 2: Present your speech for 1 min.
Part 3: Share idea and opinion on the presented topic in the group for 10 min.
Repeat Part 2 and Part 3 after the first speaker in your group finishes the practice.

ESS Staffs


2023年12月16日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK-ESS member
This is the information about the practice on December 16.

(1) Genre: Talk
(2) Title: Fashion
(3) Description
[Step. 0]
I’m going to make several groups of 3 or 4 people.
[Step. 1]
Please talk freely about the following questions.
1. What is your favorite fashion?.
2. Why do you think fashion change?
3. Are you a dedicated follower of fashion?
4. What clothes flatter you?
5. What are the most fashionable clothes you now own?
6. How important is color to fashion?
7. What clothes would you feel uncomfortable wearing?
8. Have you ever bought any clothes that you regret buying?
9. What is the most ridiculous fashion you have ever seen?
10. What clothes that you used to wear would you never wear again?

Hiromi Yamada


2023年12月9日 プラクティス(ZOOM)

This is an announcement for the online Practice planned for the 9th of December, 2023.

Title : What is YOUR museum definition?

Time schedule
18:00-18:05 Introduction
I will briefly explain the structure of the Practice and introduce the ICOM Museum Definition (see below for the background information).

18:05-18:25 Group discussion
Participants will join a breakout room of 3-4 people and talk about their own museum experience(s).
Please choose a timekeeper in your group and give each person up to 5 minutes to talk, so that everyone can speak.

You can talk about any museum visit(s) that you remember for any reason.
Please tell others what the museum was about, where it was, when/why you went there, who you went there with, and how you remember your museum experience(s).

If you have extra time after everyone's presentation, please ask questions to each other.
18:25-18:35 Free talk
Based on your own and others' museum experiences, the participants will exchange thoughts on the main question - what is YOUR museum definition?

18:35-18:40 Short conclusion and administrative notices from the ESS staff members

Background - please read only if you are interested!

Do you know that there is such a thing as an international museum definition?
ICOM (the International Council of Museums), a global organisation of museums and museum professionals founded in 1946, has established and evolved an international museum definition in its history - here, let's name it the "ICOM Museum Definition".

The latest version of the ICOM Museum Definition was adopted last year, in 2022:

“A museum is a not-for-profit, permanent institution in the service of society that researches, collects, conserves, interprets and exhibits tangible and intangible heritage. Open to the public, accessible and inclusive, museums foster diversity and sustainability. They operate and communicate ethically, professionally and with the participation of communities, offering varied experiences for education, enjoyment, reflection and knowledge sharing.”

...as you can see, there are too many conceptual, theoretical, or practical ideas in this definition to be discussed at all within 40 minutes!
So, instead of discussing the ICOM Museum Definition itself, the Practice will focus on talking about what museums mean to you.

In the end, I believe that there can be as many museum definitions as individuals, and I genuinely wish to learn your own versions of museum definitions based on your own museum experiences.
Thank you very much once again for inviting me to host this online Practice, I am looking forward to seeing you online soon!

All the best, Minamo Akiyama


2023年12月2日 プラクティス

The announcement about the practice on Dec. 2nd.

For the first 30 minutes, let’s enjoy a word, guessing and party game called Taboo. The objective of the game Taboo is for a player to have their partners guess the word on the player’s card without using the word itself or five additional words listed on the card.

And the next 30 or 40 minutes, let’s practice one minute speeches. In our daily life, the ability to do that confidently and competently is highly important.

For both Taboo games and one minute speeches practice, I will prepared the two separated envelopes. One envelope contains the slips of paper which you use for the word guessing game and the other one contains the slips on which topics are written for one minute speeches. Never open them until I say OK.
Let’s enjoy it. M.Oishi


2023年11月25日 プラクティス

Title: November: Let’s describe and discuss each monthly topic!

Please make some groups having 4-5 members in each group.
At first, please choose your own topic from the following list or create your own idea that has something to do with November. No overlap over the topics in your group, please.

List of Topics
autumn leaves, kotatsu, frost, campfire, coat, shichigosan,labor thanksgiving day, pocky, beaujolais nouveau, camellia japonica, ginkgo nuts, leonids (shooting stars),Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Black Friday, Cyber Monday,or Your Own Idea.
Part 1: Design and construction of your prompt speech for 5 min.
Part 2: Present your speech for 1 min.
Part 3: Share idea and opinion on the presented topic in the group for 10 min.
*Repeat Part 2 and Part 3 after the first speaker in your group finishes the practice.



2023年11月18日 プラクティス

Hello , everyone

  I have found a good material for our practice.

This time we would translate Haruki Murakami"s and Ogawa Yoko"s novels into Japanese.

I put these materials. ( attached materials were separated ) )

Takeo Kuchinaka


2023年11月11日 プラクティス(ZOOM)

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

Hello, everyone.

This is the chairperson of the remote practice on November 11, Yuko Tanihara.
Please be careful that it will be held online.

Genre: Reading and discussion
Title: Imaginary trip around the world

At first, please make some groups to have 4 members in each group.
Next, please choose 1 country in each group.
Then, discuss with your group members according the guidance sheets.
If you finish talking about that country, please choose another country.

I am sorry to bother you, but could you please download the attached in advance?
I would like to ask someone sharing the material in each group (in a breakout room).

Just FYI, I chose Australia, France, Italy, South Korea, and the United States the last time (August 20, 2022), so I chose China, New Zealand, Mexico, Denmark, Spain, Turkey, and South Africa this time.

I hope you will enjoy it! See you on Nov 11.

Best wishes,
Yuko Tanihara


2023年11月04日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,
Here is the announcement of the latter practice for November 4th.
Genre: Game; Synonym Karuta

1.Make 3 or 4 groups
2.Decide the first reader who reads aloud “yomi-fuda”.
3.When the reader reads a yomi-fuda, others try to first grab “tori-fuda”, choosing the one that has the same or similar meaning.
Sometimes yomi-fuda maybe in American English, tori-fuda is in British English, or the opposite.
4.First round is finished, the winner is supposed to tidy up the used cards and bring them up to me. I hand in other pack of cards.
5. Play 4 or 5 rounds.
I’d like you to take turns of reading the cards.

I made these cards a few years ago.
And I already had them checked by an American English teacher, but still some mistakes could be found. In that case, I’d like to apology for making you confused in advance.
I hope you can enjoy.
Thank you.
By Megumi Iwai(the name of the person in charge)


2023年10月28日 プラクティス 

Title: October: Let’s describe and discuss each monthly topic!

Please make some groups having 4-5 members in each group.
At first, please choose your own topic from the following list or create your own idea that has something to do with October. No overlap over the topics in your group, please.

List of Topics
sports, sports meetng, baseball, rugby, cosmos, chrysanthemum, reading books, E-books, art, museum and art gallery, photo, digital camera, sculpture, painting, autumn festival, appetite, food, Japanese food, Chinese food, cricket, travel, tourist spot, World Heritage site, matsutake, persimmon, or Your Own Idea.
Part 1: Design and construction of your prompt speech for 5 min.
Part 2: Present your speech for 1 min.
Part 3: Share idea and opinion on the presented topic in the group for 10 min.
Repeat Part 2 and Part 3 after the first speaker in your group finishes the practice.



2023年10月21日 プラクティス 

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members.

The practice scheduled for Oct 21 is outlined below:

Genre : Threefold
Title : Quiz => 1min Instant Speech => Case Study

 Make some groups
1.   10min
2. < 1 min Instant Speech>:20min
Each member picks out a card for 1 min instant speech.
About 30 topic-cards are prepared.
3. : 20min + 10min Group Summary
Case Scenario:
Sunday Planning for Akira’s Family so that whole family can enjoy .
1. Father : Akira - Enjoys outdoor activities and nature
2. Mother : Motoko - Skilled in cooking and enjoys cooking together
3. Elder Sister : Megumi: - A sports enthusiast
4. Younger Brother : Osamu - Interested in various forms of art
Please plan activities for their Sunday, taking into account each member's hobbies and interests and show the summary to all.

Please enjoy busy programs !! I.Mashima


2023年10月14日 プラクティス 


念のために日本語でも書いておきます。タイトルは「I Have an Experience 」です。



Date: Oct. 14th
Title: I Have an Experience. (+ Pair Talking?)
Description: The person nominated is required to tell a story with a topic written in a paper (e.g. I have an experience of going to the USA). If you have an experience of this title, you should speak the real story of it.
But if you have no such an experience, you should make a story as if that was a real experience. You are required to tell a story as if it was a real or true story.
The audience will judge you whether the story was true or lie. If you are a good speaker (= cheater), I’m planning to give you a present.
If the topic is rather sensitive and you don't want to speak about it, it's okay for you to skip the speech.
After this corner and if we have enough time I'd like you to be in Pair Talking.

Thank you. H. Hori


2023年10月7日 プラクティス 

Dear ESS Members

This is an announcement for the latter half of practice on Oct.7th.

Genre: Talk
Theme; About food、

Part1. Personal matters
/What was the most delicious or impressive food you have ever tasted in your l ife?
/What was your most weird or creepy food you have experienced so far?
/Do you have some food you decided never eat?
/What do you think about vegetarian or vegans?
/Do you select food to eat for your health?
/Tell us any of your episodes about food.

Part 2. Social issues
It is said that between 691 and 783 million people faced hunger as of 2022 in the word. In contrast, an estimated 13 percent of the world’s food is lost in the supply chain from post-harvest prior to retail; a further 17 percent of f ood is wasted in households, food services and in retail.
/What do you think about this situation?
/Do you do something personally against food loss?
/Climate change seems to be a great threat for agrifood produce.
/Current high prices of food in Japan.
/Whatever you want to talk about food.

Make some groups.
Talk about the above comments in each group.
Share your talks with other groups.

I hope you enjoy talking. G.Kitaura


2023年9月30日 プラクティス 

Dear ESS Members

This is an announcement for the latter half of practice on Sep.30th.

Genre: Talk
Theme; Animation

Q1.Please introduce your favorite animation.
Q2.Have you ever made "an anime pilgrimage"(聖地巡礼)?
Q3.Why do you think Japan became an animation superpower?

Q4.-Osamu Tezuka-
What kind of impact did he make on Japanese anime and manga?
Q5.-Miyazaki Hayao-
Reasons for Miyazaki's worldwide success.
Share your favorite Ghibli works.

[How to proceed]
✓ First of all, make several groups.
✓ And then one person in each group summarizes what was talked about in the group.

I appreciate your cooperation in advance, K.Miyazawa


2023年9月16日 プラクティス 

Title: September: Let’s describe and discuss each monthly topic!

Please make some groups having 4-5 members in each group.
At first, please choose your own topic from the following list or create your own idea that has something to do with September. No overlap over the topics in your group, please.

List of Topics
jugoya or tsukimi, cosmos, ohagi, autumnal equinox day, a visit to a grave, silver week, autumn festival, cricket, sumo, respect for the aged day, typhoon, japanese pear, persimmon, Labor Day, or Your Own Idea.
Part 1: Design and construction of your prompt speech for 5 min.
Part 2: Present your speech for 1 min.
Part 3: Share idea and opinion on the presented topic in the group for 10 min.
Repeat Part 2 and Part 3 after the first speaker in your group finishes the practice.


2023年9月9日 プラクティス 


This is an announcement for the latter half of practice on September 9.


Looking forward to seeing you folks



2023年9月2日 プラクティス 

Hi, all !
Here is a belated announcement for the latter half of practice on Sept. 2, 2023.

I had too many ideas and incentives for providing lengthy material to you, but I decided to introduce an opinion enlisted on Nikkei Asia on Aug. 13, 2023, 05:00 JST.

The article is titled “Japan Inc. should be flexible for all workers, not just seniors.”

I will distribute the full text of the article to the participants on Sept. 2.
But my opinion on this issue is to let the companies allow their staff to work until 75 and encourage the firms to provide opportunities for their workers to keep working until each worker wants to retire.

Genre: Discussion
Thema: Why not work until 75 years old ?

Procedure: Make some groups with 3 to 5 members.
Please read the article and let me know your opinion on whether you want to work until 75 or prefer to retire earlier, such as 65, 70, or even 40, with the latest idea of FIRE.
Later, please share your group opinion with one of the representatives from your group.

I hope you have a nice day and fruitful talks.
Take care.



2023年8月26日 プラクティス 

Title: August: Let’s describe and discuss each monthly topic!

Please make some groups having 4-5 members in each group.
At first, please choose your own topic from the following list or create your own idea that has something to do with August. No overlap over the topics in your group, please.
List of Topics

fireworks, yukata, send-off bonfires of five mountains,shaved ice, summer festival, summer vacation, sunflower,watermelon, barley tea, radio calisthenics, summer classes, or Your Own Idea.

Part 1: Design and construction of your prompt speech for 5 min.
Part 2: Present your speech for 1 min.
Part 3: Share idea and opinion on the presented topic in the group for 10 min.
Repeat Part 2 and Part 3 after the first speaker in your group finishes the practice.



2023年8月19日 プラクティス 

Dear ESS members,

I sincerely apologize for my belated announcement of the contents and the relevant procedures for the practice on August 19th.

【Genre: Fun Quiz &Small discussion for Japanese Foods】
Make some groups.
a. < Fun Quiz >
Several piece of paper will be given for each group. A Japanese food is written in the paper. Pick up the paper and give hints to the other member so they can guess what the food is. Take turns.
b. < Small discussion >
In each group, please discuss your ideal breakfast. One member is requested to share the content of the discussion with everyone.

Have enjoy!
Natsuko Kado


2023年7月29日 プラクティス 

Title: July: Let’s describe and discuss each monthly topic!

Please make some groups having 4-5 members in each group.
At first, please choose your own topic from the following list or create your own idea that has something to do with July. No overlap over the topics in your group, please.

star festival, beachgoing, mountaingoing, Gion festival,nagashi somen, cicada, eel, camp, cormorant fishing,beer, fun, mosquito, suntan, pool, morning glory, BBQ,Independence Day, or Your Own Idea.

Part 1: Design and construction of your prompt speech for 5 min.
Part 2: Present your speech for 1 min.
Part 3: Share idea and opinion on the presented topic in the group for 10 min.
Repeat Part 2 and Part 3 after the first speaker in your group finishes the practice.



2023年7月22日 プラクティス 

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

This is Motoko Tabata, and I'm in charge of the latter half practice on July 22nd.
I'd like to send you the agenda of the practice and the procedure of that day.

☆Genre: Variety (Quizzes, listening and discussion)

☆Title: "AI(ChatGPT) and our future"

1 Make some groups.
2 Warm-up quizzes
I’ll give you some easy quizzes on science and technology.
3 Listen to the related news and fill in the blanks.
4 Exchange your comments in your groups.

Nowadays IT technology is making rapid and constant progress.
And as many experts claim that AI including ChatGPT could be a game changer in our society.
What's waiting for our human beings' future, "gospel" or "inferno", "peace"or "chaos" ?
I've found some interesting news on the net, so let me share you the additional information and comment beforehand for your fruitful talk.

Best wishes, Motoko Tabata


2023年7月15日 プラクティス 

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

Here is an announcement of the practice planned on July 15 2023
Genre: Group Talk
Topic1: My favorite book(S)
Please bring your favorite book(s) and please explain its contents and why you like it. Any form of book is okay including novel, academic book, text book, photo album, art book, manga and so on. After explanation of book, please carry on a conversation like Q&A or impression.

Topic 2:Current affairs
Please choose one of topic from list below
1. EV(電気自動車の普及、買いたいか否か等)
2. Semiconductor war(半導体競争の行方等)
3. Price hike(近年の物価上昇、特に気になるアイテム等)
4. Shortage of goods(スーパー等で不足しているもの等)
5. Other

Procedures: I’m going to make several groups of 3 or 4 people and you can enjoy discussion on the topic!
When the time is up, this practice ends.

Thank you. By Hiroaki Ishizaki


2023年7月08日 プラクティス 

Dear ESS members,

Hello、 I am Naomi Tanahara.
This is the announcement of the practice on July 8th.

(1) Genre: Group Talk
(2) Title: “All about Japanese drinking culture" 
(3) Description:
1. Make several groups
2. Please discuss, " What exactly is 'nomikai' "
3. After discussion, talk about the following topics together.
4. Share your answers in your group.

1) What do you think of drinking parties with colleagues?
Are they just a thing of the past?
2) What other ways would you recommend to help people
in the office get along better?

I am looking forward to seeing you on that day!
And also seeing you at Summer drinking party!!!

Best regards,
Naomi Tanahara


2023年7月01日 プラクティス 

Dear ESS members,

Hello、 I am Akihiro Tabata from Ishikawa pref.
This is the announcement of the practice on July 1st.

(1) Genre: Group Talk
(2) Title: “Irritating things in your life (いらっとするもの)?”
(3) Description:
1. Make several groups
2. I distribute reference material(questionnaire results about irritating things) .
3. Read the material and answer the following questions individually.
4. Share your answers in your group.

1) How often do you get irritated in your daily life?
2) What are you irritated with? Both big one and tiny ones will do.
 Refer to the following examples.
3) Share what you get irritated with lately.
4) Tell us how to deal with irritating feelings (stress relief method).
5) Tell us how to prevent being irritated if you have a good way.
6) Do you think irritated people are increasing in the world?

【Examples of irritating things】あるある~
On the train.
when you see bad manners on the train.
When you are shopping.
when you line up for a long time unexpectedly at a cash register.
when you pay 510 yen in cash and you don’t have a 10-yen coin.
when the manner of the staff of the convenience store is bad.
When the rest of the toilet paper is just a little.
When the small fiber in the mask touches the nose and you feel annoyed.
When you cannot find what you are looking for.
When you are driving,
Even if you let an oncoming car go first, a feeling of gratitude isn’t expressed.
When the remote controller of TV doesn’t work well.
When your PC or machine doesn’t work well and instruction manual is hard to understand.
When there are so many packing materials when you buy something on Amazon.
In your house, partners or family members' unpleasant habits.
In your workplace.
In ESS ??? lol

I am looking forward to seeing you on that day!

Best regards,
Akihiro Tabata


2023年6月24日 プラクティス (リモート)

Dear ESS members,

Hello, I am Yuji Tsukuda.
This is the announcement of the practice on June 24.

Genre: Game
Title: Yes/No Question Game
The procedure is as below. Please find the attachment for more information.
a) Make several groups. Each group has 3-4 people.
b) Choose a member as questioner in your group. The questioner decide a famous person/character to be guessed in the game.
c) Guess the famous person/character by asking Yes/No question to the questioner.
d) Change questioner after a questioner find the name decided by the questioner.

The practice is held on ZOOM.
I am looking forward to seeing you on the day!

Best regards,
Yuji Tsukuda


2023年6月17日 プラクティス

Title: June: Let’s describe and discuss each monthly topic!

Please make some groups having 4-5 members in each group.
At first, please choose your own topic from the following list or create your own idea that has something to do with June. No overlap over the topics in your group, please.

List of Topics
Rainy season, plum liquor, umbrella, minazuki, father’s day,snail, hydrangea, June bride, summer solstice, seasonal change of clothes, firefly, frog, or Your Own Idea.

Part 1: Design and construction of your prompt speech for 5 min.
Part 2: Present your speech for 1 min.
Part 3: Share idea and opinion on the presented topic in the group for 10 min.
Repeat Part 2 and Part 3 after the first speaker in your group finishes the practice.




2023年6月10日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK members

This is the announcement of the latter half practice on June 10.
This is Seiichiro Iwai. I`m incharge of the practice.
I hope you will enjoy it.

Genre: Quiz & Talk
Title: Explore to the World Heritage
Stage 1:
I will give you eleven quizzes concerning with the World Heritage sites. Please raise your hand and answer the name and the location of the World Heritage sites. When you answer the questions, please come to the front and point out where it is located on the world map. You cannot use a smart phone or a tablet to check the answer.

We make several groups consisting of four members as usual.
We talk about the World Heritage as follows.

1. Have you ever been the World Heritage site? Which World Heritage site is your favorite?

2. Which World Heritage site do you want to visit?

3. Where do you recommend for the next candidate to be registered as a World Heritage site? Please explain the reason why you recommend it.

Thank you!! S.Iwai


2023年6月03日 プラクティス

Dear ESS members,
I'm in charge of the latter practice on June 3rd.
I'd like to send you the agenda of the day.

Genre: talk
Title: Are you a good Guide?

The number of foreign tourists coming to Japan (Inbound) for the first time in this three years is increasing.
According to the news, the tourists want to know more about Japanese culture and customs.
The interests of Inbound tourists are
for example,
①Japanese food ②Japanese shrine and temple ③Japanese anime and manga etc..

If the tourists asked you about those interests, would you be able to answer as a Japanese person?
Wouldn't it be great if we could be good advisers and guides for travelers?
Now discuss Inbound's questions and interests with members in your group!
Of course you can also bring pictures and materials for the reference.

☆Inbound's some Questions
①・I heard that convenience stores in Japan have very good foods. That's true?
・We are also interested in Japanese sake and whiskey. What kind of local sake in Kyoto is delicious? etc..

②・What is the difference between Shinto and Buddism? which is the major religion for Japanese people?
・Recently, I heard that many Japanese people collect goshuin at shrines and temples. Why? etc..

③・What do you think is the reason why Japanese anime is so popular in the world right now?
 ・What was the most moving Japanese manga you've ever read? etc..

I hope you will enjoy this practice.
Best regards,
R. Tanaka


2023年5月27日 プラクティス

Title: May: Let’s describe and discuss each monthly topic!

Please make some groups having 4-5 members in each group.
At first, please choose your own topic from the following list or create your own idea that has something to do with May. No overlap over the topics in your group, please.

List of Topics
children’s Day, carp streamers, kashiwa mochi, golden week,Aoi Festival, fresh green leaves, helmet, sweet-flag-batheighty-eight day from the beginning of spring, mother’s day,Skipjack tuna, may day, azalea, Cinco de Mayo, or Your Own Idea.
Part 1: Design and construction of your prompt speech for 5 min.
Part 2: Present your speech for 1 min.
Part 3: Share idea and opinion on the presented topic in the group for 10 min.
Repeat Part 2 and Part 3 after the first speaker in your group finishes the practice.

ESS Staffs


2023年5月20日 プラクティス

Firstly, we make some groups have 4-5 members each group as usual.
and assign the leader in each group.

【Genre: Mini Game and Talk】 The practice has two sections below.

Section 1【Mini Game : Quiz】 (10-15minutes)
1. There’s a paper-written quiz.
2. First, everyone please read a paper and answer the quizzes individually for about 5 minutes.
3. Next, each group leader shows the correct answer.
Please check and discuss the answer in each group.
4. Then a winner in each group, please raise your hand and show the number of correct answers. The person with the most correct answers is today's winner.
(In case of a tie, please play rock-paper-scissors to determine the winner.)

Section 2【Talk: About some short articles】 (30-40minutes )
1. Materials will be distributed.
2. Please select articles and read and talk about them in each group.

Lastly, we will summarize the group discussion for today’s talking and share it with everyone.
Could you each-group leader make a one-minute presentation about your story regarding the topics? (5 minutes)
I hope you’ll enjoy the practice.

By Yasuhiko Fujioka (the name of the person in charge)


2023年5月13日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

Hello, everyone.
This is the chairperson of next weekend, May 13, Kazumasa Yasuda.
My apologies for my late announcement.

Genre: Discussion
Title: What is a Maiko in japan?

A maiko is a girl whose job is to provide entertainment for banquets through dance, musical accompaniment and conversation in Kyoto’s kagai (leisure district). Maiko are apprentices in the training stage of becoming geiko (geisha). A geisha or geiko is a woman who entertains guests at banquets by performing dances, songs, and music
Maiko in Kyoto is a rich cultural heritage that reflects the beauty and elegance of traditional Japan. The rigorous training, dedication, and discipline required to become a maiko is a testament to the importance of preserving traditional arts and customs in Japan.

At first, please make some groups to have 4-6 members in each group.
Then I will ask some questions about Maiko or Geiko by quiz style, after that please enjoy the discussion about this culture.

I hope you will enjoy it!   See you.

Best wishes,
Kazumasa Yasuda


2023年5月6日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,
Hello, everyone.

This is the chairperson of next weekend, May 6, Yuko Tanihara.
My apologies for my late announcement.

Genre: Translation and discussion
Title: Let's translate the filim music into English and talk about music.

At first, please make some groups to have 4-6 members in each group.

Part 1: translation of film music
I hope you know this song well, "a whole new world”.
I think there are many beautiful words and phrases in the lyrics of this song.
At first, please try to translate a part of lyrics of "a whole new world" into English alone.
Then, shall we share it with your group members?
Finally, let's listen this song.

Part 2: talk about music
I prepare some questions for the talk.
Shall we share your opinion with your group members?

I hope you will enjoy it! See you on Saturday.
Best wishes, Yuko Tanihara


2023年4月22日 プラクティス

My friends,

I'm happy to announce a practice for the second half activity on April 22. We will play the game of “TABOO WORDS”

・Category: English Game
・Feature: Building up Speaking and Listening
・Procedure & Explanation of the game: Refer to the steps from 1 to 12 below.

Guess word: Banana
TABOO WORDS: Fruit, Yellow, Monkey

1. You will be divided into two groups.
2. Pick one player from the group to be Clue-giver. The role of Clue-giver will alternate with each team's turn, so that everyone gets a chance.
3. If you're a Clue-giver, you must go sit with other team, so that they can keep an eye on you as you give the clues to your teammates.
4. The team that's not giving the clue puts one player in charge of the timer, and all other players in charge of the watchdogs for the “TABOO WORDS”.
5. Clue-giver takes a card from a deck and turn it over so that your teammates can't see the word you're looking at.
6. When you pick up the card, show that card to your opponent team members.
7. When the player in charge of the timer starts counting it down. Clue-giver starts giving the clues to describe the “Guess Word” for your teammates to guess what it is. Time limitation is three (3) minutes.
8. When describing the “Guess word,” you can use a single word or complete sentences to describe the “Guess Word”, but make sure you DON'T say the “TABOO WORDS” on the card.
9. If you say any of the “TABOO WORDS” during the description of the “Guess Word,” you lose the game.
10. Keep describing the “Guess word” until the time of three (3) minutes runs out.
11. You'll get one point if your teammate can correctly guess the “Guess Word” within three (3) minutes.
12. You lose the game when time runs out or when saying any of the “TABOO WORDS.”

I hope you will all enjoy the “TABOO WORDS” game.

in charge of the practice for April 22.


2023年4月29日 プラクティス

The practice on 4/29 was prepared by Staff members.

Title: Let’s describe and discuss each monthly topic!

Please make some groups having 4-5 members in each group.
At first, please choose your own topic from the following list or create your own idea that has something to do with April. No overlap over the topics in your group, please.
List of Topics
cherry-blossom viewing, entrance ceremony, April Fools’ Day,Sakura mochi, New employee, New fiscal year, dogwood,hay fever, wisteria, tulip, Easter Sunday, or Your Own Idea.

Part 1: Design and construction of your prompt speech for 5 min.
Part 2: Present your speech for 1 min.
Part 3: Share idea and opinion on the presented topic in the group for 10 min.
Repeat Part 2 and Part 3 after the first speaker in your group finishes the practice.

Prepared by STAFFs


2023年4月15日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,
Here is the announcement of the latter practice planned on April 15th.
Genre:Group Talk
Topic:1 What makes you feel relaxed? 2 How do you release your stress?
1.Make several groups.
2.Talk about either or both of the topics above by turns and ask questions.

I hope you can enjoy free taiking.
Thank you.
By Megumi Iwai(the name of the person in charge)


2023年4月8日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members

Here is an announcement of the practice planned on April 8,2023

Title: Three Good Things
Genre: Talk

The Three Good Things is a method of increasing happiness proposed by Dr. Seligman, an American psychologist.
The method is very simple: "Before you go to sleep, write down three good things that happened to you that day."

Let's increase our happiness!

1.Make several groups.
2.Think of three good things that happened recently.
3.Share it with your group mates.

Details of the rules will be explained on that day.

Masako Yamashita


2023年4月1日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS colleagues:

Hi, there:

This is the second announcement of the 2’nd practice on April 1, for which I am in charge. The first announcement was sent to you a week ago, so, this is the reconfirmation. This is English Composition.

So, I think you need some preparation before the date.

Attached please find the copy of the material which is revised from the last one I sent last week.

“詩を英語で作って詠おう” 2023-4-1 Kyoto ESS.

L & G: Today’s practice is “Composition of Free-Style English Poem”.

I want you not be nervous but willing to join this exciting challenge. Your poem styles are free just like singing songs provided that two poetry concepts are considered: 1) thought, 2) rhythm.

Make several groups consisting of 3 people. In the start, don’t hesitate to replace the example poem “Mujun and Kibou” for your own work.

1: Read the Japanese poem, shown below, titled “Mujun and Kibou”. This poem deals with two different but current issues, namely, a) COVID pandemic, b) Plastic Wastes. The poem tries to put them together under one common concept that is focused to the Egoism and Excessive Demands. (15 min).

2: Translate the Japanese poem into English as much as possible and as nice as possible within a limited time. You are inspired to talk and exchange tutorial Q & A in your group. (30 min).

3: If you find the Japanese text or phrases shown below are not your choice, you can replace or correct the words and phrases for your tastes or best ones. This is highly recommended.

4: Finally, in every group, sing or recite your poem with rhythms.(15min).

An example of the poem, wrote personally by the moderator, will be distributed on the day under a title“Contradiction and Hope in this Small World”. If necessary, you can use this unfinished work as your text for correction and modification.

Thank you and enjoy.

むじゆん と きぼう















*1:三密とは密閉,密集,密接(Closed spaces, Crowded places, Close-contact settings)のこと.
*2:partition plate, dividing panel or curtain.


2023年3月25日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,
Here is an announcement of the latter half practice planned on March 25th.

☆English Quizzes
Let’s enjoy English Quizzes.
Prizes will given for winners.

☆General Meeting of Kyoto NHK ESS 2022
We 2022 staff will inform attendees the annual activity report and financial statements for 2022.

And the chairman will request the approval for these agenda.(financial documents & new staff members for 2023, etc.)

Motoko Tabata


2023年3月18日 プラクティス

Dear ESS members,

This is an announcement for the practice I will hold on Mar. 18.
Genre: Music
Title: Song practice
Contents: I will bring my ukulele and distribute lyrics cards for each of you.
We will make 3 or 4 groups.
First, I will sing to my ukulele on behalf of you.
Next, we will have some practice and discussion time. If you are not sure about the meanings and pronunciation, ask the other members. We also have some discussion topics.
Third, the group leader should summarize the discussion results.
Finally, all the members who want to sing with me will sing to my ukulele.

Atsushi Kato


2023年3月11日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK-ESS members,

This is the announcement for the practice March 11th.
Sorry for the late announcement of the practice I will be in charge next week.

Genre:Group Discussion

Topics:Talk about your ideas and enjoy discussion based on a handout.

1. I want to make 4 groups.
So tell the number from 1 to 4 please.

2.I will provide you with materials.

3.Each sheet has some questions to discuss.
Please pick a few questions to discuss.

4.First, one may pick up a question from the sheet and do discussion in your group.

Next, the other member may pick up other theme from a sheet and continue discussion in your group.

Enjoy your fruitful discussion.

Thank you.

Hiromi Yamada


2023年3月4日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members
Here is the follow-up announcement for the latter half of practice on March 4th, 2023. Everyone, please prepare for your own opinions. I attached four PDF files to distribute certain materials for you to preview, except for E) and F).
Genre: Debate
Proposition:(See attached PDF files. A~Fのうちから各グループで大至急、選んでください。)
A) Is limited nuclear war a viable battlefield option? (核兵器の限定使用は戦争における現実的な選択肢か否か?)
B) Should the United States demand compensation from China for its alleged responsibility for the coronavirus pandemic? (米国はコロナ禍の責任を問うて中国に補償を要求すべきか否か?)
C)Is violence an effective tool for protests? (暴力は、抗議の有効な手段か否か?)
D)Should the trade in wildlife for human consumption be banned? (野生動物の商取引は禁止すべきか否か?)
E)Is the United States better to emigrate to than the UK? (米国は移住するなら英国より良い国か否か?)
F)Is cashless payment more convenient than cash? (キャッシュレス支払は現金払いより便利か否か?)
Please keep in mind that this debate is a practice with one type of game and has no substantial connection with your standpoint, merits, and demerits of you as an independent individual in your social life. Therefore, please do your best to win the game as one good way to enrich your experience to present better debate practice in our ESS activity.

1) Make some groups so each group would consist of 3 members. If two members were left, Minamihashi would join the group. If there are only two members for two groups, I would ask the leader to be a special additional judge for group one. Be your timekeeper within your group for each of you. Choose the proposition for your group immediately. It’s up to you.
2) Write and prepare the proposition's significant points, advantages, and disadvantages, true or false, within 3 minutes.
3) In your group, decide your order to be Affirmative, Negative, and Judge. The Affirmative must sit right side of the Negative and the left side of the Judge.
4) If you are in the Affirmative, argue that the Affirmative is correct and has significant advantages and few disadvantages. If you are the Negative, say that the Affirmative is wrong and has fewer advantages and more significant disadvantages. If you are the Judge, compare the initial link of claims, advantages, and disadvantages of the Affirmative points, whether the Affirmative undoubtedly causes those points, and which is likely to be true or outweighs the other. Articulation and, grammar, logical persuasiveness would also be necessary when the comparison of probabilities, advantages, and disadvantages was difficult. However, the Judge should regard any argument in the rebuttal speech that neither side presented initially during the constructive speech as a "new argument" and not count for the decision.
5) Start the debate match in the following order. Each Judge should be the timekeeper for each group and announce each time's the beginning and the end. Take note on your flow sheet while listening to the other's speech.
Affirmative Constructive Speech 1 minute(肯定側立論1分)
Cross-Examination by the Negative 1 minute(否定側による肯定側への反対尋問1分)
Preparation Time 1 minute(準備時間1分)
Negative Constructive Speech 1 minute(否定側立論1分)
Cross-Examination by the Affirmative 1 minute(肯定側による否定側への反対尋問1分)
Preparation Time 1 minute(準備時間1分)
Affirmative Rebuttal Speech 1 minute(肯定側による反論1分)
 Cross-Examination by both sides 1 minute(双方による反対尋問1分)
  Preparation Time 1 minute(準備時間1分)
Negative Rebuttal Speech 1 minute(否定側による反論1分)
Decision & Reason by the Judge 3 minutes(ジャッジによる勝敗の判定及びその理由3分)
(Go through "step 5)" with 13 minutes.)(「ステップ5)」を13分でやって下さい。)
6) Turn the role clockwise in your group. (時計回りに肯定側、否定側、ジャッジの役割を変える)
7) Repeat the process of 6) with the different roles in your group for 13 minutes. (ステップ6)を前回と異なる役割で13分で繰り返す。
8) Turn the role clockwise in your group once more. (もう一度、時計周りに肯定側、否定側、ジャッジの役割を変える)
9) Repeat the process of 5) with the other role, you haven't played in your group for 13 minutes.
10 Discuss the overall debate on the proposition. (ディベートの試合の感想を一言ずつ述べる)。
11) Decide the best debater in your group by voting. (自分のグループの多数決でベストディベーターを決める)。
12) Report briefly to all the members the result of the three debate matches and who won the best debater in your group.
Let's enjoy debating and have fun by taking three roles in the debate on the propositions.

なお、お時間のある方は、何が真実か、具体的にどういうAdvantage, Disadvantageがあり得るか、考えておかれるようお勧めします。頭の体操になります。ただ、プラクティスの時間が1時間、1試合13分と短いので、今回は、evidence(証拠資料)は使わないことにします。ディベートのスタイルには、この他にも様々なバリエーションがある事も覚えておいて下さい。詳しくは、参考文献などをご参照下さい。Amazonで入手可能です。

小西卓三・菅家知洋・Peter J. Collins, 『Let the Debate Begin! Effective Argumentation and Debate Techniques〔Teacher's Edition〕-―英語で学ぶ論理的説得術――』、東海大学出版会、2007
松本茂・鈴木健・青沼智、『英語ディベート 理論と実践』、玉川大学出版部、2009
安井省侍郎(著)Debate Forum出版会監修、『初心者のためのディベートQ&A』、第4版、Debate Forum出版会発行、2004
小西卓三・菅家知洋・Peter J. Collins, 『Let the Debate Begin! Effective Argumentation and Debate Techniques―英語で学ぶ論理的説得術――』、東海大学出版会、2007(学生向け)

ジョージ・W・シーゲルミューラー、ジャック・ケイ著、井上奈良彦監訳、『議論法 探求と弁論 第3版』、花書院、2006
The Editors of IDEA, 『The Debatabase Book: A Must-Have Guide for Successful Debate』, 6th ed., Introduction by Robert Trapp, International Debate Education Association, 2013.
Debbie Newman, Ben Woolgar (ed.), 『Pros and Cons: A Debater's Handbook』, 19th ed, Routledge, 2014.
Austin J. Freeley, David L. Steinberg, 『Argumentation and Debate: Critical Thinking for Reasoned Decision Making』, 13th ed., Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2014
笹島茂(他)、『CLIL 英語で学ぶ国際問題〔改訂版〕』、三修社、2022
Garry Pearson(et al.), 『Global Issues –An Introduction to Discussion Skills—身近な世界を英語で発信』、成美堂、2021
Brian J. English (ed.), 『Global Issues: Wealth and Poverty A language art textbook for English learners』, 2021

Osamu Minamihashi


2023年2月25日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

Here is an announcement of the latter half practice planned on February 25th.

☆Title: Who/What am I?
☆Genre: Guessing game
Make groups with 4~5 members in each.

Please pick one post-it and put on your forehead without looking at it.

Names of animals, vegetables, countries, famous persons, etc. are written on them. So you will need to ask questions to figure out what is written on your post-it.
Other members in your group can see the answer and will answer to your questions. Asking good questions can help you get to the answer as soon as possible.
Please try to guess what/who you are with minimum questions. Details of the rules will be explained on that day.

Have fun!

Motoko Tabata


2023年2月18日 プラクティス

Dear ESS members

I am always looking for a nice method of mproving my English skill.

Today, I introduce you one of the best seller English Book '瞬間英作文’

I will use this textbook.


Quick translation :
    Beginners   私は学生です   現 → I am a studennt.
私は当時学生でした 過去 → As that time, I was a student.
私は看護師です 現 → I am a nurse.
私はJAZZ音楽が好きです 現 → I like jazz music.
                         → I am crazy about jazz music.

Others 私たちは京都に住んだことがある 過去
                   → I used to live in Kyoto.
私は京都に住10年で住み続けて10年です 現在完了進行形
                   → I have been living in Kyoto for ten years.

  ・First I divide our members into two groups (Beginners, Others)
  ・Each members finds your partoner in your group.
・Translation (日本語 → 英語)(英語 → 日本語)
 ・Each one has to have roles of Questioner and Responder.

Presenter T. Kuchinaka


2023年2月11日 プラクティス

Guided tour in English of any one of Kyoto's famous sights, temples or sightseeings.



2023年2月4日 プラクティス

Field: Lecture & Discussion

Topic: English as a means of communication. How it works and doesn’t.


1 What makes English(es) different from English?
2 How does communication work when it comes to the communication between people with low and high context languages in English(es)?

プラクティス(土岐 泉)


2023年1月28日 プラクティス

This is the announcement for the practice on Jan 28, "Staff Presents Monthly Practice".

Genre: Discussion
Title: January: Let’s describe and discuss each monthly topic!
Please make some groups having 4-5 members in each group. At first, please choose your own topic from the following list or create your own idea that has something to do with November. No overlap over the topics in your group, please.

List of Topics

new year’s card, hatsumoude, osechi-ryori, ozoni, karuta, Japanese zodiac, coming of age day, new year’s relolution, Great Hanshin earthquake, seven spring-herb rice porridge, Tokyo-Hakone intercollegiate long distance relay race, Martin Luther King Jr. Day,or Your Own Idea.

Part 1: Design and construction of your prompt speech for 5 min.
Part 2: Present your speech for 1 min.
Part 3: Share idea and opinion on the presented topic in the group for 10 min.
*Repeat Part 2 and Part 3 after the first speaker in your group finishes the practice.

Best regards,
Yuko Tanihara


2023年1月21日 プラクティス

Date: Jan. 21st
Title: Trash and Garbage
Genre: Discussion
When you step into a railway station, recently you can recognize some of the things are missing. Do you know what they are? Clocks, Hanging ads. in train, and Trash Can. Moreover, on some of the station trash cans, they inform you not to throw in garbage and trash delivered from your family (cf. attached photo).

There were lots of episode behind this information. In Keihan Hirakata Station one day, a station staff was surprised that frying pan from a family was thrown into the trash can of the station.

In Kyoto City, in 2011 666 trash cans were set up, but in 2021 only 297 cans existed, which means many trash cans were removed in sightseeing spots (cf. news below).


I hope you all to discuss this urgent city life matters with the agenda.
Thank you.
堀 薫夫(HORI Shigeo)


2023年1月14日 プラクティス


This is a notice for the second half of the practice on January 14,

Title: Review of 2022 and Goals for 2023
Genre: Presentation


What was the year 2022 like for you? And what would you like to
achieve in 2023?

In this practice, I would like you to summarize briefly the following
points and present them orally.

- What was good and bad in 2022
- Goals for 2023

You will have a few minutes to give your oral presentation. A question
and answer session, if any, will follow.

Note that at the beginning of the practice you will be given a short
time to prepare your presentation.

Live long and prosper!

Masakazu YOSHIDA



タイトル: 2022年の振り返りと2023年の目標ジャンル: プレゼンテーション



- 2022年の良かったこと、悪かったこと
- 2023年の目標




吉田 正和


2022年12月24日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

Here is an announcement of the latter half practice planned on December 24th.

Title: Recollection of 2022.

Genre: Talk
Description: In the last meeting in 2022, I'd like you all to look back what happened in 2022 for you.
The procedure is as follows;
1) Divide members into several groups.
2) You individually select top 3 (or 4) topics in 2022, and write them on a
3 Topic areas are prepared; Domestic, International, Personal.
4) Exchange the ideas within each group, and make group top 3 news (domestic
and international), and discuss the reasons why they are important.
5) Group leaders will present the conclusion of group consensus.
6) If you have spare time, you can discuss what will happen in 2023.

I hope many of you will attend to talk a lot and enjoy a lot.
Thank you.

Motoko Tabata


2022年12月17日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,
Here is an announcement of the latter half of practice planned on December 17th.

Genre : Listening and Talk

Title : Queen ElizabethⅡ

Queen Elizabeth Ⅱpassed away on September 8th. She was respected and loved by people in the UK.
I prepare her news reports and episodes .
Let's talk about the Queen!

Takako Suzuki


2022年12月10日 プラクティス

Hi all

How are you doing?
It is my turn to call the shots on Dec 10. The following is what I would like you folks
to do. Show us photos in your phones and tell the stories on them.

If you don’t have any photos in your phones, bring some photos,
draw pictures on papers, or whatever. You might want to say like the bellow.

“This is Mt. Shasta.
Naomi, my then-girlfriend, and I were supposed to have a terrific vacation there,
but instead, we had a terrible row over trifles and finally broke up.
I was going to ask her to marry me, though………………………………………”

I hope you all enjoy the practice.
Until then

Okata Seiyo


2022年12月3日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,
Here is an announcement of the latter half of practice planned on December 3.

Genre: Debate, talk battle

1) Make several groups of 4 or more people.
2) A person do timekeeping and judge (concurrent role). Other member decide which one you support.
3) Start debate, talk battle
Approximate time schedule is as follows, preparation 2 min, debate 7-10 min
4) A judge decide which side is a winner, more persuasive or more interesting.
5) In each topic please change timekeeper/judge.
When the time is up, this practice ends.

1.E-book vs paper book (Which do you prefer)
2.Soy-source vs source(いわゆる普通のソース) (Which do you prefer)
3.Kinkaku-ji(金閣寺) vs Ginkaku-ji(銀閣寺) (Which do you prefer)
4.Red wine vs White wine (Which do you prefer)
5.Okonomiyaki (お好み焼き) vs Yakisoba(焼きそば) (Which do you prefer)
6.Ohanami(お花見) vs Momiji-gari(紅葉狩り) (Which do you prefer)
7.United states VS China (Which is stronger)
8.Summer Olympic game vs winter Olympic game (Which do you prefer)
9.Electric money vs cash (Which do you prefer)
10.Beef vs pork (Which do you prefer)

See you at the Shimogyo Iki Iki Shimin Center.

Thank you.

By Hiroaki Ishizaki


2022年11月26日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

Here is an announcement of the practice planned on Nov. 26th.

Genre :Group Talk
Topic:   If I were….              

Procedures: Make several groups and enjoy conversations on the subjects you can enjoy sharing with your group mates.

The examples are “ if I were 20 years younger…”, If I were a king or a queen “, “ If I were a president of….”, If I were an artist “ , If I was born in Heian period..”,etc.

Note: During the practice, please take moderate social distance and enjoy talking!

Thank you.

By Kumiko Takesue


2022年11月19日 プラクティス

This is the announcement for the practice on November 19, "Staff Presents Monthly Practice".

Genre: Discussion

Title: November: Let’s describe and discuss each monthly topic!

Please make some groups having 4-5 members in each group.

At first, please choose your own topic from the following list or create your own idea that has something to do with November. No overlap over the topics in your group, please.

List of Topics

autumn leaves, kotatsu, frost, campfire, coat, shichigosan,labor thanksgiving day, pocky, beaujolais nouveau, camellia japonica, ginkgo nuts, leonids (shooting stars),Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Black Friday, Cyber Monday,or Your Own Idea.

Part 1: Design and construction of your prompt speech for 5 min.

Part 2: Present your speech for 1 min.

Part 3: Share idea and opinion on the presented topic in the group for 10 min.

*Repeat Part 2 and Part 3 after the first speaker in your group finishes the practice.

Best regards,

Yuko Tanihara


2022年11月12日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,
Here is an announcement of the latter practice planned on November 12.
Genre: Group Talk
Topic: 4 seasons and this autumn
Step.0 I’m going to make several groups of 3 or 4 people.
Step.1 What is your favorite season among spring summer autumn and winter? And why?
Step.2 What do you enjoy doing in your favorite season?
Step.3 What is your unfavorite season? And why?
Step.4 It is said that autumn is suitable for sport, art, reading book, traveling and so on. What do you like doing the best in this autumn? And why?

Step.4-1 Let’s talk about sport freely.
Step.4-2 Let’s talk about art freely.
Step.4-3 Let’s talk about reading book freely.
Step.4-4 Let’s talk about traveling freely.

Thank you.

By Hirokazu Sakai


2022年11月5日 プラクティス

Hello, Kyoto NHK ESS members,

Happy to announce a later half of practice for our activity on November 5th.

(Genre) Game.

(Procedure) Divide us into two groups for playing the game.

(Theme) 20 Questions/Classical Guessing Game.

20 Questions is a classic guessing game that people have been enjoying for decades.
The basic premise is that one person chooses something (really anything) and gives
the category it belongs to (such as person, place or thing). Then, the other player is
allowed to ask up to 20 yes/no questions to try to determine what it is.

An incredibly important part of the 20 questions game is asking good questions that
can help you get to the answer as quickly as possible. Good questions will help you
narrow down the possible answers as much as possible. So, what are some good
questions to ask? Here are several effective questions you will think of.

Is this person alive?
Is this object something you find in a house?
Is this person American?
Is the object bigger than a watermelon?
Can I see this object in the room now?
Is this object expensive?
Is this person fictional?
Do many people visit this place?
Can I carry this object around in my pocket?
Is this person a woman?
Is this person over 30 years old?

I hope you’ll enjoy the game!

Makoto Nishimura

2022年10月29日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

Here is an announcement of the practice planned on Octorber 29.

☆Genre: Variety (quizzes, listening and small talk)

☆Title:”Happy Halloween! “

1 Make 3~4 groups.
2 Warm-up quizzes
I’ll give you some quizzes about Halloween, so please try.
3 Listen to the CD and fill in the blanks.
4 Exchange your comments in your group on each question below.
    (1) Do you have any plan on Halloween night?
(holding a party, going for a drink with friends, doing cosplay, buying
Halloween Jumbo Lottery, going to get some candies, etc.)
    (2) Do you have any special (good or bad) memories on Halloween?
(3) Which event do you like best, Halloween, Chiristmas, Valentine’s day,
White day, Easter, New Year’s day or someone’s birthday?
(4) What do you think of the big Halloween celebration in Shibuya?
       (the biggest street party of the year that a crowd of hundreds of
thousands, dressed in some of the most spectacular and elaborate costumes,
gathering around Shibuya Crossing)

I hope you will enjoy it!

Motoko Tabata


2022年10月22日 プラクティス

The practice planned on Oct-22 is as follows.

Genre : Group Talk
Title : Inbound Tourism

Starting Oct-11, Japanese government removed regulations for inbound visitors, including unlimited number of visitors, short-stay visits without visa and accepting independent travels. Together with deregulations for inbound visitors, the government has started Domestic Travel Assistance programs.

On the other hand, we will be facing Over-Tourism such as insufficient hotel capacity and staffs, overcrowding, environmental damages, and safety & security, etc.

Question 1 : What are the pros and cons of inbound visitors.?

Question 2 : What should be improved for inbound visitors?

Question 3 : What is sustainable tourism ?

Make a few groups. Before closing the practice, each group shows a couple of interesting ideas to all.



2022年10月15日 プラクティス

Dear ESS members,

I'm in charge of the latter practice on Oct 15th.
I'd like to send you the agenda of the day.

Genre: Game & Talk
Title: "Look at my Gesture"
1. Devide the members into 4~5groups
2. Everyone pick up one card and show us the gesture
(The cards are about animals, sports, vehicles, occupations, actions...)
3.If time permits, each group talk about the gestures and make a story

Gestures and facial expressions are also part of language.
Let's use your whole body to speak!

Hope you enjoy the game.

Best wishes,
Ryuichi Tanaka


2022年10月8日 プラクティス

Hi, everyone.
I'm happy to present the announcement for the latter half of practice on Oct. 8th, 2022.


(Procedure) Make some groups which consist of 3-4 members in each group.

(Theme) What would you do if you were Prime Minister of Japan today?

Take a look on A) to F) and discuss on 1) to 8)
A) Russia waged war against Ukraine on Feb. 24th, 2022.
・ Putin’s miscalculation
・Unfruitful military operation
・Obsolete Russian weapons
・Severe economic sanctions from the West
・Zelensky‘s strategy: Ask for help via mass media and the West. Not to give up.
・1/6 of China's economy, with a 142 million population
・Real GDP (purchasing power parity)$3,875,690,000,000 (2020 est.) Real GDP per capita $26,500 (2020 est.)
B) China
・OBOR(One Belt One Road, 一帯一路)
・Xi Jinping‘s 3rd term likely
・Confrontation with the US
・Support, wait and see with Russia
・SCO(Shanghai Cooperation Organization,上海協力機構)
・No.2 economy with a 1.4 billion population
・Real GDP (purchasing power parity)$23,009,780,000,000 (2020 est.) Real GDP per capita $16,400 (2020 est.)
・Biden “the US would defend Taiwan.”
・One China policy
・Semiconductor supplier
・Geopolitical position: near China and Senkaku
・Big as Kyushu with a 23 million population
・Real GDP (purchasing power parity)$1,143,277,000,000 (2019 est.) Real GDP per capita $24,502 (2018 est.)
D)North Korea(DPRK)
・Nuclear weapons and missile test
・Negate agreement with Japan
・Need for economic aid and money
・Refuse to return the abductees to Japan
・Sell weapons to Russia
・25 million population with Real GDP (purchasing power parity)of $40 billion (2015 est.)
E) the US
・Sanction against Russia
・Support Ukraine
・FRB‘s FOMC to raise FF(federal fund) for 0.75%
→tight interest policy to moderate inflation
・8% inflation: CPI 8.3% on Aug 2022
・Insufficient supply despite demand increase in post corona pandemic
・No.1 economy with a 333 million population
・Real GDP (purchasing power parity)$19,846,720,000,000 (2020 est.) Real GDP per capita $60,200 (2020 est.)
F) Japan
・Inflation: 3% on Aug 2022
・Yen depreciation
・Price hike for energy and food
・Birth rate: 1.3 babies for one woman
・Real GDP (purchasing power parity)$5,224,850,000,000 (2019 est.) Real GDP per capita $41,400 (2019 est.)

1) What is your impression of Russia?

2) What is your image of the Ukraine war?

3) What is your image of China?

4) What is your image of Taiwan?

5) What is your image of North Korea?

6) What is your image of the US?

7) What is your image of Japan?

8) What would you do if you were Prime Minister of Japan today?

Thank you for your kind cooperation
Osamu Minamihashi


2022年10月1日 プラクティス

This is an announcement for the practice October 1st
By Masahiro Yamamoto
  (genre) presentation
(procedure) To make some groups which consist of 4-5 members in each group.
(theme) Protecting our environment
(1) Mom and her daughter are discussing.
Two volunteers, Mom and her daughter, will make a dialogue in front. (Twice about 7 minutes)
(2) To make some groups which consist of 4-5 members in each group. A chairman should be selected in each.
(3) Each group will proceed following the procedure in the handout.
(4) Listening about the presentation by a boy.

山本です。いつものように女性2人に(母と娘)英語による会話を始めてもらいます。 (原稿が見られます)その役をしてくださる方を募集をします。女性の方が望ましいのですが、男性でも一向にかまいません。希望者はお知らせください。


2022年9月24日 プラクティス

This is an announcement for the practice 24

(genre)  presentation
(procedure) make some groups、consisted of 4-5 members in each group.
(1) (about 15 minutes)
Summarize what your last hot summer season was like. Was it different from the ordinary summer ?
① good points  ②bad points

(2) (about 50 minutes)
Beforehand, I will prepare about 30 pieces of current news broadcasted from NHK and other popular subjects relevant to our daily life during the last few months.
Please choose one topic you like among them and make a short presentation on it within 2 minutes. And if other members have any comments to add to the presenter’s one, express your own briefly. Finishing the first round, repeat the same procedure in the 2nd round , in the 3rd round, and so on .



2022年9月17日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

Hello, everyone.

This is the announcement for the practice on September 17 "Staff Presents Monthly Practice".
I am so sorry for my late announcement.

Title: September : Let’s describe and discuss each monthly topic!
Please make some groups having 4-5 members in each group.
At first, please choose your own topic from the following list or create your own idea that has something to do with September. No overlap over the topics in your group, please.

List of Topics
jugoya or tsukimi, cosmos, ohagi, autumnal equinox day, a visit to a grave, silver week, autumn festival, cricket, sumo, respect for the aged day, typhoon, japanese pear, persimmon, Labor Day, or Your Own Idea.

Part 1: Design and construction of your prompt speech for 5 min.
Part 2: Present your speech for 1 min.
Part 3: Share idea and opinion on the presented topic in the group for 10 min.
Repeat Part 2 and Part 3 after the first speaker in your group finishes the practice.

I hope you will enjoy it!

Best wishes,
Yuko Tanihara


2022年9月10日 プラクティス

Hello! Friends of NHK ESS Kyoto.

This is an announcement for the practice on Sep. 10.

Venue: the Temple
Genre: Discussion
Theme: What is your plan for this autumn?

Even though the pandemic continues at high level, people seems to be going out
side again. I believe you have been patient for many things including trips, v
isiting friends or may be, for a drinking party.
Now as the autumn has come, please tell us your plan for the season.

Hint for the topic
3.Outdoor activity
4.Service for the family

Make some groups of 4 or 5 people.
Talk about the tropic and choose someone who represent your group.
Present your discussion to the whole of us by each group.

I hope you will enjoy the practice.



2022年9月3日 プラクティス

Dear ESS members,

I sincerely apologize for my belated announcement of the contents
and the relevant procedures for the practice on September 3nrd.

【Genre: Light Debate】
The practice will be conducted as following procedures.

1. Make some groups of 4 or 5 people each.
2. Discussion topics will be given. (Start with your favorite topic)
3. Decide your opinion about each topic.
4. One of the members should be Judge. (Change the Judge for each topic)
5. Start the discussion. No time limit.
6. Judge gives the winner card to the winner.

Discussion Topics
1. Bread is better for breakfast than Japanese food.
2. Soy Sauce is the best for fried eggs?
3. Cats are easier to keep than dogs.
4. The traditional way of wearing a kimono can be ignored.
5. Should ESS members try harder to retain young New Comers to keep the ESS alive.?
6. Will books eventually be replaced by electronic media?
7. Should cigarette advertisements be banned?
8. The pros and cons of teacher evaluation by students at high school.
9. Are you for or against English education in elementary schools?
10. Will the Internet harm interpersonal communication?

Have enjoy!
Natsuko Kado


2022年8月27日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members.

Here is an announcement of the practice planned for Aug 27th.

Venue: the Temple
Genre: Discussion
Theme: the former Unification Church

①Make some groups.
②Discuss these 5 points in your groups

Q1.Share what you know about the former "Unification Church".
Q2.Do you think the Japanese government should crack down on its
activity or even issue a dissolution order?
Q3.~If you say yes, then how do you think we should do it?
Q4.Is it difficult to draw the line between other new cults and the
former Unification Church aka FFWPU? (*Family Federation for World
Peace and Unification)
Q5.Why has FFWPU tied to the Liberal Democratic Party?-and do you
think the tie will last in the future (to what extent)?

③Lastly, please present a summary of the content in your group to the
whole of us.

Hope many of you will attend to talk a lot and enjoy a lot.

Thank you.
K. Miyazawa


2022年8月20日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

Hello, everyone!

This is the chairperson of next weekend, August 20, Yuko Tanihara.
My apologies for my late announcement.

Genre: Quiz and discussion
Title: Imaginary trip around the world

At first, please make some groups to have 4 members in each group.
Next, please choose 1 country in each group.
Then, discuss with your group members according the guidance sheets.

I hope you will enjoy it! See you on Saturday (August 20).

Best wishes,
Yuko Tanihara


2022年8月6日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

Hello, everyone.

This is the announcement for the practice on August 6 "Staff Presents Monthly Practice".

Genre: Discussion
Title: August: Let’s describe and discuss each monthly topic!
Please make some groups having 4-5 members in each group.
At first, please choose your own topic from the following list or create your own idea that has something to do with August. No overlap over the topics in your group, please.
List of Topics
fireworks, yukata, send-off bonfires of five mountains,shaved ice, summer festival, summer vacation, sunflower,watermelon, barley tea, radio calisthenics, summer classes, or Your Own Idea.
Part 1: Design and construction of your prompt speech for 5 min.
Part 2: Present your speech for 1 min.
Part 3: Share idea and opinion on the presented topic in the group for 10 min.
Repeat Part 2 and Part 3 after the first speaker in your group finishes the practice.

I hope you will enjoy it!

Best wishes,
2022 ESS Staff


2022年7月23日 プラクティス

Genre: riddles

First, please make some groups to have a f3or 4members in each group.

You don’t need to prepare anything in advance,
Please answer the riddle with humor in the discussion with your group members.
After you finish, you can discuss these questions and descriptions freely..
I hope you will enjoy this practice!

Best wishes,

Itsuko Hori


2022年7月16日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

Genre: discussion
Title: What do you think of lowering the age of adulthood from 20 to 18?

Japanese government revised the Civil Code to lower the age of adulthood from 20 to 18.
The revised Civil Code came into effect on April 1,2022.
Under the revised Civil Code, 18 and 19 years old citizens have the right to vote.
Moreover, they can make consumer contracts without parental consent.
Juvenile Law was revised since the age of adulthood is enacted 18.
Under the revised Juvenile Law, 18 to 19 years olds who commit a crime should face harsher punishment as "specified juveniles."
On the other hand, under 20 is still prohibited from drinking alcohol, smoking and gambling.

1. What do you think of revising the Civil Code to lower the age of adulthood from 20 to 18?
Do you agree or disagree?

2. If you were a lawmaker, how would you revise the article to the age of adulthood?

3. What is the boundary between adult and child for you?

1.Make some small groups from 4 to 5 members.

2 . Discuss about the topic.

3. I will hand out the paper listed the specific cases caused by lowering the age of adulthood from 20 to 18 to each group..
Please write ’’AGREE‘‘ or ‘‘DISAGREE``on each case as a group. The representative of the group will explain why your group
choose ``AGREE`` or ``DISAGREE`.`

I hope you will enjoy the practice.


Seiichiro Iwai


2022年7月9日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

Hello, everyone!

This is the chairperson of next weekend, July 9, Yuko Tanihara.
My apologies for my late announcement.

Genre: Translation and discussion
Title: Let's explain your favorite cooking in English and talk about delicious food/dish !

At first, please make some groups to have 4-6 members in each group.

Part 1: Preparation for your explanation how to cook your favorite cooking
Easy and tasty recipes are welcome.
Part 2: Explanation to your group members
Part 3: Talk about delicious food/dish

I hope you will enjoy it! See you on Saturday (July 9).

Best wishes,
Yuko Tanihara


2022年7月2日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

Here is an announcement of the later half practice on July 2.
We are going to enjoy ”WHACK A WAKA”( 百人一首) in English.
I’m sure all of you know how to play the game,
Have fun!.

Motoko Tabata (the name of the person in charge)


2022年6月25日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

Hello, everyone.

This is the announcement for the practice on June 25 "Staff Presents Monthly Practice".

Genre: Discussion

Title: June: Let’s describe and discuss each monthly topic!

Please make some groups to have 4-6 members in each group and move to the each place/room.

Part 1: Preparation for your presentation (5 min)
At first, please choose your own topic from the following list or your thought (no overlap in your group).

Rainy season, plum liquor, umbrella, minazuki, father’s day,
snail, hydrangea, June bride, summer solstice,
seasonal change of clothes, firefly, frog

Then, please prepare for your 1 min presentation.

Part 2: Presentation and discussion (10 min for each)
Shall we share each presentation with your group members and discuss about it?
*If you finish early, please choose another topic and try again.

I hope you will enjoy it!

Best wishes,
Yuko Tanihara


2022年6月18日 プラクティス

Dear ESS members

This is Osamu MINAMIHASHI, and I would like to inform my practice for the latter half of our ESS meeting on June 18th, 2022

Agenda: Discussion
Title: Make brief comments!

Make groups with three members.
If one or two members were left, please join GROUP 1 or 2.
Then, all the groups would have three or four members.
Next, I would like to distribute materials for all.

STAGE A) (17:40~18:00) Light-Hearted Topics
1)Choose your topic from "Part 1 Light-Hearted Topics", and make a two-minute speech.
2)The others are expected to comment briefly on the speech.
3)Repeat 1) to 2) in turn until 18:00.

STAGE B (18:00~18:40) Serious Topics
1)Choose your topics from "Part 2 Serious Topics", and make a two-minute speech.
2)The others are expected to comment briefly on the speech.
3)Repeat 1) to 2) in turn until 18:40.

I hope you all enjoy making brief comments on various topics on each other.



2022年6月11日 プラクティス

Dear ESS members,

This is an announcement of the practice I will hold on Jun. 11.

(Genre and title)
Song practice.

I will bring my ukulele and distribute some lyrics cards to you. First, I will sing to my ukulele on behalf of you. Most of the songs are famous songs, so if you can, please sing with me. Some of the songs will be quiz songs, so if you can, please answer my quiz. Then, we will have some discussion time. Teach the other members about the meanings and pronunciations they don't know. Some questions related to the songs are printed on the lyrics cards. You don't have to answer all of them. Finally, we will check the answers and all of those who want to sing will sing with me.

Atsushi Kato


2022年6月4日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,
Here is an announcement of the practice planned on June 4th.
Genre:Group Talk
Topic:How are you prepared for disasters?
Procedures: Let’s make several groups and enjoy discussion and free talking on the topic! I don’t hand out any papers, so please remember this topic.
Note: During the practice, please take moderate social distance and enjoy talking!
Thank you.
By Megumi Iwai (the name of the person in charge)


2022年5月28日 プラクティス

Dear ESS members,

I made a new test today.

The reason is clear and simple. I already sent the answer sheet by my mistake.

Next practice is that we talk and discuss about Haruki Murakami's novels.

To tell the truth , I prefer not Murakami's novels.

I really loved Kuniko Mukouda'S one.

By T,Kuchinaka


2022年5月21日 プラクティス

Dear members of Kyoto NHK ESS.
Here is the announcement for the practice on May 21th, 2022.

【Genre: Mini Game and Talk】
The practice has two sections below.

Section 1【Mini Game : Riddle】 (10minutes or less)
1. There’s no materials.
2. Owner reads and shows the question, please listen to it and think about the question.
3. If members flush the answer, please just raise your hand.
4. A member designated by owner can answer the question.
5. Finally, Owner shows the answer and go to the next question.

Section 2【Talk: About short articles】 (30-40minutes )
1. Make some groups. Each group has about 4 members.
And please assign the leader in each group.
2. Materials will be distributed.
3. Please select articles and read and talk about them in 25 minutes each group.

Lastly, we will summarize the group discussion for today’s talking and share it with everyone.
Could you, each-group leader make one minutes presentation about your story regarding the topics? (5 minutes)
I hope you’ll enjoy the practice.

By Yasuhiko Fujioka (the name of the person in charge)


2022年5月14日 プラクティス

Hello everyone.
This is Kazu Yasuda and I'd like to inform you the latter part of the corner of May 14th.

1. Date: May 14th, 2022.
2. Genre: Discussion
3. Title: Population decrease in Japan
4. Description:
① Presentation about population matter
② Dividing you into several groups
③ Discussion
・Tell your opinions about population decline in Japan and discuss it.
 ・What is your countermeasure agaist depopulation?

I hope you enjoy discussion on that day. Thank you.


2022年5月7日 プラクティス

Hello Dear ESS members.

This is Shigeo HORI, from Kashiba City and I'd like to inform you the latter part of the corner of May 7th.

1. Date: May 7th, 2022.
2. Genre: Speech.
3. Title: Varieties of Speeches
4. Description:
On March 23rd, we witnessed a Ukraine president Зеленський's speech in Japanese Diet. We felt the importance of good speech in a public arena.
On May 7th, I'd like to hold my corner for a varieties of speeches from the following order.

1. Presentation from HORI; What is the points of good speech.
2. Dividing you into several groups.
3. Speech 1 (Level 1) You can select the title of your speech from the list of the simple titles, and please make your speech within 1 minute.
4. Speech 2 (Level 2) You can make your speech in 1 minute, but this time impromptu speech.
5. Speech 3 (Level 3) Secret. A little difficult titles or something of 1 minute speech??

I hope you enjoy varieties of speeches on that day.

Thank you.

堀 薫夫(HORI Shigeo)


2022年4月30日 プラクティス

Dear ESS members,

I'm in charge of the latter practice on April. 30th.
I'd like to send you the agenda of the day.

Genre: talk
Title: "Your Pleasure"
1.Opening Comment and some Sign Languages Quiz (15mins)
2.Group Talking (40mins)

Needless to say, everyone(ESS) has great interest in English.
Anyway, how about other hobbies?
I know that many ESS friends are "a person with many interests"
As for me, learning sign languages is one of my pastime.
Though I'm still its beginner's level, I will be fun to know new signs.

What are your plans for this holiday(G.W)?
I would like you to talk about your hobby, pastime in a group.
It would be great to know each other's delights.
Please bring something to show your pleasures! (pictures, books...)

Best regards,
R. Tanaka


2022年4月23日 プラクティス

Hello, ESS members:

This is the announcement of the second half of the practice scheduled on April 23.

We will enjoy the English word games and riddles.

Genre: Games in English.
Grouping: A few groups that are composed of 4~5.
Preparation: You don’t need to prepare anything in advance, I will give you some sheets of paper in which riddles and words games are.
Please answer the riddles with humor and build letters in the discussion with your group members.
You are not allowed to use your dictionary in the games.
I hope you will enjoy this practice!

Kumiko Takesue


2022年4月16日 プラクティス

Hi, everyone:

This is the announcement, in advance, of the second practice that is scheduled on April 16 of this year. The details are as follow:

Title of the topic to talk about:    PEACE
Genre: Presentation and Discussion.
Grouping: A few groups that are composed of 4~5.
Preparation: You are welcome to make a brief summary of what you think of the topic “PEACE” in approximately 50~100 words or more. You are also welcome to make reference materials to assist your talk. But take it easy, this is not obligatory.

Our environment in close vicinity and in wide ranges are always full of problems. They are, for example, infectious diseases, food shortage, global climate change, social and racial discrimination, and wars. Despite them, we have been more or less overcoming the problems by hoping for possible happiness and peace, and eventually we are surviving.
Despite that, a few have taken advantage of the problem for their own profit and self-esteem such as Vladimir Putin, Elon Musk, Yusaku Maezawa, and etc. Oh! what a disgusting species!
Guys, let’s talk and discuss on such cross sections as:
1. What is the definition of PEACE? Is it more difficult than looking for HAPPINESS?
2. Do you think a kind of world PEACE can be attained someday?
3. If yes, then, by what means and in what extent?
Forbidden phrases: “PEACE is an illusion” or “PEACE is impossible”.

Oku, Akira
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Material for reference: “World peace is like a collective house built on a sliding hillside.”
(sorry, the drawing is not shown in this mail)


2022年4月9日 プラクティス



















2022年4月2日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK-ESS members

Please find below the practice details on April 2 at the temple.

Genre : Group Talk

Topic : A person you respect :

Introduce a person you respect and show us the reason why.

1. Team formation

2. 10 min for preparation ( use your smartphone )

3. Decide the order of speakers

4. Start Introducing a person you respect and explain why you respect him/her.

5. Q & A before moving to the next speaker

I respect Toru Matsumoto. He was an English educator and Ph.D. in English Education. He started NHK Radio English Conversation program from 1951 for 16 years. I respect him because he was a pioneer of English Conversation program in Japan and many ESS's were organized throughout Japan. My English study started with a 50 yen NHK radio text-book when I was in high school. Thereafter, I could make the best use of English conversation skills in an American company until retirement. Without meeting his English program, my life must have been very limited to domestic and local activities.

Person in charge ( I. Mashima )


2022年3月26日 プラクティス 

3 月26日のプラクティス


Long time no see,everyone.
This is the announcement of the March 26th activity .

Fortunately or unfortunately, I don’t know.
This time is a 30-minute activity.

Read this text carefully because I don’t prepare any handouts.

As Omicron wave has started to subside , I hope “corona era”will come to an end.

This time we are going to focus on what lesson we learned from this 2 year- long corona pandemic.

Never had we dreamed of the COVID’s having an impact on our activities up until 2years ago .

Let’s look back on what happened and how we behaved .

By the way, several days ago , Matsumoto Michihiro , a legendary English teacher, passed away due to Covid 19. I was shocked to hear that.



2022年1月8日 プラクティス

Hi, there.

Here is the notification of the latter half activity on 2022-01-08.

Title: What is Your New Year's Resolution?
Genre: Presentation


What do you want to achieve in 2022? Maybe something big. Maybe
something small. Everything's fine!

Through this activity, every one of you will have an opportunity to
present your new year's resolution.

You have a few minutes (perhaps around three minutes) to go. And,
optionally, to make your presentation more attractive, you can bring
"things" with you. For example: photos, illustration boards, graphs,
books, musical instruments, you name it!

Please don't forget to prepare your manuscript (draft) in advance.
If you don't have one, it's perfectly OK. Improvise :-)


-- Masakazu YOSHIDA


2021年12月25日 プラクティス

To dear ESS members

Here is an announcement about the practice for December 25th.

Theme; "Your favorite temple, shrine, and Japanese garden in Kyoto”

①Make some groups
②First, decide who will present the summary.
③Talk about the following Q1~5.

Q1. Please introduce & describe your favorite temple in Kyoto
Q2. 〃 shrine
Q3. 〃 Japanese garden

(If time allows )
Q4. Can you explain the difference between Buddhism and Shinto?
Q5. Can you tell the difference between some Buddhist sects?
(such as 臨済宗・曹洞宗・浄土真宗etc..)

④Summary sharing by a representative of each group.

Looking forward to hearing your favorite places.


2021年12月18日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

Long long time no see!

Here is an announcement of the practice planned on Dec.18th.     

(1) Genre: Group Talk

(2) Title: “Do you like your personality (性格)?”

(3) Description:

1. Make several groups

2. I distribute reference material about the personality.

3. Read the material and answer the following questions individually.

4. Share your answers in your group.

5. Talk about your personality freely.

0) What kind of person are you? Describe your personality.

1) Do you like your personality? Why?

2) What kind of time do you think the present character is good enough?

3) What kind of time do you hate the present personality?

4) Is there any failure story or funny story about your personality?

5) If you were to compare your personality to one Kanji character, what would it be?

6) If you could be born again, would you want to be the person with a completely different personality?

7) Do you think you can change your personality?

8)What kind of person do you get along well with? (As a partner, as a friend)

9) Do you think that the blood type is associated with character?

 hope you will enjoy that.

楽天的optimistic 内向的introverted 外交的 extrovert 優柔不断 indecisive 優しい gentle マイペースdo things at one’s own pace (他人に)気を遣うmindful of others, be considerate for 面倒くさがりlazy 細かいことを気にする care about detailed things 素直な、従順なobedient, submissive温厚mild 心が広い tolerant, broad-minded 厳しいstrict 繊細 delicate いじわる mean 保守的conservative 進歩的な、自由なprogressive 積極的なaggressive, positive 愛想が良いamiable 綺麗好きcleanly 好奇心旺盛curious 礼儀正しいpolite, courteous 謙遜、控えめなhumble, reserved 気楽なeasygoing, happy-go-lucky 情け深い sentimental無神経 insensitive, inconsiderate 神経質nervous がさつ boisterous 几帳面な Methodical 勇敢brave, courageous 内気、恥ずかしがり屋shy 熱心 eager ,keen 面白い funny 人情あふれる humane 我慢強いpatient 無邪気innocent 愛情深いaffectionate ふざけている playful口数が多いtalkative 協力的cooperative 気前が良いgenerous けちstingy

Note: During the practice, please take moderate social distance and enjoy talking!

Thank you.

By Akihiro Tabata from Ishikawa pref.


2021年12月11日 プラクティス

Dear ESS members,

I sincerely apologize for my belated announcement of the contents
and the relevant procedures for the practice on December 11th at “Hitomachi-

【Genre: Relax Presentation for Fun】
No groups will be needed. Let’s work on this all together.

-A scratch paper will be distributed for each person.
-Please write down your diary on the paper.
There are three sections in the paper,
Last week .
-You should begin your diary with the above three words.
-I will collect your diary
-I will read aloud your diary so that every one guess WHO’S
-The person who wrote the diary stand up and tell us more.

Have enjoy!
Natsuko Kado


2021年12月4日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK-ESS members.

This is the announcement for the practice on Dec. 4th.
Genre: Group Talk
Topics: A. Hobby B. Christmas You can choose one of them, both or whatever you want to talk about.

Procedures: I’d like you to split up into 4 groups. So please call from No.1 to 4.

I’ll hand in sheets on which questions about these topics are written. You can enjoy talking based on these questions.

Note: During the practice, please take moderate social distance.

Enjoy your fruitful discussion. Thank you

 Hiromi Yamada


2021年11月27日 プラクティス

Hello everyone,

Here is an announcement of the later half practice on November 27. We are going to enjoy English game. “20 questions” is a classic guessing game that people have been enjoying for decades. The basic premise is that one person chooses something and gives the category it belongs to (such as person, place or thing). Then the other players are allowed to ask up to 20 Yes/No questions to try to determine what it is. I’m sure you’ll have a fun time.

Makoto Nishimura


2021年11月20日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

Here is the announcement of the latter practice planned on Nov. 20th.

Genre: Group Talk

Topic: one minute- speaking

Procedures: Let's make several groups. I will give you several topics to talk about beforehand. Each person give one minute-talk about them.

Note: During the practice, please take moderate social distancing and enjoy talking !

Thank you.

By Masahiro Oishi (the name of the person in charge)


2021年11月13日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

Hello everybody.
This is Shoichi Aoki ,and I’m in charge of the latter half corner on November 13th.

Title:How do you feel about investing?
Genre: Talk
Japanese economy is called “lost 30 years”.
I think there are several reasons!
One of them is that majority of the Japanese household financial assets are held in cash and deposits,while USA is about 10%,and EU is about 30%.
So I’d like you all to talk about this topic for so-called “Japan is back!!”.

The procedure is as follows;
1)After several introductions and quizzes ,making several groups.
2)Answer the following questions individually.
3)Share your answers in your group.
4)Group leaders will present the overview of group talk.

①Is investing gambling ?
Yes or No ,and comment
②What is the reason of that majority of the household financial assets are held in cash and deposits.
③What is the most important for the first step to invest

By Shoichi Aoki (the name of the person in charge)


2021年11月6日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

Here is an announcement of the practice planned on the 6th November               .

Genre:Group Talk

Topic: Saying I love you                 

Procedures: Let’s make several groups and enjoy discussion and free talking on the topic!

Note: During the practice, please take moderate social distance and enjoy talking!



男子1名 女子1名 (できれば両名40歳以下の方が望ましいのですが。もし40歳を超えた方の場合ご相談ください。)




Thank you.

By Masahiro Yamamoto



10月30日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,
Here is the announcement of the practice planned on Oct. 30th.
Genre:Group Talk
Topic:When and how are you studying English?
Procedures: Let’s make several groups and enjoy discussion and free talking on the topic!
Note: During the practice, please take moderate social distance and enjoy talking!
Thank you.
By Megumi Iwai (the name of the person in charge)



Hello Dear ESS members.

This is Shigeo HORI, from Kashiba City and I'd like to inform you the latter part of the corner of October 23rd.
And this is the 3rd time information of this practice, because of the Coronavirus problems.

1. Date: October 23rd, 2021.
2. Genre: Discussion.
3. Title: Sports Club Mentality
4. Description:
Some of you have experiences in sports club activities in your school days. They say the relationships among them, especially between seniors and juniors, are informally and strictly coded,
what we call “Taiikukai-kei Mentality.”
This kind of mentality survived into the business world or elsewhere. But if this type of mentality spread into the company’s core identity, what will happen?

On Oct. 23rd, I’d like you all to discuss this kind of mentality not only in sport club or business world, but also in every sphere of our daily life.

5. Procedure
a. Presentation form Hori on this topic.
b. Make several groups.
c. Read the materials and discuss the topic.
d. The leader of each group will show us the results of the discussion.

Thank you.

堀 薫夫(HORI Shigeo)











Movies and Movie-stars

When I was young, I used to go movies very often.

One of my favorite movies is Otokowatsuraiyo. (Torasan/Actor: Atsumi Kiyoshi)

Torasan movies’ were interesting and warm hearted home dramas based on a downtown in Tokyo. A kind of eccentric man, Torasan often made troubles with his family or neighbors.

After that he usually left his hometown and traveled and stayed local towns far from his home.

His job was a street vender talking with customers friendly.

Everywhere he visited, he easily fell in love with beautiful young ladies, however he never said to them “I love you.”

We sometimes sympathize Torasan’s passion and behavior.

Film director, Mr. Yamada made 50 Torasan drama series so far.

When we say Atumi Kiyoshi, we remind Torasan movies.

I can not forget nationwide hit dramas, Torasan.


Who is your favorite Japanese movie star?
Why you like him or her?
Which is your unforgettable or impressive movie?

by Takeo Kuchinaka



Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

Here is an announcement of the practice planned on Jul 31.

Genre :Group Talk

Topic: Olympic Games

Tokyo 2020 has started. Today, let’s talk about Olympic games.

Your favorite game. Why ? ..10min
Your favorite athlete. Why? ..10min
Your vision of “What future Olympic and IOC should be” ..10min
Your group summary ( only for topic 3. ) ..10min

Procedures: Let’s make several groups and enjoy free talking on the topic!

Note: During the practice, please take moderate social distance and enjoy talking!

Thank you.

By I. Mashima



Hello Dear ESS members.

This is Shigeo HORI, from Kashiba City and I'd like to inform you the latter part of the corner of April 10th.

1. Date: April 10th, 2021.
2. Genre: Discussion.
3. Title: Sports Club Mentality
4. Description:
Some of you have experiences in sports club activities in your school days. They say the relationships among them, especially between seniors and juniors, are informally and strictly coded,
what we call “Taiikukai-kei Mentality.”
This kind of mentality survived into the business world or elsewhere. But if this type of mentality spread into the company’s core identity, what will happen?

On Apr. 10th, I’d like you all to discuss this kind of mentality not only in sport club or business world, but also in every sphere of our daily life.

5. Procedure
a. Presentation form Hori on this topic.
b. Make several groups.
c. Read the materials and discuss the topic.
d. The leader of each group will show us the results of the discussion.
Thank you.

堀 薫夫(HORI Shigeo)


2021年4月3日 プラクティス

Dear ESS members,

This is an announcement for Practice on April 3.

1 Genre: Talk
2 Description: 7 questions to talk about

Followings are 7 questions from the text book of Business Communication in Action (実践ビジネス英語).

In the book is an interview article for Mr. Sugita, the instructor of the lesson. 21 questions and 21 answers are there. Reading the article, I thought of that some questions are suitable to use for “Practice.”

The program is unfortunately going to end this month after 33-year of its history including 2 other programs,やさしいビジネス英語、ビジネス英会話 in total.

Here are questions for you to talk about.

1 Which is the best in the countries you have been?

2 What is the oldest memory (memories) in your younger days?

3 What kind of food do you like best?

4 What would you do with an extra hour if there were 25 hours in a day?

5 Tell us about three movies you love.

6 Are you a beer person, sake person, wine person or...?

7 Have you lost your wallet or purse? or Have you picked it up?

You don’t have to take up all the questions as they are just topics of conversation.


Hirano Fujio



Dear ESS members,

Let me introduce the contents of the practice on March 27th.

【Genre: Talk】

【Topic: English】

1.If given the chance to learn English abroad, what country would you choose? Why?

2. If you were asked for advice about the most effective way to learn English, what would you say?

3. If you had to choose three fun ways to learn English, what would you choose?

4. What would the world be like if English was not a global language?

5.If you could make another language as popular as English, what language would you choose? Why?

As We have 総会 on that day, we have only 30min. (17:40-18:10)

Please enjoy the discussion about the topic.

Have enjoy!

Kazu Yasuda



An announcement for the coming practice by Mr. Izumi
Toki on Saturday, March 20th, 2021 in the Hiromachi
Community Center
Story-telling entitled Momotaro, the Peach Boy, by Izumi
Toki starts.
A discussion with four-person each starts to clarify
“what Momotaroʼs story comes down to” or “what
Momotaroʼ message is”.
Each group clarifies “what Momotaroʼs message is”.
Mr. Toki gives you his interpretation of Momotaroʼs
message and how he comes down to it.
Open discussion with all participants chaired by Mr. Toki
The practice comes to an end.



Dear ESS members,

Sorry for my belated announcement.
Let me introduce the contents and the relevant procedures for
the practice on March 13th.

【Genre: Talk】
【Topic: During the Covid-19 pandemic】
1. Make some groups.
2. 【Group Talk】
Have a discussion about the topic.
3. 【Give a speech in front of everyone.】
Could you (everyone) make one minute presentation
about your story regarding the topic?

Have enjoy!
Natsuko Morino



1)Words Quiz; Can you guess the words by Oxford English-English Dictionay ?

2) Disussion ; Japanese female politiians ( Do you support them?)
On a TV program, a commentator said that Japan was an extra ordinary men advanced country.

For example, a large number of Japanese politicians are males. It is hard for females to be a candidate of politicians.

By the way, only J C P nominates lot of female candidates as elections’ tactics.

I remember some famous female politicians, 市川 房枝, 土井 たか子 , 田中 真紀子, 豊田 真由子

(この禿、違うだろ、違うだろ)、辻元清美(秘書給与猫糞)、稲田 明美(網タイツ元防衛大臣)、河合 案里

(夫と共に選挙違反で拘留中)、蓮舫(二重国籍)、山尾 志桜里(不倫問題)、杉田 水脈(問題発言)など

Are they reliable politicians? My answer is “absolutely NO!

Nowadays the number of municipal female bus drivers are increasing. The other hand, the number of male nurses we can easily find in big hospitals.   Time has changed rapidly since Heisei era.

When I was young, there were no facilities for males become nurses.

Today looking at Japanese private junior high or high school, the number of boys schools and girls schools are decreasing. I wonder why co-education system is better than others.


1) In japan discrimination between men and women still exist or not.

2) Who is your respectable politicians? (例、安倍晋三、橋下 徹、辻元清美、田中真紀子、豊田真由子など)

(2は各自発表していただきます) 誰でもあなたの理想論で結構です。

3) Bus or taxi drivers are fittest for females or not.

4) Remember your young high schooldays and school member’s travel (修学旅行).

If your bus tour guides were males, what you should do. (イケメンとは限らない)

5) Coeducation schools are better than others?






Dear Kyoto NHK-ESS members.

This is an announcement for the practice on Dec. 12.
Genre: Group Discussion
Topics: Talk about your ideas and enjoy discussion based on material sheets.

1 I want to make 4 groups. So tell the number from 1 to 4 please.

2 I give you 2 kinds of materials.

A: Personal Questions
B: General Questions

3 First, one may pick up a theme from the sheet A and do discussion in your group
Next, other member may pick up other themes from sheet A and continue the discussion in your group.

4 After you finish the discussion about sheet A, then proceed to sheet B.
Pick up a theme by each member and repeat discussion like No3.

Enjoy your fruitful discussion. Thank you  Hiromi Yamada



Dear Kyoto NHK-ESS members.

This is an announcement for the practice on Dec. 5.
Genre: Presentation (Performance)
Topics: Please explain a foreign tourist how to take a public bath.

Public bath is one of Japanese culture. As this is quite unique custom, foreign tourists are often confused of taking it.

Today I hope you may instruct a foreign tourist the procedure and manners of public bath. And please guess the reaction

of a foreign tourist and perform it.

1 Make several groups with 4 or 6 members.

2 Make 2 pairs or 3 pairs in one group.

3 Content < I will prepare a material which shows 12 manners about public bath.>

In those pairs

A is a host or hostess of Japanese Ryokan.

B is a guest from abroad.

 A:Please tell Public bath procedure and manners to B based on my material. (No1 ~No12)

B:Please give some comments or ask questions with funny performance if possible. 

However agree with the instruction of B eventually please. (No1 ~No12)

Next : Please exchange the role for A and B.

4 Select two members(one pair) in your group and do the presentation

with funny performance. (18:20~18:40)

Enjoy it

K. Yasuda



Dear Kyoto NHK-ESS members.

This is an announcement for the practice on Nov. 28.
Genre: Group Talk
Topics: Talk about the entertainment, movies/ TV drama and other shows

1. Let’s talk about memories of movies.
・What was your most impressive or favorite movie to date?
・Do you remember the movie you watched on your first date?
・What kind of, or genre of movie do you like? Foreign or Japanese?
・Who are the most favorable actors or actresses for you.
・Please share your episode regarding movie, if you have.

2.TV drama and other entertainment
・What was your most impressive or favorite drama?
・What kind of entertainment do you like most? Drama, sports, comedy, music, v
ariety show or reality show?
・Please share your episode anything regarding entertainment.

I hope you enjoy talking.



Dear Kyoto NHK-ESS members.

Attached please find the practice planned on Nov. 21.

Genre : Group Talk


Warming up practice ( an easy topic is to be given on the day )
Recurrent Education ( 再教育)

1) Assuming you have enough money and one-year refresh vacation,

what kind of education do you want to get and why ?

2) What are preventing you from the recurrent education ?

We will be talking in each group.

Expect your active joining !!

Isamu Mashima



Dear NHK ESS members

Sorry for the late announcement of the practice I will be in charge next week, it will be held like this below.

Genre:English game

Topic:Letter building, Word construction, Brain teasers(riddles)


Letter building:You will form as many words as you can using the given letters in five minutes.

   Word construction:You will form as many words as you can using the letters in the list only once in five minutes

If time allows, I will give you some riddles which require some brain.

I hope you enjoy the practice.

Kumiko Takesue




Practice Part II on 2020-10-31 will be presented by Oku.

Genre: Group Discussion and Presentation

Topic: “ Thanks to COVID-19 (New Corona Virus) ”

Grouping: three persons for each team

Hi there! Ten months have passed from the time when the first infected patient of the New Corona Virus was reported in the country. Despite people’s and politicians’ optimistic prospect, the pandemic hasn’t ceased yet and, instead, additional waves of the infection seem to be spreading worldwide. Take care and keep guarding yourself, friends.

Looking out of personal spheres, global economy and medical planning and personal lives as well have to be changed revolutionarily if we learnt from this pandemic.

In the ESS activity, I think it is quite timely to discuss on this topic. But, the time allotted for us is limited and because there are a lot of negative features of this infection to talk about, I would like you discuss only on the positive and beneficial aspects of the pandemic such as follows:

1. What positive learning did you get from COVID-19 ?

2. What kind of changes did you make in your sense of value after the experience of this pandemic?

3. What do you think important to change in the world or in our personal lifestyles?

For example: hygiene management, housing, urban planning, transportation, travelling, energy consumption, plentiful diet, food supply management, education of whatever you designate, and so on as they come to you.

4. Do you think you have learnt how to live together with viruses and ecological sphere?

5. Do you think that shifting the paradigm of economy from capitalist-dominated to human-based one can help the problem to any extent?

6. Additionally, any positive view of the pandemic is welcome.

Prepare well, everyone, and see you in the end of month. Octane.



Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

Here is an announcement of the practice planned on October 24.

Genre :Discussion

Title: Let’s look back Heisei era

Procedures:I prepare list of events, topics, accident, fashions and so on year by year in Heisei era.
Make several groups and talk about your impressive topic and have conversation in each group decade by decade.

Note: During the practice, please take moderate social distance and enjoy talking!

Thank you.




Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

I am happy to announce a later half practice for October 17th.

Genre: Game in English for the practice of speaking, listening and trivial knowledge of Japan.

Title: Himitsu no Kenmin Show/Kunitori Monogatari

Procedure: As below.

I will prepare 47 cards which show names of prefectural and city governments of Japan.
One presenter from members comes up to a stage and draw one card from a stack of 47 cards.
The presenter tries to describe unique cultural features, special local products or B-class gourmet of that prefecture written on picked up card.
Other members will be an audience and listen carefully to presenter’s descriptions on the prefecture.
When the answer come up in mind, raise hand and answer. If your answer is correct, you can get that prefecture card.

This must be easy game. Let’s have fun together.

Makoto Nishimura



Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

Here is an announcement of the practice planned on Octorber 10.

☆Genre :Variety (Quizzes, listening and discussion)

☆Title: Let’s Enjoy Art!

1 Make some groups.

2 Warm-up quizzes
I’ll give you some interesting quizzes on famous paintings so please try.

3 Listen to the CD and fill in the blanks.

4 Exchange your comments in your group on each question below.
    (1) What do you think after reading this article?
    (2) Which painting do you like best among them, “The Scream”, “American Gothic”, “The Hay Wain”, “Diana Bathing” and “The Kiss”?
And why?
(3) Are you interested in art and do you often go to the museum?
What does art mean to you?
Please introduce your favorite paintings that you have seen and exhibitions that you have been to.

I hope you will enjoy it!

Motoko Tabata



Dear everybody in the NHK ESS

This is the announcement of the latter practice on October 3,2020.

Genre: Reading & Discussion
Title: Let`s read the articles from the Japan Times and discuss about it.
①  Make some groups consisting of 4 members for each group.
② Read the article from the Japan Times. Please complete reading it for 15 minutes.
③  I will give you some questions concerning with the article. Please answer them.
④ Exchange views in your group members about the issue of the article.

The issue on the article is as follows;
Naomi Osaka got the championship in the U.S. Open tennis tournament.
She wore the face masks printing the names of Black victims of violence
to the court.
Her action was praised as courageous deed to make people all over the world aware
the matters of racism and social inequality.
On the other hand, there are opinions against her action. Politics and personal creed should not be
expressed in the field of sports.
What do you think of this issue?

I hope you will have fruitful discussion.


Seiichiro Iwai



Hi, there!

This is the announcement for the practice on September 26th.

Date: 2020-09-26(Sat)
Genre: Discussion
Title: The good influence of the Covid19


This time, we suffered various kind of losses by Covid 19. We are facing many disadvantages through Covid.19. However there might be some better influences with this disgusting epidemic. As we are tired of counting many disadvantages , why don't you think of good influence?

 For instance

A reduction of CO2 and other polluting emissions.
A reduction in crime and road accidents.
Less use of paper.

Let’s enjoy the discussion!

See you soon. Kazumasa Yasuda



Hi, everyone!

This is an announcement of the practice on September 12th.

Genre:Translate the Karuta Cards and Talk

1. I’ll hand out a list of “torifuda” to all the members present.

2. I’ll read "yomifuda"or cards for reading.

3. All the members will turn each into Japanese language and look for the "torifuda" which matches the reading card.

4. When they find it, they’ll raise their hand and answer.

5. Repeat 2→4

6. Several groups will be made.

7. I’ll give some questions to all.

8. Let's talk about them.

Takako Suzuki



Hi, there!

This is the announcement for the practice on September 5th.

Date: 2020-09-05
Genre: Presentation
Title: Elevator Pitch - "If you start your own business..."


Do you know what an elevator pitch is?
Yes, right. It's a succinct (short) but persuasive sales pitch,
typically the ones aimed for executives (very busy people).

In this session, you're going to have a chance to sell your ideas
to others. I'm assuming they are business ideas here, but
they can be anything, e.g. your dream jobs or whatsoever!

It is advisable for you to come up with some ideas in advance
so you can focus on making your presentation better.

I hope you like this practice.




Dear Kyoto-NHK-ESS members !

This is the information for the practice of next meeting
(Aug 29th)

Title : “The 2021(2020) Tokyo Olympics”

Contents : Discussion on The 2021(?) Tokyo Olympics

Let us enjoy discussion and free talking on the title!

Y. Imai



Hi everyone. Here is the announcement of the latter practice on August 22nd.
I’d like to say in advance this practice is not so cheerful or exciting one since it doesn’t include any quizzes or chances to have conversations.
Thus, good English speakers might feel boring. In that case, sorry for that.

1. Activities: Listening, Reading, Performing
2. Event details:
① Listen to a script on a CD.
② Listen to it again reading the script on papers and fill in blanks in that.
③ Read aloud in turns one part by part. At some points I stop the reading and ask a person to summarize the story which happened until then.
④ I’d like some volunteers to perform the script.
That’s all. Though I haven’t prepared yet anything, I think I can make it.

Have a nice day and drink water as much as you can. Don’t work too much!

Megumi Iwai



Dear Kyoto ESS members,

This is an announcement of the practice for the second half on August 8th.

Title : word-association game

Do you remember a good old NHK TV- show 「連想ゲーム」?
We will play the word-association game based on the TV-show.
A word has many meanings so they kindle your imaginations.

Let's enjoy the practice!

Ryuichi Tanaka



Dear ESS members,

This is an announcement for the practice I will hold on:
Date: Aug. 1(Sat).
Genre: quiz
Title: ESS quiz party volume 3
I will give you a PowerPoint presentation about my quizzes and at the same time read the question aloud.
You will answer my question in words and gestures.
Some of the quizzes will be:
・Multiple choice quiz
・Kyoto ward quiz
・Anagram quiz
・Gor☆geous quiz
I hope you will enjoy my quizzes.

Atsushi Kato



Dear ESS members

Hello! I want to inform my practice here.

This is the announcement of the practice on July 25th, 2020.

(1) Genre: Watching YouTube videos with some comprehension questions.

(2) Title: Learning the English language

(3) Description: I'd like all of you to watch one YouTube video and answer several comprehension questions

If we have too much time left, I will present you one more YouTube video.

I expect all of you to listen carefully, catch the contents, and answer my comprehension questions on each video.

I would use my iPhone11 to present the YouTube videos on the Internet, and so forgive me if the videos are not so clear. For this time, I will try to test my projector on Saturday morning so that I can surely present the YouTube video smoothly.

1)Go to the 3rd floor

2)Please be seated on the chair with social distance.

3)Take note of your memo. I will not distribute any documents this time.

4)Watch the YouTube video on studying English, which I will present on the screen.

5)I would announce the comprehension questions after the video.

6)Watch the video once more so that you can catch the contents clearly,

7)Answer to my comprehension questions if possible.

8)I will replay each video footage if it is necessary.

9)I would present 2nd video and repeat the process if time allows.

Since distributing things is not good these days, I would not do that at the temple, but I would upload those links and questions on this Round Table after the meeting to confirm the contents by yourself.

I hope we can enjoy the session.

See you at the temple!




Dear ESS members,

This is an announcement for the practice I will hold on:
Date: Jul. 18 (Sat)
Genre: quiz
Title: ESS quiz party volume 2
I will give you a PowerPoint presentation about my quiz, and at the same time read the question aloud.
You will answer those questions in various ways.
Some of the questions will be
・Multiple choice quiz
・Kanji translation quiz
・Language guess quiz
・Turtle soup quiz
In order to prevent infection, the winner will be rewarded only by words.
I hope you will enjoy my quizzes.

Atsushi Kato


Dear ESS members

Hello! I want to inform my practice here.

This is the announcement of the practice on July 11th, 2020.

(1) Genre: Watching YouTube videos with some comprehension questions.

(2) Title: Gender equality and learning the English language

(3) Description: I’d like all of you to watch 2 YouTube videos and answer several comprehension questions

If we have too much time left, I will present you one more YouTube video.

I expect all of you to listen carefully, catch the contents, and answer my comprehension questions on each video.

I would use my iPhone11 to present the YouTube videos on the Internet, and so forgive me if the videos are not so clear.

1) Go to the 3rd floor

2) Please be seated on the chair with social distance.

3) Take note of your memo. I will not distribute any documents this time.

4) Watch the YouTube video on gender equality, which I will present on the screen.

5)Answer the comprehension questions after the video.

6)Watch another video on learning the English language and do the same thing as above.

7)I will replay each video footage if it is necessary.

8) I would present 3rd video and repeat the process if time allows.

Since distributing things is not good these days, I would not do that at the temple, but I would upload those links on this Round Table after the meeting to confirm the contents by yourself.

I hope we can enjoy the session.

See you at the temple!




Dear ESS members,

This is an announcement for the latter half practice held on Jul. 4.
I am going to give you some quizzes.
I regret to tell you, because of COVID-19, the communication will become more one-way than usual, and I can't give prizes to the winners.
I will give you a PowerPoint presentation and at the same time read the quiz aloud.
Some of the quizzes I will give you are:
・Multiple choice quiz
・British English quiz
・Rhyme and answer
・Who am I?
and so on.
I made a lot of questions, so I will keep giving you questions until the time is up.
I hope you will enjoy the quiz.

Atsushi Kato



Hello everybody!

This is Osamu MINAMIHASHI, and I'm in charge of the latter half corner on February 15, 2020 at "Shimogyo Ikiiki".

Title: Pros and cons of Singularity: Would AI be our Friend or Foe?

Genre: Discussion.

Description: In this meeting, I'd like you all to get rough ideas on Singularity and whether AI would be our Friend or Foe.

The procedure is as follows;
1) Divide members into several groups.

2) Watch the YouTube video on TED with subtitles which I would present to you with my projector.

3) Read the paper distributed to each of you.

4) Discuss the following points:

A) What is Singularity?

B) What would happen if Singularity comes true?

C)Which do you think more likely: Would AI be our Friend or Foe?

D)Write 3 reasons for your impression and conclusion of the session.

5)Make your consensus among your group.

6)If we have enough time, report your group's impression and conclusion with 3 reasons to all the other groups.

I hope you can enjoy the discussion.

Thank you.




Dear Kyoto NHK-ESS member
This is the information about the practice on February 8.

1. Genre: Talk & Discussion
2. Title: Talking about the present situation
3. Description

[Step. 0]
Make some groups and make pairs in each group. If you don’t have partner, please find a partner in other group. If there is no partner in all groups, I will become your partner.

[Step. 1] 1 minute to speak (5〜10min)
This is a 1 minute to speak. You talk about a topic for 1 minute. Your partner just listen. After your talking, exchange a role. I’m a timekeeper. I choose topics below.
Sport, Reading, Appetite or Food, Art, Autumn, Spring

[Step. 2] Free conversation (35〜45 minutes)
Please gather in each group.
Please introduce yourself quickly and talk about your present situation one by one.
You can continue talking and discussion. You can talk about any topics. If you don’t have any topics,
you can use my topics that is “How do you enjoy in autumn?” “How do you enjoy in national holiday?”

[Step. 3] Dialogue (10〜15 minutes)
I distribute a number card. One person having your same number is your partner.
Let’s talk freely each other.

Hirokazu Sakai



Hello every member of Kyoto-NHK-ESS !
Here are some information on the practice of Feb. 1st meeting.
The content of it is discussion.
The topic ; “ 2020 Tokyo Olympic ”

Some of us remember clearly “1964 Tokyo Olympic”.
But most of us don’t know nor well remember how Japan were exited at
“ 1964 Tokyo Olympic”. Perhaps, as it was held 56 years ago you may
forget it or you were not born.
Anyway we are very lucky because we can enjoy Olympic games in our
country directly.
Let’s enjoy discussion and talking on “2020 Tokyo Olympic” in each group.
Interesting quizzes and remarkable information may be provided.
Y. imai



Dear ESS members,
This is the information about the second half practice on January 25.
1 Genre: Talk
2 Description: Let’s talk what to do if your wishes come true.

Have you ever bought lottery tickets?
If so, have you won them?
Let’s your imagination run wild and talk about what you would spend for if you won the lottery.
You might tell episodes based on your true stories if there are some.
Hirano Fujio (Oh, by the way, do you know starting this year the government puts family names first when writing Japanese names in official documents in Roman script.)



Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

Hello everybody.
This is ShoIchi Aoki , and I'm in charge of the latter half corner on January 18th.

Title: Financial Literacy etc. for the 100−year life
Genre: Discussion.
Description:“The 100−year life” became a fashionable turn of phrase.And last year、the government(FSA)report provoked concern and criticism ,so−called “The life after retirement will need an extra 20 million yen beyond their public pension benefits.”report.
I'd like you all to discuss this topic.

The procedure is as follows;
1)After several quizzes for introduction、 making several groups.
2)Answer the following questions individually.
3)Share your answers in your group.
4)Discuss what we need for the 100−year life freely 、and choose 3 most important action.
5)Group leaders will present the conclusion of group consensus.

1)Concern or criticism,of which did you had a feeling ,after the release of government report、or other.
2)What is important action for the 100−year life for you、choose 3 from the options below、and comment.
③Connecting with community

I hope you can enjoy the discussion.

Thank you.
Shoichi AOKI
(Certified Senior PrivateBanker by SAAJ)



Hello everybody.
This is Shigeo HORI, and I'm in charge of the latter half corner on December 28th.

Title: Recollection of 2019.
Genre: Discussion.
Description: In the last meeting in 2019, I'd like you all to look back what happened in 2019 for you.
The procedure is as follows;
1) Divide members into several groups.
2) You individually select top 3 (or 4) topics in 2019, and write them on a paper.
3 topic areas are prepared; Domestic, International, Personal (You need to write 9 titles altogether).
4) Exchange the ideas within each group, and make group top 3 news (domestic and international), and discuss the reasons why they are important.
5) Group leaders will present the conclusion of group consensus.
6) If you have spare time, you can discuss what will happen in 2020.

I hope you can enjoy the discussion.
Thank you.

Shigeo HORI (From Kashiba City) .




I hope this text message finds you well.

I am in charge of the latter half activity on December 21.

Genre : talk

Title: Family and Longevity

I am looking forward to seeing you.




Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

Hello, here is the announcement for the practice on December 14th.

(1) Genre: Talk
(2) Title: Shopping
(3) Description:
1. Making some groups
2. Answer the following questions individually.
3. Share your answers in your group.
4. Talk about shopping freely.

0) Tell us what you bought today or yesterday.
1) How much do you usually spend a month?
2) What do you spend money on mainly?
3) What is the most expensive purchase this year?
4) Are you sensitive to the price of things?
When you do shopping, do you compare the price of another store?
When you do an expensive purchase, do you sometimes beat the price down?
Are you proud of that you lowered the price to others?(Kansai people often do.)
5) Do you like shopping?
6) Do you often use Internet shopping?
Ex.) Amazon, Rakuten,…
7) Which do you prefer, internet shopping or shopping at actual stores? Why?
8) After a consumption tax rose in 10%, did you change the way of paying?
Ex. using credit card or 〇〇pay
9) Have you ever used “Yahoo Auctions” or “mercari.”? How was that?
10)Tell us the interesting experience of the shopping in foreign countries?
11) Are there any failure story about Internet shopping?
12) Is there anything you are being careful of Internet shopping?

I hope you will enjoy that.




Dear members of NHK ESS,
This is the announcement for the practice on December 7th, 2019.

【Genre: Mini Game and Talk】
The practice have two sections below.
Make some groups. (max 5 groups)
And decide the first owner in each group.

Section 1【Mini Game : Can you find a mistake?】(20minutes)
1. Materials(an envelope) will be distributed.
2. There are about 50 cards in the envelope.
A wrong text, tip(hint) and a right text are written in each card.
3. Owner gets one card from the envelope and read the wrong text part
(including mistake). Other members listen to it and answer
a right text and what’s wrong.
4. If members need hints, owner can read tips in the card.
5. Finally, Owner read an answer (right text) and changes owner to the next.

Section 2【Talk: About short articles】(30minutes)
1. Materials will be distributed.
2. You will receive materials including some short articles and questions
in English.
3. Please select an article and talk about 5 – 10 min. for one article
after reading it in each group.

Lastly, please summarize the group discussion for today’s section 1 and 2
and share it with everyone.(5 minutes)

I hope you’ll enjoy my practice.

Yasuhiko Fujioka



Dear members of NHK ESS,
This is the announcement for the practice on November 30th, 2019.

1. Genre: talk, expression
2. Title: Animations
3. Description
[ Step 1. (10 min) ]
Make some groups. Just listen to animation songs. I will choose songs whose title is different between Japanese and English, and then please feel free to answer or I’ll call on someone.
[ Step 2. (20 min) ]
In each group, please talk about your memory about animations.
[ Step 3. (30 min) ]
I’ll give you a piece of paper. It’s manga which has no phrases. Try to think the phrase while you pretend to be a cartoonist. After writing it down, share your own ideas in your group.

I hope you’ll enjoy my practice.

Shigemi Yoshida



Hi, dear members of NHK ESS!

This is the announcement for the practice on 23rd of this month.
1. Date: Nov. 23, 2019
2 .Genre: Discussion
3 .Title: Social problems
4 .Description
・Make some groups.
・Discuss the following 3 topics for 15min. each.
・Find a person who represents your group and share your talks.

(1) Relative poverty
It is said that half of colloquially called “single mother” and 26% of elder ly families live under this relative poverty.
(2) Refugee problem in Japan
There were 10,901 applicants seeking for refugee status in 2016 but only 28 pe ople were accepted.
(3)Unoccupied houses
According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, 8.2 million houses are now empty houses, more than 10% of the whole houses.

As you see, these problems will not be solved anytime soon, maybe no answer. I hope you to prepare for the discussion beforehand and it will be productive o ne.




Dear Kyoto NHK-ESS member

This is the announcement for the practice on November 16, 2019.

1. Genre: Talk & discussion
2. Title: Talking about the present situation
3. Description
[Step. 1]
Make some groups and make pairs in each group. If you don’t have any partner, find one in the other group. If there is no partner in all groups, staff will be your partner.

[Step.2] 1 minute to speak (15 minutes)17:40-17:55
These are1-minute speeches. Talk about one topic for 1 minute. Your partner just listens. After your talk, exchange the speaker. Staff would be a timekeeper. The topics are as follows.

English training camp by ESS, favorite food in autumn, coloring of leaves, New Year’s Greeting cards, global climate change, term exam, earthquake, dentist, catching cold, Christmas, Year-end greeting gift, physical exercise, preparation for winter, excessive tourism, consumption tax, cashless society, renewable energy, smartphone, what to do for day off, favorite class except English, about “REIWA”, living with or without ESS

[Step. 3] Free conversation (35 minutes) 17:55-18:30
Please gather in each group.
Please introduce yourself quickly and talk about your present situation one by one. You can continue your talks and discussion. You can talk about any topics. If you don’t have any topics, you can use our topics, such as “the Internet” or “dream in my life”.

[Step. 4] Dialogue (10 minutes) 18:30-18:40
Staff would distribute the number cards. A person with the same number would be your partner.

Talk freely with each other.

Please enjoy
Kyoto NHK ESS 2019 STAFF



This is the announcement about the practice on November 9.
genre : game and talk
title : taboo and current topics
description :
This is a game for a player to have their partners guess the word on a card, without using the itself or additional words listed down below. I will prepare 30 cards beforehand.
If we have any time left, let's discuss current topics. I will have a few materials ready for discussion.
Have a good time!



Origami within English

1. Making Origami “turtle” with one paper.
2. Making Origami “Kawasaki rose” with one paper.

I thought that Origami was the Japanese original art.

But it was wrong. Last year I came to know an Chinese young student ,Origami artist. He made me Origami so called

“Kawasaki Rose”. His excellent work impressed me so much.

Since then, I have loved making Origami so much.

You can enjoy yourself by making Origami.
Everything I will prepare for you.

  By Takeo Kuchinaka



My beloved members of Kyoto ESS,

It’s my pleasure to announce the practice for the second half of our activities on October 19th.

● Genre: Game
● Title: Chinese Whispers
● Description:
“Chinese Whispers” is an internationally popular game in which players form line, and the first player comes up with a message and whispers it to the ear of the second person in the line. The second player repeats the message to the third player, and so on. When the last player reached, they announce the message they heard to the entire group. The announced message by the last player should be compared with the original message. The team who could most correctly convey the message throughout the line will win the game.
● Procedures:
1. You will be divided into several groups to make teams.
2. The team will make a line for trying to convey the message correctly from the first player to the last one.
3. Whispering the message to the ear of the next person in the line ONLY ONE TIME.
4. The last player in each team is required to write down the message on a paper to show it to the entire group.

I will prepare funny phrases for you to whisper. Let’s enjoy the game together!

Best regards,

Makoto Nishimura



Dear Kyoto NHK-ESS member
This is the information about the practice on October 12.

1. Genre: Talk & Discussion
2. Title: Talking about the present situation
3. Description

[Step. 0]
Make some groups and make pairs in each group. If you don’t have partner, please find a partner in other group. If there is no partner in all groups, I will become your partner.

[Step. 1] 1 minute to speak (5〜10min)
This is a 1 minute to speak. You talk about a topic for 1 minute. Your partner just listen. After your talking, exchange a role. I’m a timekeeper. I choose topics below.
Sport, Reading, Appetite or Food, Art, Autumn, Spring

[Step. 2] Free conversation (35〜45 minutes)
Please gather in each group.
Please introduce yourself quickly and talk about your present situation one by one.
You can continue talking and discussion. You can talk about any topics. If you don’t have any topics,
you can use my topics that is “How do you enjoy in autumn?” “How do you enjoy in national holiday?”

[Step. 3] Dialogue (10〜15 minutes)
I distribute a number card. One person having your same number is your partner.
Let’s talk freely each other.

Hirokazu Sakai



Hi! Every one
Here is the announcement of ESS Practice on 2019-10-05:
■Title:Kyoto sightseeing spot
I will bring a tiny map of Kyoto City

1 Make some groups.

2 Warm-up task(quizzes )

3 Let's share your unique experience at memorable spots in Kyoto.
You can choose any spots even though the spot is not seen at the map.

I hope you enjoy it!
Regards: Kazu Yasuda



Dear ESS members

This is the announcement for the latter half of practice on Sep.28th.

Genre : Game

Title : Letter Building


1. You will be devided into four groups.
2. I will give each group 5 sheets which have questions of letter building

3. You will build as many words as you can in five munites which contain or end with the letters on the paper .

4. I'll be the time keeper and each group will compete the number of words you wrote on the sheets.

5. Announcement of the winner group will be made.

Please be noted that you are not allowed to use any type of dictionary and do this work by discussing in the group.

I hope you 'll enjoy the game.

Kumiko Takesue



Hi, everyone!

This is an announcement for the practice I will hold on Sep. 21.

Genre: music
Title: Song practice
We are going to sing songs whose lyrics are written both in Japanese and English.
I will bring three ukuleles, which I name Ayano, Chinatsu and Gensuke respectively. I will distribute the lyrics and dance illustrations (and perhaps a tablet PC for dance videos) so that you can sing and dance. Whether to sing or dance (or only join the discussion) is voluntary.
First, I will play the ukulele and sing on behalf of you. For two volunteers, I will hand you Ayano and Chinatsu. I will teach them an easy way to play the ukulele. I and the two volunteers will belong to group 0 and the others 1, 2, 3...
After I sing, we will have practice time. Those who know the meanings of the lyrics or how to dance should teach those who don't. We group 0 will visit you and play the ukulele if you need it in your practice.
Finally, group 0 will play the ukulele and others will sing and dance.
I hope you will enjoy singing and dancing.

Atsushi Kato



Hi! everyone. This is the announcement of the practice scheduled on Sept-14.
Read the following and prepare for the day’s battle. Akira Oku (Octane)
- - - - - - - - - -

ESS Practice on 2019-9-14.

Plastics and Life Style to Live Together.

・Genre: Presentation and Discussion.
・Procedure: (1) Read the text first together with the materials to be handed out on the day.
(2) Answer to the QUESTION as follows…

1) How much do you know about the current plastic issues locally and globally? Pick up contemporary and current topics as many as possible.
2) Write at least one name of plastics (or polymers, e.g., polyester, polyethylene, polypropylene, polycarbonate‥‥). Explain, if you know, its characteristic feature or nature that is useful in our life.
3) How much do you think you live on plastic materials in daily life?
4) Can you live and survive without plastic products?
5) How can you solve the plastic problems in your life regardless of their scale in small or big?
6) Can you facilitate and change your life-style to mitigate the problems? You should know that you are the stake holders of the problems.
7) How much do you know about the current plastic issues locally and globally? Pick up contemporary and current topics as many as possible.
8) Write at least one name of plastics (or polymers, e.g., polyester, polyethylene, polypropylene, polycarbonate‥‥). Explain, if you know, its characteristic feature or nature that is useful in our life.
9) How much do you think you live on plastic materials in daily life?
10) Can you live and survive without plastic products?
11) How can you solve the plastic problems in your life regardless of their scale in small or big?
12) Can you facilitate and change your life-style to mitigate the problems? You should know that you are the stake holders of the problems.

REFERENCE MATERIALS shall be handed out on the day for your reference.






Hi, there!

Here is the announcement of ESS Practice on 2019-08-31:

Title: Talking About Yourself in One Minute
Genre: Talk

I suppose you really know yourself well, don't you think?
If that's the case, you have a lot to talk about already ;-)

In this practice session, I would like you to talk about yourself in ONE minute.
One-on-one, again and agin. It could be a great opportunity to speak with others too.

To make it easier for you, I'm going to give you a list of questions to start with.
So, please don't t worry too much.

I hope you like it.


Masakazu Yoshida (吉田 正和)




Sorry for the late announcement.

Here is an information about a following practice part I am planning on 24/Aug. Please check.

■Genre:Discussion and Game
■Tile:Funny your dream stories

Let's share your unique dream stories you've ever had together!
(The meaning of this "dream" is that dream you see when sleeping)

★First part:QUIZ★ (10~15min)
As a warming up, I will ask you some questions related dream (or dreaming).
If you know the answer or If you for my questions,please answer and try to share your unique episode.

★Latter part:1minute speech BINGO!★ (30~40min)
1.Divide into 5 tables and assign a timekeeper.
2.Each table selects a BINGO board I made.
The board has many English words on its matrix. the words have something to do with dreaming.
(Although same words were printed, the arrangement of words are different on each board.) 3.Choosing one word from them, let's try to 1 minute speech using the word!
4.After finish your speech, you can circle the word and change to the next person.

Try to make BINGO lines as much as you can!
(1 minute speech would be desirable to be related with dreaming, but if it was hard, please speak freely.)

I hope you guys enjoy it!

Makoto Suzuki



Here is an announcement of the practice planned on August 17.

☆Genre :Talk

☆Title: Latest and hottest trend

1 Make some groups.
2 Warm-up task(quizzes and fashion check)
3 Let’s talk about latest and hottest trend on clothes & fashion, foods, music & movies, books & games.
I’ll prepare various funny and enjoyable topics, so please exchange your comments on each items.

I hope you will enjoy it!

Motoko Tabata



Dear Kyoto ESS members
This is the announcement for the practice on August 10,2019.
Title: Chicochan will scold you !?
Genre: Quiz
Do you know the TV program ‘‘you are scolded by Chichochan(チコちゃんに叱られる!!)‘‘?
It is broadcasted by NHK in the morning on every Saturday. On the program, Chicochan (eternal 5 years old girl)
gives some quizzes to panelists concerning with matters that we overlook or take for granted without thinking the reason why as it is in the dairy life.
If panelists can`t answer quizzes, Chichochan scolded them ‘‘Don`t sleep through life!!(ボーっと生きてんじゃねーよ!!).

1. Make some groups (one group might be 4 to 5 members).
2. Chicochan gives a quiz which was broadcasted before. Please discuss what is the right answer and why you think so in each group.
One member from each group answers the quiz and explains why the group leads such a answer. Please don`t use internet.
Please lead the answer from your knowledge and imagination.
3. If the answer is right, Chicochan says, ‘’You don`t read the situation (つまんない奴だなー).‘‘
Chicochan gives another quiz to fill the blanks to complete the English word.
4. If the answer is wrong, Chicochan scolds ‘‘Don`t sleep through life!!
5. Chicochan prepares 8 questions. We continue the quizzes in the same routine. Please try to attend all members in the group.
Enjoy the practice!!
Makoto Kurusu



Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

Hello, everyone.
I'm sorry to be late for my announcement.

This is an announcement of the practice planned on August 3.

Genre :Quiz, Game

Title: Let's play sugoroku speech!

At first,please make some groups to have 4-6members in each group.

Part 1: (Warming up) English vocabulary quizzes (17:40-18:00)

This game is guessing the English word
from the definition of Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary.
One of your group member read out the definition on card.
Other members guess and answer the word.
Then, next person turn the card and read out the definition on card.
Other members guess and answer the word.
Please repeat this work by rotation.

Part 2: Sugoroku speech(18:00-18:40)
I'll prepare sugoroku sheet and question sheet for each group.
The rules are same as usual, and you should answer the question as same number on the square you stop.
When you answer it, please answer it with much more information such as episode, reason, etc.

I hope you will enjoy it! See you on Saturday.

Best regards,
Yuko Tanihara



Announcement for the latter half practice on July 27th, 2019
Hi, everyone!
This is an announcement for the latter half practice on July 27th, 2019.

Ever since from our origin as mankind, women share the very half of our population. Nowadays, however, they occupy only a small part of important roles in our society, or inferior position of the society, while also true that men do only a small part of house chores and burdens of raising kids. I would like to discuss these matters.

1) Genre: Talks & discussion!
2) Title: What can we do for the gender gap?
3) Description:
A) Make some groups with 3 to 4 members.

B)Within 10 minutes, read and share with your group members the material on Chizuko Ueno, on her speech to freshmen at the Univ. of Tokyo, and the other materials as much as you can.
C) Share the contents that you’ve read right now within your group in your own words.
D) What do you think about the productivity of both gender? Share opinions within your group.
E) Do you think Japan should make a radical reform of the country, like a quota system on minorities? Share your opinions!
F) Which would you choose from the following four options:
①More important roles for women to boost productivity
②More migrants from abroad to ease the labor shortage
③Less social security benefits to have sound finance
④Increase in minimum wage gradually to 1300 yen per hour to promote more productivity increase for management.

G) Try to facilitate mutual understanding and impromptu speech.
NOTICE: Please remain silent except on your own turns so that even shy members can speak out on their own turn.

H) Share your general impressions of your group, today’s topics and weekly practice of Kyoto NHK ESS.

Let’s maximize our communication!

Best wishes!




Hi, everyone!
This is an announcement of the practice on July 6th.

[Genre ] Talk

[Title ] Japanese Festivals

[Description ]

1. Make some groups.

2.All of members talk about some questions.

3.After talk,each guroup gives a brief presentation.

I hope you will enjoy the practice.

Takako Suzuki



Dear ESS members

This is​ an announcement of latter part of practice on June 29,2019

Title:How​ to explain in English


Two binds of cards are given to your group, and please pick up 3-5 cards from a bind of cards (number of cards are depends on the number of people in your group). In each bind of card item (PART1) or people’s name (PART2) is written. Then take time for presentation. Use dictionary or smart phone or tablet to check what it is or how to explain to others as if you explain to foreign people who does not know it. After preparation, please explain about what it is on your card in English, if possible, add some episode, related topic or background and keep talking.

Time table

19:10-19:15​ Group making and distribute cards to each group

PART1 (item)

19:15-19:20 Choose cards which you explain in English and prepare for
​ presentation in your group

19:20-19:45 Explain your card to your group member and keep talking about the card or related topics.

PART2 (people’s name)

19:45-19:50 Choose cards which you explain in English and prepare for
​ presentation in your group

19:50-20:10 Explain your card to your group member and keep talking about the card or related topics.

See you soon

Hiroaki Ishizaki



This is the announcement of the practice on June 15th.

[Title] Guessing game

Make groups with 5 members in each.

Please place one post-it on your forehead. Do NOT look at it. You will need to ask questions to figure out what is written on the post-it.

You will need to ask questions to figure out what animal (fruit, country, job, etc.) you are.

Try to guess what/who you are.

The details of the game will be announced on the day.

Let's have fun!

Masako Yamashita



Hello ESS members
This is the announcement of the latter practice on June-8th.

Genre: Discussion
Title: “Survival of deserted island”
     If you can take one thing with you to a deserted island, what would you bring?

You will go to a deserted island in a Television program.
You have to stay there for a month.
TV station gives you some water and matches.
Besides them what would you bring?
You can choose one thing.
You draw a picture or write a word on the paper that you want to bring.
With your paper, give a presentation in one minute about the reason or how to spend in the island.

I hope you enjoy yourselves.

Junko Sugino



Dear Kyoto-NHK ESS members,

Good day! I am Yuji Tsukuda.
I am pleased to announce the practice on June 1.

Let’s share the beginning and the end of your experience

Genre: Talk

The procedure is as following.

1. Make some groups .
2. Read the article and answer questions.

3. Share the beginning and the end of your experience with your team members.

Although the attached material include an article, please don’t be nervous to read the article.

If it’s not easy, I and your team member will help you to understand.

The purpose of the practice is talk!

I chose the article as a sample of the topic.

I am looking forward to meeting you on the day.

Thank you

Yuji Tsukuda



Dear Kyoto NHK-ESS members

This is the information about the practice on May 25.

Title: Psychology test
Genre: Game

I will prepare easy questions .

1. Make some groups .
2. Read the question and answer in your group .

I hope you will enjoy it !

Akiko Matsui



Announcement for the latter half practice on May 18th 2019
Hi, everyone!
This is an announcement for the latter half practice on May 18th, 2019.

Communication is a must for us, either for expressing ourselves or listening to the others’ stories.

So, I would like to introduce this practice to boost communication for all of us,even after this ESS meeting and even with your family members in Japanese.
1)Genre: Talks
2)Title: Communication through brief comments on 70 topics!

A) Make some groups with 3 to 4 members.

B) Have your own material with 2 pieces of paper, distributed to each of you.

C)Try to facilitate ①Mutual understanding and ②Impromptu speech.

D)Decide the first speaker in your group

E)Choose your topic one by one from 70 topics.

F)Make brief comments on the topic in turn clockwise.
NOTICE1: Please remain silent except on your own turns so that even shy members can speak out on their turn.

NOTICE2:Please comment briefly, with only 2 to 3 sentences for each topic to have a variety of subjects.

NOTICE3: You do not need to comment on whatever topics you hate. Just move to next topic in such case.
G)Share Impressions with your group members

H)Share your general impressions of your group, today’s topics and Kyoto NHK ESS weekly practice as a whole.

Let’s maximize our communication!

Best wishes!



5月11日 プラクティス

Please find below the practice planned on May 11.

Genre: Talk & Discussion
Topics: Wise Spending after the Consumption Tax Hike to 10%

Starting Oct. 1 2019, the consumption tax will be raised to 10%( still questionable )
In order to minimize economic impacts, the government is planning Reduced Tax Rate ( 8% ) for foods and daily necessity goods. Also, so called Point Return System will be introduced for cashless consumers until June 30 2020 for 9 months.

In the practice, we will start with a Q&A session.
After Q&A’s, please focus your talks on some tips of wise spending after the tax raise and share them in your team including the Point Return System.
Also, please discuss any concerns about the reduced tax rate and Point Return System
If time permitted, extend the discussion on “How to increase the consumptions in Japan”.


Make some groups
Q&A session …~15 min
Talk & discussion ~ 40 min
how to spend your money wisely
any concerns about the Reduced Tax Rate and Point Return System.
how to increase the consumptions in Japan

Hope you become a smart consumer after the group-talk !!

Isamu Mashima



Here is the announcement for the practice on May 4.

[Genre] Talk

[Title] One minute speech

1. Make groups with 3 members in each.

2. Each group has 20 topics written on pieces of paper in a holder.

3. The first speaker draws one piece from the holder and speaks about the topic for one minute.

Then the second person speaks about the same topic.

Next, the third person follows.

4. The second person draws a new piece after all members finish speaking about the first topic.

Then start the second round.

5. The third person continues the same process.

You don’t need to think the topic seriously but need to speak smoothly about what you think of.

Please keep speaking as much as you can for a minute.

ESS Staff


Here is an information about half of the practice on April 27

1, Genre English Discussion and quiz.

2,Theme Law

All people are equal under the law.

May,3 is the Constitution Day of Japan.
Let's talk about the law around the world from ancient to modern society.

Kenji Tsujl



Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

Here is an information about a later half of the practice on April 6.

1 Genre: English Discussion

2 Title: Racism or not?

3 Article
The United Kingdom's former Foreign Minister Boris Johnson has been accused of racism. He made a number of comments about women wearing the burka while writing in the British newspaper ‘The Telegraph’.

Mr Johnson said women who wear burkas "look like letter boxes". He also said: "If a female student turned up at school or at a university lecture looking like a bank robber," he would ask her to remove it so that he "could talk to her properly".

Johnson was writing an article about the recent full-face veil ban in Denmark. In the article, Mr Johnson said full-face veils should not be banned in the UK, but said women who wear a burka "look absolutely ridiculous".

The UK's Prime Minister Theresa May has asked Mr Johnson to apologize for his comments. She said: "I do think that we all have to be very careful about the language and terms we use, and some of the terms Boris used describing people's appearance obviously have offended." Another senior British politician has asked Mr Johnson to resign.

Many other politicians said Johnson's comments were Islamophobic and were a hate crime. They say he knew

his comments would offend many Muslims and others in the UK. Mr Johnson was London's mayor for eight years

and the UK Foreign Minister for two years and so had thousands of experiences interacting with Muslim people.

4) Discussion:

1.What do you think about Boris Johnson’s opinion?

2.Even in some of Japanese elementary schools, girls in the Muslim families learn in the classroom with these

clothes on. They usually wear pink headgears. If you were a school principal, would you allow them to wear these

clothes, all or some of the above? Or would you tell their parents not to allow them to wear any of the above.

3.If these girls were to enter a private elementary school, is the situation the same or different?

5) Presentation

In the end, one member in each group will talk about the opinions given by other members.

6) Assignment

Please read this article in advance and memorize the names of the headgears, because I’d like you to play some kind of game using these headears. I hope you’ll enjoy it.

Masahiro Yamamoto



Hello, ESS members,

This is the announcement of the latter half practice on April 13th.

Genre: Talk

Title : My favorite food

Some people say, Good food makes me happier than everything.
Eating something delicious is the greatest joy in my life...

What is "good food" to you?

What is the best food you've ever had in your life?
What is the worst food you've ever tasted in your life?

What a food that you're into these days?

Are you interested in food of other countries?
What foreign food do you want to try?

If you're a host family for foreign guests, What kind of food will you
cook at home for them?

☆ In this practice, let's talk about world's food culture as well.
Could you bring some pictures of world's food with your memory
if you had it.  ~ ☆

Hope you have a good time at there!

Ryuichi Tanaka



Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

Here is an information about a later half of the practice on April 6.

1. Genre: English Games

2. Title: Crossword, Body Letters and Your Choices

3. Details:

《Crossword》 We will be divided into three groups. The crossword question sheet is given to each group. The word level in the question will be the one at elementary school.
The groups will make competitions for the time speed to solve the question.

《Body Letters》 Your team will be assigned with some acronym, for example CIA. You will be challenged to make capital letters by using only your body to express
the “CIA” for your audience to guess the answer. “Central Intelligence Agency” is the right answer for this case.

《Your Choices》
Several topics of great interest will be prepared for you to make your choices. The members will be divided several groups according to the choices you make. You will be asked to explain the reasons for the choices by speaking for one minute.

Let`s enjoy the games!

Makoto Nishimura


🌸Kyoto NHK ESS レポートNo.9🌸



3月2日 スタッフ
「Talk & Discussion」
valentine day vs white day・・

3月9日 野口さん
「Let's look back on the Heisei」
” ちびまる子ちゃんて私と同じ!”

3月16日 堀 (伊) さん
「To show respect Momofuku Ando」
長寿の秘訣を聞かれると、必ず”週2回のゴルフと毎日お昼に欠かさず食べるチキンラーメン” と安藤百福は答えていたそうだ!

3月23日 南橋さん
「How to overcome starvation and excessive wealth gap」
”助けを必要としてる人を救った結果” に関する短い動画を観た後でHuge Number of Materialsにもめげず、貧富の差について積極的な意見交換をしました!

3月30日 安田さん
「Unfinished Sentence」
国内では三大盆踊りのひとつ、秋田の西馬音内盆踊り。神秘的で哀愁を帯びた音色! 行きたい〜〜



Today is the first day of the rest of your life.
人はいつからも 新しくなれる

2018年度 スタッフ
田中 隆一



Good evening ladies and gentlemen!

This is the announcement for the latter half of ESS practice on March 30th, 2019.


2.Title: Unfinished Sentence

Each may talk about the given titles which are written in cards with unfinished sentence.

4. Procedures.

1 Make 4 Groups with 15 cards in your group.
2 One picks up one card out of 15 cards and each group member may talk about the title in about 1 minute.
3 After all member finish talking about the title, next picks up another card out of 14 cards and follow the
same process.

*You can skip the card if you don't want to talk about the title.

*Even though we have limited time(17:40~18:10),please enjoy talking with same group members.

Thank you for your kind cooperation.

Kazumasa Yasuda



This is the announcement for the latter half of ESS practice on March 23rd, 2019 at Hitomachi.


2.Title:How to overcome starvation and excessive wealth gap

Since I made a speech on inequality at the English Round Table in 2017, I think it is also a good idea to share and develop the contents with ESS members.

4. Procedures.

1) Watch the 3 minutes YouTube video on poverty and giving, which would be displayed on the screen twice.

2)Make some groups with 3 members each. If one member is left, join group 1. If another member is left, join group 2.

3)Read the material for this practice titled “How to overcome starvation and excessive wealth gap” and the others on “basic income.”

4)Discuss whether “Perfect equality” is possible to actualize in your life.

5) Discuss whether there is excessive inequality today.

6) Discuss your own idea to minimize excessive inequality.

7) Discuss whether "tax on capital" or "AI" or “basic income” or the other counter measures can be an effective means to rectify excessive inequality.

8)If there is enough time, make a brief report on your group discussion to the rest of the members.

Thank you for your kind cooperation.





Dear Kyoto NHK-ESS members,

This is the announcement about the latter half practice on March 16th.

1. Genre: Talk & Discussion

2. Title: To show respect Momofuku Ando who is from Taiwan and an

inventor of chicken ramen noodle. This year is 60th Anniversary for
the chicken noodle.
It is said that the noodle named 老麺 in China changed to say " Ramen" in Japan.

Divide into several groups.
1) In each group, share your information about favorite noodle , topping,
taste(salt, soy sauce, bonito soup, Miso soup, vegetable soup, tonkotsu, so on)
2) Share your favorite noodle shop information.
3) How do you feel about Momofuku Ando through NHK morning drama, the Profiler)
4) Have you visited Ikeda noodle museum? If so,How was your impression about ?
5) Free talk - about your favorite noodle in each group

See you on 16th.

Itsuko Hori



Hi, there.

As you know, the Heisei era is coming to an end.

Emperor Akihito is set to abdicate the throne on April 30, when the curtain will fall on the Heisei era.

Let's look back on the Heisei.

See you at the temple.




Dear Kyoto NHK-ESS member

This is the information about the practice on March 2.

1. Genre: Talk & Discussion
2. Title: Talking about the present situation
3. Description

[Step. 0]
Make some groups and make pairs in each group. If you don’t have partner, please find a partner in other group. If there is no partner in all groups, I will become your partner.

[Step. 1] 1 minute to speak (5〜10min)
This is a 1 minute to speak. You talk about a topic for 1 minute. Your partner just listen. After your talking, exchange a speaker. I’m a timekeeper. I choose topics below.
Festival, Olympics, Entrance Examination, Graduation ceremony

[Step. 2] Free conversation (35〜45 minutes)
Please gather in each group.
Please introduce yourself quickly and talk about your present situation one by one.You can continue talking and discussion. You can talk about any topics. If you don’t have any topics,
you can use my topics that is “Valentine’s Day or White Day”

[Step. 3] Dialogue (10〜15 minutes)
I distribute a number card. One person having your same number is your partner.
Let’s talk freely each other.

Hirokazu Sakai


Kyoto NHK ESS レポートNo.8



2月2日 宮沢さん
「Haruki Murakami's literature」

2月9日 岩井恵さん
”what's new?” ”what you have to do in this months” ”bucket list” ”what you want to eat” などなど話しましたね〜〜

2月16日 スタッフ
「Talk More」

2月23日 平野さん
「Transfer acronym/ initialism to it's official name」
ではこれは? 米国からちょっと離れて。 GPS, BYOB, WADA, TGIF !


2018年度 スタッフ

田中 隆一



Dear ESS members,
This is the information about the latter half practice on February 23rd.

1 Genre: Quiz
2 Description: Transfer acronym/initialism to its official name.

I am sure everyone knows "USA" means "the United States of America," in Japanese, アメリカ合衆国。How about "UAE" or "LOL?"

Reading or listening to American current news, you have come across some acronyms or initialisms. You know what some of them stand for, but for some others, you just partially remember their formal names. Let's try to figure out their official names in both English and Japanese. The answer of UAE is United Arab Emirates /アラブ首長国連邦 and LOL is Laugh(ing) out loud/大笑い

You find some questions easy, but there are difficult ones. So you might want to arrange your memories in advance to answer as many questions as you can because you won't be allowed to consult any dictionaries on that day.

Fujio Hirano



Dear ESS members,

This is the information about the latter half practice on February 16th.
1 Genre: Talk
2 Details

ESS Practice: Talk More

Section1 Procedure (This is an example of 20 participants.)

1. Make a group which consists of 4 members, so we can have 5 groups,
A, B, C, D and E.
2. Put the next 7 cards face down after shuffling cards – SPORTS,
LANGUAGE, EDUCATION, SOCIAL ISSUE, ANY TOPIC- in the center of the table.
3. Every member in each group should have numbers,1, 2, 3 and 4.
4. No1 and No 2 make a pair and so do No 3 and No 4.
5. One member in each pair gets one card among the 7 cards and makes a
speech about it for 3
6. Next, the other member in the pair follows suit.
7. Then break pairs and each member should in turn make the same
speech that he/she gave in
the previous pair. But this time he/she can get just 2 minutes, so
should speak much faster and
while he/she is speaking, the previous listener will translate the
speech into Japanese.
8. Next, break the groups and make new ones which consist of the same
number of members, 1, 2,
3, 4 and 5.
9. The members of the new groups make a two-minute talk in turn about
what they most
impressively listened to.

Section2 Procedure

1. No groups. All the members make pairs.
2. One writes the name of a person, a place, an object, an animal,
etc. on a post-it note.
3. He/she puts the post-it note on the back of the other’s back.
4. The other can ask the one up to 20 questions which require only yes
or no answers to notice what is written on the post-
it note.

5. When the other gives a correct answer, each will change the role.
We do this twice, but in the second time we take a tournament system.
One or the other who
can answer faster will go up to the next stage. A person who remains
last is a winner.

Masahiro Yamamoto



Dear ESS members,
This is the information about the latter half practice on February 9th.

1 Genre: Talk
2 Description

Make pairs in each group. If you don’t have a partner, I will become your partner.
And talk based on the theme I’ll show you and keep the conversation until I say ‘stop talking and change your partners’. It would be 10 to 15 minutes for one theme.
Don’t forget to introduce yourself before starting and say `thank you’ at the end.

Megumi Iwai



To all
In the practice on Feb 2nd, I'd like you to try some works of translation from Haruki Murakami's literature,using both original text and Jay Rubin's English version out of NHK radio program https://cgi2.nhk.or.jp/gogaku/english/yomu/ just like i did many years ago.
I will do it again with a different work whose original title is「四月のある晴れた朝に100パーセントの女の子に出会うことについて」

Date;Feb. 2nd
Venue;Hitomachi Kaikan
Content: Dictation & Translation

1.make groups
2.fill in some blanks after listening to the Murakami's text of ”On Seeing the 100% Perfect Girl One Beautiful April Morning ”
3.translate some parts of it
4.share each translation (&corrections or impression etc..) in your group
5.choose the best one & present it in front of everyone.

thanks for your corporation in advance.

This is off topic,but actually I was asked last year by previous staff Yuko san and already prepared another material using "the Second bakery attack" but when I think it twice,it was too strange story😂,so I chose one of the most enjoyable and universal novel & redid it. so please look forward to it unless you're a fan of Haruki. Miyazawa


☃Kyoto NHK ESS レポートNo.7☃


コタツに入って、ちょいと昨年にタイムトリップ! 12月, 1月の後半プラクティスレポートです。

12月1日 スタッフ
「Talk & Discussion」
向かいあって話すと、だんだん見えてきたあなたの世界。Bike vs Car, Science vs Literature ! う〜ん、深い〜〜

12月8日 スタッフ
「 20 Questions」
20の質問で相手の思いついた単語を当てられるか⁉︎ 少ない質問で当てたら高ポイントGet! 意外と難しかった〜

12月15日 室田さん
「Let's guide a foreign tourists to your favorite places」
時空を超越した、アナログでスローな空気。自分でも気づかない興味に出会う素晴らしい本屋「恵文社」 一乗寺のオススメです!

12月22日 スタッフ
「The best of something this year」

1月5日 スタッフ
「Talk and Discussion」

1月12日 新年会

1月19日 スタッフ
「impromptu speech」
各テーブルに分かれて、原子力発電、政治、食物、音楽、言語などについて即興スピーチです。人それぞれ切り口が違うものですね〜 ゴマすりはbrown nose なんですね〜 むむむ!

1月26日 田畑誉子さん
「welcome to your egogram!」



「Make hay while the sun shines! 」
太陽が照っているうちに干し草をつくれ! 「善は急げ!」


田中 隆一



Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members.

Hello, this is Motoko Tabata.
Let me introduce the contents of the practice scheduled on January 26th.

1. Genre: Variety
2. Title: “Welcome to your egogram!”
Egogram is a psychological test which serves as a self-awareness tool.
It’s like the mirror of your personality.
There is no “good” or “bad” for Egogram.
So please just relax and try to check your personality.
3. Description:
(1) Make 4~5 groups
(2)【self check】(17:40~18:00)

I will distribute a self-check sheet and give you 20minutes.
Please give spontaneous answers to the questions.
There are no “right” answers, so rather let your inner voice lead you.
Relay on your first impression and try to be honest with yourself.

3.【group talk】(18:00~18:40)

Please share your result in your group. And exchange your opinions in your group on each question below.

Ex. How was the result of your self-analysis about yourself?
What is the strength of your personality?
And what is your weak point?
What part of your personality do you want to change?

Let’s have fun!



Here is the announcement for the practice on January 19.

[Genre] impromptu speech(即興スピーチ)

[Subject] things what we use or see in our daily life, such asstationaries, household appliances, parts of a house and so on(ex: socks, ball-point-pen, microwave, bag, ceiling).

[How to]
① I want you to be divided into 4 or 5 groups as usual.
② I will hand out a pack of cards to each group.
③ In your group, put those cards upside down.
④Decide the persons, who would do first, and who would be a timekeeper.
⑤ The first one take one from those cards.
⑥ The timekeeper time 30 seconds and the first speaker constructs a rough story within 30 seconds.
⑦Then the timekeeper calls “ Start “ and he or she starts their speech.
Make sure to use simple expressions and short sentences to be understood by everyone,
If you feel difficulty, you can speech looking at the [Hints] .
⑧ The speech would finish within one minute to two minutes.
The speaker can stop talking when 1 minute passes, and can check the time when he or
she wants to finish .
⑨ When the time passes 2minutes and still the speech is continuing, the timekeeper must say , "finish "
⑩ The audience can ask questions to the speaker if they want to.

[Hints] You can talk about the history or your attachment for some specific one, or your opinion on general ones . Here are some hints to make your speech .

♦︎ What does that remind you of?
♦︎ How many those things do you have ?
♦︎ What kind of that is your favorite one ?
♦︎ Do you have some memories about that ?
♦︎ Do you have any opinion about that ?
♦︎ How long have you being using that ?
♦︎ Do you want to use that from now and then, and why ?
♦︎ Do you want to buy a new one, and why ?

   These are only hints . You don’t have to try to answer them. You can tell anything about that .
    I wish you can enjoy the speaker’s opinion , idea ,or memories about the thing .

ESS スタッフ



Dear Kyoto NHK-ESS member
This is the information about the practice on January 5.

1. Genre: Talk & Discussion
2. Title: Talking about the present situation
3. Description

[Step. 0]
Make some groups and make pairs in each group. If you don’t have partner, please find a partner in other group. If there is no partner in all groups, I will become your partner.

[Step. 1] 1 minute to speak (5〜10min)
This is a 1 minute to speak. You talk about a topic for 1 minute. Your partner just listen. After your talking, exchange a speaker. I’m a timekeeper. I choose topics below.
National Holiday, Sunday, Personal Computer, Mobile phone

[Step. 2] Free conversation (35〜45 minutes)
Please gather in each group.
Please introduce yourself quickly and talk about your present situation one by one.
You can continue talking and discussion. You can talk about any topics. If you don’t have any topics,
you can use my topics that is “New Year’s Day or New Year’s Party”

[Step. 3] Dialogue (10〜15 minutes)
I distribute a number card. One person having your same number is your partner.
Let’s talk freely each other.

Hirokazu Sakai



Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members.
This is an announcement of the practice on December 22.

Genre :Talk
Title :The best of something in this year

This will be the final practice in 2018.
Let's talk about the bests what you experienced in this year.

What is the best book you read in this year ?
What is the best music you listened to in this year ?
What is the best TV drama you watched in this year ?
What is the best place where you visited in this year ?
What is the best news for you in this year ?

I hope you will enjoy the practice .

Akiko Matsui



Hello ESS-members,

This is the announcement of the practice on Dec 15.
Genre: Taking and role playing
Title: Let’s guide a foreign tourist to your favorite places,

1. After making several groups, discuss your several favorite places such
as, shrines, temples, walking streets, shopping area, café, and
restraints in Kansai area (speaking overview, the reason why? your
memories regarding ones etc.)

2. After finishing all members talking, make a pair. One plays a role of
foreign tourist, the another becomes a guide so that each pair starts
virtual tour. The guide makes a short tour(2-3 hours + eating), which
should include a shrine or a temple, walking street, and place to
eat/drink. Finally, do not forget to recommend a great souvenir that
you like.

3. Finishing the first role-play, take turns.

4. If you have a time after the role-plays, discuss your feeling of the
recent trends of foreign tourists in Japan, in each group.





Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

Here is an announcement of the later half practice that we will enjoy on December 8. We are supposed to gather at the Hitomachi-Koryu-Kan Kyoto at 18:00 on this day since the usual Otera will not be available for us to use.

1. Genre: English Game
2. Title: 20 Questions
3. Description:

We will be divided into two groups to have a competitive battle between the two with a guessing game in English. The guessing game in which people try to identify a person, place or thing in 20 questions or less. The person can be living (e.g. a current athlete or entertainer), deceased (e.g. a famous person in history), or fictitious (e.g. cartoon or movie character). The place can be anywhere in the world, including creative places. The thing can be an inanimate object, an animal, a food, etc. Basically anything can be chosen, but try to make the selected item something that can be reasonably guessed. It’s no fun to play a guessing game that is impossible to solve.

Hope to see many of you at Hitomachi-Koryu-Kan Kyoto at 18:00 on December 8.

Makoto Nishimura



Dear Kyoto NHK-ESS member
This is the information about the practice on December 1.

1. Genre: Talk & Discussion
2. Title: Talking about the present situation
3. Description

[Step. 0]
Make some groups and make pairs in each group. If you don’t have partner, please find a partner in other group. If there is no partner in all groups, I will become your partner.

[Step. 1] 1 minute to speak (5〜10min)
This is a 1 minute to speak. You talk about a topic for 1 minute. Your partner just listen. After your talking, exchange a speaker. I’m a timekeeper. I choose topics below.
Bicycle, Car, Science, Literature

[Step. 2] Free conversation (35〜45 minutes)
Please gather in each group.
Please introduce yourself quickly and talk about your present situation one by one.
You can continue talking and discussion. You can talk about any topics. If you don’t have any topics,
you can use my topics that is “Christmas Eve or New Year Eve”

[Step. 3] Dialogue (10〜15 minutes)
I distribute a number card. One person having your same number is your partner.
Let’s talk freely each other.

Hirokazu Sakai


🍁Kyoto NHK ESS レポートNo.6🍁



10月6日 富久田さん
「Domestic trip」

10月13日 スタッフ
「Talk & Discussion」
この時間はしっかり自分のこと、話せます。そして聴くことも。春夏秋冬、あなたの ”いとをかし” ことは・・

10月20日 岡さん
「News of receiving an award」

10月27日 田中さん
「Get the inbound tourists」
海外からの観光客数ワースト4は島根、高知、福井、岩手だそうです。これら4県の観光課職員になりきって各テーブルからのプレゼン。「ようこそ 〜県!」

11月3日 スタッフ
「 Talk & Discussion」
① 運動や食事よりも ”読書”
② 子どもと暮らさず 、アクティブに ”一人暮らし” これホント⁈

11月10〜11日 ESS 合宿

11月17日 田畑 (夫) さん
「52 small changes for the Mind」
”他人との比較はむなしく満たされない気持ちを生むことが多い。周りに影響されることなく、自分が心から望むことを一番に考える” ですよね〜 、これ52の習慣のたった1つ!

11月24日 森さん
「Let's focus on lesser known places for tourism」
亀岡に歴史ある出雲大神宮。 出雲の祭祀の謎は奥深い・・

" a jurney of a thousand miles begins with a single step "
「 千里の道も一歩から 」


2018年度 スタッフ一同



Dear ESS member,

Let me introduce the contents of the practice scheduled
for November 24th

Recently, we have seen the lesser known place became
the fastest growing destination for tourism, thanks to
the SNS. Let’s focus on such a place.

【Brief Explanation of Procedure】

17:40: Make some groups.

(Section 1)
Until 17:55: I will give you some quiz about a little-known but good
place in Japan.

(Section 2)
Until 18:25: Talk about a little-known place of your recommendation
in each group. There are no specific procedures or guidelines
that I need you to follow. Any place is fine either in Japan
or abroad. Famous sightseeing place can also be acceptable.

18:25: One member of each group make a short presentation.

Have enjoy!
Natsuko Mori



Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members.

Hello, here is the announcement for the practice on November 17th.

I’m sorry for late annnouncement.

(1) Genre: Talk
(2) Title: “52 small changes for the Mind”
(3) Description:

1. Making some groups

2. I distribute the sheets which the list about “52 small customs” are written on.

3. Read the list and check on what you would like to try , or you have already done.

Ex. Keep diary , Laugh as often as possible, Thank for small things,
Spend money on experiences than things、Don’t compare with others ,
Don’t blame yourself ・・・・

4. Share the check list in your group and discuss.

5. If you have another unique custom or your routine or what you keep in mind to do,
tell other members in your group.

6. The presentative of each group will tell other group members
what you talked about in each group.
 Don’t be too serious and just enjoy it.

A. Tabata


“1週間に1つずつ。毎日の暮らしが輝く52の習慣” 著者:ブレット・ブルーメンソール


“52 Small Changes for the Mind : Improve Memory * Minimize Stress * Increase Productivity * Boost Happiness” ”



Dear Kyoto NHK-ESS member

This is the information about the practice on November 3.

1. Genre: Talk & Discussion

2. Title: Talking about the present situation

3. Description

[Step. 0]
Make some groups and make pairs in each group. If you don’t have partner, please find a partner in other group. If there is no partner in all groups, I will become your partner.

[Step. 1] 1 minute to speak (5〜10min)
This is a 1 minute to speak. You talk about a topic for 1 minute. Your partner just listen. After your talking, exchange a speaker. I’m a timekeeper. I choose topics below.
English, Japanese, Mountain, River

[Step. 2] Free conversation (35〜45 minutes)
Please gather in each group.
Please introduce yourself quickly and talk about your present situation one by one.
You can continue talking and discussion. You can talk about any topics. If you don’t have any topics,
you can use my topics that is “How to learn English?”

[Step. 3] Dialogue (10〜15 minutes)
I distribute a number card. One person having your same number is your partner.
Let’s talk freely each other.

Hirokazu Sakai



Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

This is an announcement of the practice on Oct. 27th.

Genre : Presentation

Title : Get the inbound tourists

Many foreign tourists have visited Japan these days.
Most of the prefectures are enticing foreign tourists to visit there toward "40 million inbound in 2020".
A prefecture that had the most inbound in 2017 is,
1st Tokyo 2nd Osaka 3rd Chiba 4th Kyoto...
and the fewest inbound in 2017 is,
1st Shimane 2nd Kochi 3rd Fukui 4th Iwate....

At present, the 60% overseas tourists are repeater to Japan.
They are also looking for a new spot where they can experience with Japanese, flower arrangement,
farm work, Ninja and suchlike.
Each prefecture has considered what leads to the attraction of inbound tourists.

Please imagine that you are in Shimane, Kochi, Fukui or Iwate prefectual employees place.
Let's make an impressive presentation as a group in 3minutes !

So before the practice, I would recommend checking the sightseeing of them by the Web.

I hope that you will spend an exciting time there.
thank you,

Ryuich Tanaka



Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

This is an annoucement of the practice in the latter half of ESS meeing on Oct. 20th.

1. Date: Oct. 20th

2. Genre: Talking

3. Title: News of receiving an award

It was the time when Nobel Prize news became the topic this year. As all of you already knows, a Japanese won the Nobel Prize in the field of physiology and medicine this year. It was Tasuku Honjo, a professor at Kyoto University who elucidated mechanism of the cancer outbreak and developed medicines controlling cancer outbreak. I was interested in Japanese Nobel prize winner in the past and gathered their informations in the table. Today, I would like to talk about them with you, and at the same time, I want to share with you your interesting prize you have received so far ( rare funny prize is better ) .

4. Description

1) Please make 4-5 groups

2) I will distribute a paper written about Japanese who received Novel Prize.

3) Please read it and fill the blank in the table with talking about Novel Prize in your group.

4) Next, as I will distribute another blank paper, please write down the prize you have received in  the past.

Ex: In my case, I have received the prize about "very healthy tooth" in my elementary school days and received the prize on the

"perfect attendance in my elementary and junior high school days "

5) Then, introduce and talk about your exciting prize in your group.

I hope you will enjoy the practice.

Masahiko Oka



Dear Kyoto NHK-ESS member
This is the information about the practice on October 13.

1. Genre: Talk & Discussion
2. Title: Talking about the present situation
3. Description

[Step. 0]
Make some groups and make pairs in each group. If you don’t have partner, please find a partner in other group. If there is no partner in all groups, I will become your partner.

[Step. 1] 1 minute to speak (5〜10min)
This is a 1 minute to speak. You talk about a topic for 1 minute. Your partner just listen. After your talking, exchange a speaker. I’m a timekeeper. I choose topics below.
Autumn , Spring , Book , School

[Step. 2] Free conversation (35〜45 minutes)
Please gather in each group.
Please introduce yourself quickly and talk about your present situation one by one.
You can continue talking and discussion. You can talk about any topics. If you don’t have any topics,
you can use my topics that is “What is your hobby?”

[Step. 3] Dialogue (10〜15 minutes)
I distribute a number card. One person having your same number is your partner.
Let’s talk freely each other.

Hirokazu Sakai



information on October.sixth about the latter part practice.
Theme,Domestic trip
At first all members will be divide in to some groups and talk about some prefecture.


🌾Kyoto NHK ESS レポートNo.5🌾

ESS の皆さま


9月1日 酒井さん
「Talk & Discussion」
知ってるつもりのESSのあのメンバー、まだまだ知らないあなたの季節、趣味・・ヘェ〜 じっくりペアで話し合いましょう!

9月8日 岩井盛一郎さん
「Present your opinions and discuss about the articles from the Japan times」
厳選された5大ニュース、1番人気は”観光公害” でした。目標とされる外国から日本への観光客数は、一年間に4000万人ですって! 地元の人と観光客が一緒にできることは⁇

9月15日 佃さん
「How do you survive without electricity」
トイレ対策、お風呂対策...水ストップの対策 で 多く出た意見は、

9月22日 今井さん
「Current Digital Technical Terms」
”シンギュラリティー” って聞いたこと、あります? 人工知能(AI)が人間の能力を越える転換点って、2045年までには大変換⁉︎

9月29日 奥さん
「Letter from an ESS Leadership Candidate」
最近のアメリカの中間選挙、沖縄の知事選挙に乗っかって、やってみました「 ESSリーダー立候補演説」 ”リーダーにはならないけど私に投票してネ!” そんなお茶目な立候補者もいました!


2018年度 ESS スタッフ
田中 隆一



Hi! everyone.

This is the announcement of Second Practice on September 29, 2018, next

Sorry for the lateness of this preannouncement but I hope you prepare well
for the next week.  Akira Oku.

 - - - - - - - - -

Election season is coming or has been passing, e.g., the midterm election in
the US, gubernatorial election in Okinawa, and the election for the
presidency of the LDP in Japan.

Like the citizen judge system in Japan, we the members of Kyoto NHK ESS will
or shall be asked inevitably sooner or later to take part in the staff board
as obligation. Therefore, why don’t we play a candidacy speech in
preparation for that chance?

Composition and Speech

- - - - - - - - -

Example: < Letter from an ESS Leadership Candidate >

Dear ESS Member,

I promise to be very brief, so please do not ignore this message.

My name is Zengyo-Inn Yeses and I am seeking your support and vote for
Leader of the Kyoto NHK ESS Society. I am honored to be a nominee and if
elected, I am determined to be a strong advocate for English learning,
communication and innovation. I believe that I am uniquely qualified to
represent our membership and to be effective in this position because of my
broad and diverse background that includes social, business, academic, and
human relation experience. For more information about my qualifications and
accomplishments, please check my

If elected, my main goal would be to educate ourselves in our discipline
about the significance of nationwide communication through English.

In conjunction with my many years of experience, my recent experience
uniquely prepared me to persuasively articulate the importance of English
communication for the prosperity of our personal life and the society. As a
voluntary group comprised of a variety of people with expertise and ability,
our ESS group has potentiality not only to solve member’s personal problems
but also to participate in social issues such as health-consciousness and
control of climate change.

Please allow me to work with you to accomplish these goals and to fulfill
our volunteer mind to make this world better.

I promised to be brief in the beginning, so let me end this message by
asking again for your support and for your advice. Together we can really
make a difference anywhere.

Sincerely yours,

Zengyo-Inn Yeses
Member of the Kyoto NHK ESS

(Mimicked from ACS newsletter)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


1. First of all, read the letter above as an example of candidacy letter
for the position of ESS leadership. (10 min)

2. Suppose you were to be nominated as a candidate for the leader (or
subleader) of the Kyoto ESS group.

3. Write to prepare your candidacy letter by help of group discussion. If
it takes time, you may just modify or change the phrases underlined in the
above example. (30 min)

4. Hope you play brave to give speech in front of all. (20 min)

Needless to say, I would highly recommend you to prepare the speech in
advance of the day. See you!

Appendix: For Recitation and Singing

Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair

Stephen Foster

I dream of Jeanie with the light brown hair,
Borne, like a vapor, on the summer air;
I see her tripping where the bright streams play,
Happy as the daisies that dance on her way.
Many were the wild notes her merry voice would pour,
Many were the blithe birds that warbled them o'er:
Oh! I dream of Jeanie with the light brown hair,
Floating, like a vapor, on the soft summer air.

I long for Jeanie with the daydawn smile,
Radiant in gladness, warm with winning guile;
I hear her melodies, like joys gone by,
Sighing round my heart o'er the fond hopes that die
Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
Oh! I long for Jeanie, and my heart bows low,
Never more to find her where the bright waters flow.

I sigh for Jeanie, but her light form strayed
Far from the fond hearts round her native glade;
Her smiles have vanished and her sweet songs flown,
Flitting like the dreams that have cheered us and gone.
Now the nodding wild flowers may wither on the shore
While her gentle fingers will cull them no more:
Oh! I sigh for Jeanie with the light brown hair,
Floating, like a vapor, on the soft summer air.



Informations on the latter part practice of Sep 22nd are as follows.

Genre : Explanation & Discussion
Title : Current Digital Technical Terms

Now, we are in the computerized days and we can not stop
admitting any fields of modern society is supported by computer.
In short, we can understand and recognize more deeply modern
society through knowing the Current Digital Thecnical Terms.
Let’s enjoy foretelling near future through understanding Current
Digital Thecnical Terms.
Y. Imai



Dear Kyoto NHK-ESS members

I am Yuji Tsukuda.
I am glad to announce the practice on Sep 15.

Genre: Talk

Title: How do you survive without electricity.

Description :

1. Making some groups
2. Talk1:How do you live without electricity?
3. Talk2:How do you spend your free time without electricity?

The powerful typhoon Jebi and the big earthquake in Hokkaido cause the power cut.
I spent a few days without electricity, and the life was more terrible than I had imagined.
That’s why I choose this topic.

I am looking forward to seeing you on the day

Thank you



Dear Kyoto ESS members

This is the announcement of the practice on Sept 8 2018.

Genre: presentation & discussion
Title: Present your opinions and discuss about the articles from the Japan Times.

Step1: Separate into several groups. Each group consists of 3 to 5 members.

Step2: I distribute papers containing the articles extracting from the Japan Times.

The articles cover five controversial issues. Please choose three topics out of five and
   decide the order to discuss as a group.

Step3: If your group decides the topic to discuss first, read the article concerning the topic
   ( 5 to 7 minutes).

Step4: Each member presents your opinion concerning with the article in the group
   (1 to 2 minutes).

Step5: Exchange the opinions in a group concerning with the article (10 to 15 minutes).

Step6: Follow the same order above concerning with other two topics your group chose.

The topics on the practice are as follows:

1 . The number of foreign tourists is boosting for recent several years. The foreign tourism has vast impact on Japanese economy. On the other hand, the serious problem has emerged something the media has calling “kanko kogai” “tourism pollution.”

2. Development of AI (artificial intelligence) is tremendous. It is predicted AI will totally
change our life from medical field to driving vehicles autonomously.

On the other hands, it is predicted that 50 percent of white-collar jobs will be replaced by the computers.

3. Tokyo Medical University deducted points from the entrance exam score of all female
applicants to keep the ratio of female students at the university at about 30 percent.
The unfairness against female applicants lies on avoiding a shortage of doctors at affiliated hospitals.
The medical college believed female doctors often resign or take long leave after getting married or getting pregnant.

4. Prime Minister Abe characterizes integrated resorts (IR) as key to his growth strategy. IR refers to casino resorts
Abe administration expects IR will be a key component to bring in more wealthy travelers to Japan and help boot economy
On the other hand, promotion of official casinos would encourage to make worse the problem of gambling addiction.

5. One of the news to move people around Japan is the discovery of a 2 year old boy who had been missing for three days in Yamaguchi Prefecture.
The volunteer Haruo Obata, 78, found the boy only in 30 minutes despite a search effort involving 380 police officers and rescuers as well as drones within thermal imaging cameras. Since media covered this news every day,
Mr. Obata becomes national hero and volunteerism has come into limelight

Thank you very much. I hope you enjoy the practice.

Seiichiro Iwai.



Dear Kyoto NHK-ESS member
This is the information about the practice on September 1.

 1. Genre: Talk & Discussion
 2. Title: Talking about the present situation
 3. Description

[Step. 0]
Make some groups and make pairs in each group. If you don’t have partner, please find a partner in other group.
If there is no partner in all groups, I will become your partner.

[Step. 1] Break the Ice (5〜10min)
This is a 1 minute to speak. You talk about a topic for 1 minute. Your partner just listen. After your talking, exchange a speaker.
I’m a timekeeper. I choose topics below.
Summer Winter Sport Music

[Step. 2] Group Talk (35〜45 minutes)
Please gather in each group.
Please introduce yourself quickly and talk about your present situation one by one.
You can continue talking and discussion.

[Step. 3] One to one talk (10〜15 minutes)
I distribute a number card. One person having your same number is your partner.
Let’s talk freely each other.

Hirokazu Sakai


🌻Kyoto NHK ESS レポートNo.4🌻


7月14日 西村さん
「Message without words」
アメリカのゼスチャークイズ、片手で現す ”I Love You” 覚えてますか⁉︎

7月21日 サマーパーティー

7月28日 石崎さん
「 English Haiku/ Senryu 」
少ない単語で状況を的確に表現する日本語の俳句と同じですね。人生初めて、英語の俳句を創った〜 いい経験!

8月4日 辻さん
「 Let's talk about mysteries」
”2014年墜落したマレーシア航空機はいったいどこに消えたんでしょうか⁉︎ ”
なんとも奇妙で不可思議な出来事、風景・・ 暑気払いにぴったりのプラクティスでした!

8月18日 北浦さん
「 About this Summer」
みなさん、楽しそうなお盆休みを過ごされたんですね〜 ”蕎麦にゴマ油⁉︎” ” タコ焼きにチーズ⁉︎” 本当に美味しいんですかあ〜〜

8月25日 田畑誉子さん
「 ”fake news”, ”post-truth”, and ”media literacy” 」
世界中で最近、なんでfake newsってよく聞くんでしょうか⁉︎ 情報の真実をとらえること、だんだん難しくなってきてますね。 とっても勉強になりました!


2018 Kyoto NHK ESS スタッフ一同



Dear ESS members
This is the announcement for the practice on Aug. 25th, 2018.

Genre: Discussion
Title: “fake news”, “post-truth” and “media literacy”
1 Make 4~5 groups.
2 First every member read through all the materials by yourself. Then
exchange your opinions in your group on each question below.

(1)That man fanned a “lion scare” with false tweets after the Kumamoto earthquakes
was arrested three months later for allegedly obstructing
the zoo’s operations but avoid indictment. What are your thoughts on this issue?

(2) Did you know “Russiagate”? And do you think Russian government resorted to acts
   that would favor the Trump campaign in the 2016 U.S. presidential race?

(3) How would you define “fake news”? Please explain your answer.

(4) Do you often get your news from social media? Why ?Why not?

(5)Why do you think”fake news” spreads so quickly on social media?

(6)What news organizations do you consider to be trustworthy? Why?

(7) In your opinion ,what should be done to stop the spread of “fake news”? Please explain
your answer.

(8) Would you argue that “fake news” is damaging to democracy? Why? Why not?

3 Introduce your group summary to other groups (from around 18:30).

If you need more information, please take a look at the attached link.



I hope you enjoy it!



This is an announcement about the practice on August 18.
Genre: Discussion
Title: About this summer
Please talk with each other about what you enjoyed or felt in this summer. I suggest two topics below.

(Topic 1) Unusual heat
What did you do to avoid the heat?
How often did you use air conditioner?
Did you do some sports during this heat?
Please tell us whatever episodes relate to this summer.

(Topic 2) Your memories of this summer.
What is the most impressive thing or event during this summer?
Summer festival, family gathering, swimming pool, eating shaved ice (Kakigoori), whatever…

Let’s enjoy talking!




This is an announcement about practice on 8-4
Genre: talking
Title: let's talk about mysteries.
Please tell us about your strange
experience. for examples , you saw
UFO, UMA, Paranormal Phenomenon.
If you have no ideas,tell us legedary stories,or introduce mystery novels.
I hope many goosebumps stories.

Kenji Tsujl



Kyoto ESS Practice

This is an announcement of practice on July.28

Program:English Haiku /Senryu

Time table
17:40-18:00 Read below instruction of English Haiku
18:00-18:30 Make your Haiku (Senryu)
18:30-18:35 Present within your group and choose best three in your group
18:35-18:40 Present best three Haiku

See you soon
Hiroaki Ishizaki

以下はThe Japan times STより引用しました。

1. 文頭であっても大文字は用いず、文末にピリオドを打たない
固有名詞や I 以外は、すべて小文字で表記します。また、文末のピリオドは不要です。

2. 3行で書くこと

3. 3行それぞれの音節は2-3-2くらいをめどにすること
日本語俳句は「5文字 7文字 5文字」の計17文字で作られますが、英語俳句ではそれぞれの行の音節の数は「2-3-2」くらいがよいとされます。ゆえに音節の少ない、短い単語を使用するのがよいでしょう。
(音節とは、母音または母音の前後に子音を伴う、音声のひとまとまりこと。辞書ではpen・cilのように、・や - で区切って示される)

4. 一句の中に切れ字を入れること
切れ字とは、日本語俳句に見られる、感動や詠嘆を表す「かな」や「けり」に相当するもので、英語俳句では行末に ――(ダッシュ)や : (コロン)を置いて感動の余韻を表します。

5. できるだけ "I" を使わない

6. be 動詞、冠詞、前置詞は省略してよい。表現を簡潔にまとめることになり、作品が散文的になるのを防ぐことができます。

7. 時制は現在形を用いる

8. 正確な文法に必ずしもこだわらなくてよい

9. 季節感を盛り込む

 以上の要点をまとめれば、英語俳句を作る上では、 「文法にあまりこだわらず、いま、目の前にある情景を写真でとらえるように、それぞれが短い3行の英文で描写する」ことが大切です。



Here is an announcement of the practice on July 14.
Genre: Nonverbal Communications
Title: Message without words

Nonverbal communications, such as facial expressions, voice tone, gestures, appearance and posture are all essential aspects of our daily conversation for building the relationship among us. When we attempt to communicate with another person, we use both verbal and nonverbal communications. Nonverbal messages are “messages without words” or “silent messages.” We have conducted a variety of practices at Kyoto NHK ESS so far to try to make our ability better for verbal communications. This time I would like you to challenge for the improvement of our nonverbal communication skills.

17:40 – 18:00 Test of our knowledge on American gestures

The test paper with having several illustrations of American gesture will be distributed. You are requested to answer the meanings of these gestures.

18:00 – 18:40 Game “Message without words.”

You will be divided into groups. One representative from the group will play the game of the “Message without words” in order to convey a certain information to other members of the group. The performance of the representative is limited for only 3 minutes. If the group members can make a good guess on the information, they can get the point. A competition among the groups.

Makoto Nishimura



Informations latter part practice of July 7th are as follows.

Genre : Explanation & Discussion
Title : Current Digital Thechnical Terms

Now, we are in the computerized days as we can not stop
admitting any fields of modern society is suported by computer.
In short, we can understand and recognize more modern society
through knowing the Current Digital Thecnical Terms.
Let’s enjoy foretelling near future through understanding Current
Digital Thecnical Terms.
Y. Imai


🎋 Kyoto NHK ESSレポートNo.3 🎋



6月2日 南橋さん
「定年退職制を禁止すべきか 否か」

6月9日 岩井さん
「completing scripts (Rakugo stories)」

6月16日 武居さん
「Imperial / Royal Family Systems 」
何かと話題の英国王室、日本皇室 。
麗しきセレモニー から ゴシップネタ にいたるまであれこれ話し合いました。

6月23日 鈴木さん
「Japanese School Lunch」

6月30日 大石さん
「Try to solve the questions」


2018 Kyoto NHK ESS スタッフ一同



Genre---- Speaking
Title ---- Right way to express yourself in English.
I will give you more than 20 sentence-examples and you pick up the right one from each sentence example. Have a good time.
Masahiro Oishi



Hi, everyone!
This is an announcement of the practice on June 23.

[Genre ] Talk

[Title ] Japanese School Lunch

Have you eaten school lunch?
Most Japanese people say,"Yes,of course !" When we were elementary school students,we ate school lunch together with our homeroom teacher and classmates.
Japanese school lunch doesn't mean just a meal,but also a part of education.
Please remember your school days and talk about school lunch you might miss.

Takako Suzuki



Dear ESS members !

This is an announcement of the practice on June 16.

Theme:Royal family or Imperial family

The royal wedding of prince Harry and Meghan Markle was held last month and great many people around the world viewed the event broadcasted live.
Here in Japan, the Emperor’s first granddaughter announced to postpone the wedding of which her fiancé’s family problems drew people’s attention.

This may be a timely topic of our practice to talk about, but for the practice you can talk anything as long as it is about Royal family or Imperial family around the world, including Emperor’s abdication, princess Aiko’s not being able to become female Emperor( Empress?) despite of being a first child of crown prince, and so on.

I hope you enjoy this practice.

Kumiko Takesue



Hi, everyone.

Here is the announcement for the practice on the June 9th.

[Genre] completing scripts( These are for plays based on Rakugo stories, and to be performed by more than two people)

[How to] 1 I want you to be divided into 4 or 5 groups as usual.
2 Read through a script(5min.).
3 There are blanks in the last line. In your group, discuss what expression would fit (10min.). And then a representative announces the
answer as a group.
4 Listen to the play(5min.).
5 I’ll hand out another script. Repeat from 1 to 4 .

You don’t have to find the right answer. There could be some expressions.
And I don’t want you not to speak Japanese as possible as you can.
First of all, I hope you’ll enjoy the sense of humor.

Megumi Iwai



Dear ESS members
This is the announcement for the practice on June 2nd, 2018. Everyone, please prepare for your own opinions.
Genre: Debate
Proposition: Japan should prohibit mandatory retirement age system. (日本は定年退職制を禁止すべきである)
Please notice that this debate is nothing but a practice with one type of game, and not necessarily connected with your own standpoint, merits and demerits of you as an independent individual in your social life. Therefore, do your best to win the game as one good way to enrich your experience to present better debate practice in our ESS activity.
1) Make some groups so that each group would consist of 3 members. If 2 members were left, MINAMIHASHI would join the group. If 1 member were left, I would ask the leader to be a special additional judge for 1 group. Be your timekeeper within your group for each of you.

2) Write and prepare major points, advantages and disadvantages of the proposition within 3 minutes, based on the assumption that the proposition would be adopted as actual nationwide policy in Japan.

3) In your group, decide your order to be Affirmative, Negative and Judge. The Affirmative must sit right side of the Negative and left side of the Judge.

4) If you are the Affirmative, argue that the Affirmative policy has great advantages and little disadvantages. If you are the Negative, argue that the Affirmative policy has fewer advantages and greater disadvantages. If you are the Judge, compare the initial link of advantages and disadvantages of the Affirmative policy, whether those points are certainly caused by the Affirmative policy or not and which would outweigh the other. Articulation and grammar, logical persuasiveness would be also important when a comparison of advantages and disadvantages were difficult. However, any argument in the rebuttal speech that was not presented during the constructive speech must be regarded as “new argument” which should not be counted for the decision.

5) Start debate match in the following order. Be the timekeeper for your group and announce the beginning and end of each time. Be sure to take note of your flow sheet while listening to other’s speech.
Affirmative Constructive Speech……………1 minute(肯定側立論1分)
Cross-Examination by the Negative……… 1 minute(否定側による肯定側への反対尋問1分)
Preparation Time………………‥……………1 minute(準備時間1分)
Negative Constructive Speech ………………1 minute(否定側立論1分)
Cross-Examination by the Affirmative……・1 minute(肯定側による否定側への反対尋問1分)
Preparation Time……‥………………………1 minute(準備時間1分)
Affirmative Rebuttal Speech…………………1 minute(肯定側による反論1分)
Cross-Examination by both sides……………1 minute(双方による反対尋問1分)
Preparation Time………………………………1 minute(準備時間1分)
Negative Rebuttal Speech・……………………1 minute(否定側による反論1分)
Decision & Reason by the Judge ……………3 minutes(ジャッジによる勝敗の判定及びその理由3分)
(Go through “step 5)” within 13 minutes.)(「ステップ5)」を13分でやって下さい。)

6) Turn the role clockwise in your group.(時計回りに肯定側、否定側、ジャッジの役割を変える)

7) Repeat the process of 5) with the different role in your group for 13 minutes.( 「ステップ5」を前回と異なる役割により13分で繰り返す。

8) Turn the role clockwise in your group once more.(もう一度、時計周りに肯定側、否定側、ジャッジの役割を変える)

9) Repeat the process of 5) with the other role that you haven’t played in your group for 13 minutes.

10) Discuss overall debate on the proposition.(ディベートの試合の感想を一言ずつ述べる)。

11) Decide the best debater in your group by voting.(自分のグループの多数決でベストディベーターを決める)。

12) Report briefly to all the members the result of the 3 debate match and who won the best debater in your group.
Let’s enjoy debating and have fun with taking 3 roles of the debate on the propositions.
なお、お時間のある方は、具体的にどういうAdvantage, Disadvantageがあり得るか、考えて、書いておかれるようお勧めします。頭の体操になります。ただ、プラクティスの時間が55分、1試合13分と短いので、今回は、evidence(証拠資料)は使わないことにします。ディベートのスタイルには、この他にも様々なバリエーションがある事も覚えておいて下さい。

小西卓三・菅家知洋・Peter J. Collins, 『Let the Debate Begin! Effective Argumentation and Debate Techniques〔Teacher’s Edition〕-―英語で学ぶ論理的説得術――』、東海大学出版会、2007
松本茂・鈴木健・青沼智、『英語ディベート 理論と実践』、玉川大学出版部、2009
安井省侍郎(著)Debate Forum出版会監修、『初心者のためのディベートQ&A』、第4版、Debate Forum出版会発行、2004
小西卓三・菅家知洋・Peter J. Collins, 『Let the Debate Begin! Effective Argumentation and Debate Techniques―英語で学ぶ論理的説得術――』、東海大学出版会、2007(学生向け)
武田顕司、『ネコと学ぶディベートの本 日本一やさしいディベートの教科書』、デザインエッグ株式会社、第3版、2017
武田顕司、『ネコと練習するディベートの本 日本一やさしいディベートの問題集』、デザインエッグ株式会社、2017
ジョージ・W・シーゲルミューラー、ジャック・ケイ著、井上奈良彦監訳、『議論法 探求と弁論 第3版』、花書院、2006
The Editors of IDEA, 『The Debatabase Book: A Must-Have Guide for Successful Debate』, 6th ed., Introduction by Robert Trapp, International Debate Education Association, 2013.
Debbie Newman, Ben Woolgar (ed.), 『Pros and Cons: A Debater's Handbook』, 19th ed, Routledge, 2014.
Austin J. Freeley, David L. Steinberg, 『Argumentation and Debate: Critical Thinking for Reasoned Decision Making』, 13th ed., Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2014
(追記 Additional suggestion for better ideas, arguments and responses.)
・Imagine what would happen if the proposition were actually adopted as a national policy of Japan from the actual standpoint of yourself, your family, your friends, your job, your community, other individuals, other companies, other groups, other regions, Japan as a whole and the other countries.
・Imagine actual advantages and disadvantages, impacts, process, obstacles, root cause and effects from the viewpoint of your and others’ daily practice, economy, business, politics, human relations, social welfare, traditions, customs, social career, education, securities, mental health, physical health, moral, ethics and so on.
・Imagine what would be the actual impact of your arguments for yourselves, family, community, job, regions, Japan, and the world.
・Think about what kind of impact, link the argument would have from adoption of the proposition as a national policy of Japan and to what extent it would be significant, whether it be economic, social, medical, mental, physical, vocational, technological, legal, ethical, educational, cultural, regional, domestic or international.
・Imagine and clarify what would be for actual 5W1H after the adoption of the proposition; who, what, when, where, why and how.8W6H might also be good; Why, What, Where, When, Who, Whom, Which, Whose, How, How much, How many, How long, How far, How often
・Compare your own ideas and thoughts with the others'. If you feel your arguments are superior or inferior, clarify the reasons. If you do think that the others’ ideas are superior, don’t hesitate to imitate those so that your arguments would be improved.
I expect fruitful debate practice for June 2nd!
・政策のメリット(advantage), デメリット(disadvantage)、インパクトの大小、実現可能性、波及経路、根本原因、政策実現への障害と抜け道の有無と程度、代替政策の有無・是非と定年退職制度禁止との両立の可否、コスパ等を考えて見て下さい。
・政策の採否の影響を5W1H(Who, What, When, Where, Why and How)で考えるのも、1つの方法です。8W6Hという人もいます。Why, What, Where, When, Who, Whom, Which, Whose, How, How much, How many, How long, How far, How often



☆Kyoto NHK ESS レポートNo.2☆


5月5日 間嶋さん
東京の銘菓、淡路島の美術館、活版印刷の年賀状、子どもの頃からの夢、乗馬・・ みんなの前で「私が伝えたい”オススメ” 」を話してもらいました!

5月12日 安田さん
「 Mother's Day 」

5月19日 吉田さん
「 Let's tweet in English」
”私の人生を振り返って、一つだけ変えることができるならば・・ ”
大きな車座を作って一人一人にtwitter してもらいました。えっ〜〜それってマジですか⁉︎

5月26日 口中さん
「 結婚についての概念」
”あなたの可愛い娘さんが、アメリカ人男性と結婚したいと言いました。うーむ、 国際結婚・・ ”


2018 Kyoto NHK ESS スタッフ一同



Practice 5.26

Title: Notions of marriage (結婚観について)

1)Divide our members into 4 or 5 groups.


 〇The notion of marriage means only a young couples’ matter and never be his and her families’ matter. (agree or disagree)

  〇Americans’ notions of marriages look like couple’s long journey. 

That means “Not life-long events”.

〇If you would have a young daughter (or your sister) and she said to you “I want marry an American guy.”, will you accept her or not?

                            by Takeo Kuchinaka



Hello, there:

This is an announcement about Practice on 2018-05-19.

Genre: Speaking / Composition
Title: Let's Tweet in English

Have you ever used Twitter?

In this practice, you’ll have an opportunity to "tweet" to others.

My definition of a "tweet" here is a clear-cut short English paragraph
which consist of a few sentences (single sentence will be OK too).

I'd like to make it a rule that every tweet should have a single idea
to deliver. That's it. There is no other rules. Just relax and
tweet whatever you want!

Let’s have fun :-)


Masakazu Yoshida



This is an announcement about the Practice on 12 th May.

Genre : Speaking
Title : Mother’s Day

We have Mother’s Day on 13th May in Japan. Let’s talk about your memory of Mother’s Day.
Before that, I may prepare some tiny quiz about Mother’s Day.

1 Make several groups
2. Simple Quiz(17:45~18:00)
3. Talk about your memory or episode of Mother’s Day(18:00~18:40)

Just relax and freely talk about your memory.
(You also can tell your friends’ funny story about it.)

Let’s have fun
Kazumasa Yasuda



Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members

This is an announcement of the practice planned on May-5th.

Genre : Public Speaking
Title : Let’s recommend something interesting to others.

< Description >
Wikipedia explains “Public Speaking is the process or act of performing a speech to a live audience.
It is structured with three general purposes : to inform, to persuade and to entertain.”
In this practice, you will be recommending anything interesting to others such as a book, a movie, a drama, a travel, a sport, a restaurant, an exhibit, a spot, etc.

< How to>
First, you have 5~10 minutes for preparation,
Then, make a big sitting circle with all attendants.
Coordinator will assign a speaker in turn and accept questions for the speech.
The speaker stands up and make a speech about his/her recommendation.
Time management will be done by the coordinator.

Note: You can bring in anything to show during your recommendation speech.

Hope you enjoy it !

Isamu Mashima


☘ Kyoto NHK ESS レポート No. 1 ☘

皆様 いかがお過ごしでしょうか?
最近の活動内容 を 報告させていただきます。


ダイアログを繰り返し読み、丁寧に文法の語順 を 確認していきます。


ところどころ脱線しつつも前のめりに白熱した discussion を enjoyしました。


♦︎4月7日 (福田さん) Title : Antonym Caruta
反対語は何だ⁉︎ 頭フル回転。

♦︎4月14日 (田畑さん) Title : " Who is honest” game
正直者は誰だ⁉︎ 周りのウソにくじけず、惑わされず・・

♦︎4月21日 (野口さん) Title : About Face
何かと頭の痛い 「北朝鮮問題」

♦︎4月28日 (山本さん) Title: Lies a part of human nature
テキストをもとに話していくうちに 不思議と「嘘」の概念が変わっていきます。


Kyoto NHK ESS スタッフ一同



This is an announcement about my practice on 2018-04-28.

Genre: Speaking / Reading
Title: Lies a part of human nature
Please read the following passage in advance.

Everyone lies. In fact, research shows that in the average ten-minute conversation, two acquaintances will lie several times. The reason? The mixed messages everyone receives as children might be one reason. Although we are told never to lie, we see our parents lie about Santa Claus or the death of a pet. Parents say "thank you" when receiving a gift, even when it's unwanted.
Psychologist Paul Ekman explains that we lie for many reasons. For example, we lie to stay out of trouble, to feel better about ourselves, to receive a reward, to protect someone, or to control information. Everything from an exaggeration to a small lie falls into one of these categories.
A New Year's resolution can also be considered a lie, because we generally don't plan to keep the promise. We have only deceived ourselves. Or how about when a friend or colleague asks, "How are you? That person doesn't want to hear that you're tired, overworked, or have other problems. We lie and say "I'm fine" because of social rules. Although lies are an important part of society, we can only catch a lie about fifty percent of the time. Some experts suggest that lies actually hold society together.

I want you to think about lies. What are lies? What are they like?

Masahiro Yamamoto




I hope this text message finds you well.

Here is the announcement of the latter half activity on April 21.

Genre : discussion

Title : About Face

North Korean leader Kim John Un , last year, successfully , launched ICBMs and declared his country a nuclear state.

This year , however , he did an about-face on his declaration.

US President Donald Trump warned , last year , that North Korea would be met with " fire and fury like the world has never seen ".
And talking to Kim John Un is ' a waste of time'.

This year , however , he also did an about-face : he is planning to meet Kim.

We are talking about what will actually happen .

I hope you will enjoy it.

T. Noguchi



Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

Hello, here is the announcement for the practice on April 14th.
(1) Genre: Game
(2) Title: “Who is a liar” game
(3) Description:

This is the game you try to guess who is telling a lie in the opposing team.
The process is as follows.

1. Make 3 or 4 member groups.

2. Prepare the quiz
  Each team chooses one topic.
Each member prepares to give a quiz about the topic your team chose.
Decide one person who tells a lie. The other people will tell truth.
Maybe it is easy for the liar to change slightly from the true story.
Funny or tricky quiz is desirable.

3.Each group (Group A) make pairs with another group (B group) . (A vs B, C vs. D・・・)

4.Start the Quiz. A group goes first.
 Each member of A group speaks about each story of the topics in order.
 (Only 1 person tells a lie).
 *Speaking time for each person is around 1 minute.
 *The person who tells a lie, try to deceive the other group.

5.Question time
 Each member of B group can ask only one question in order to find out who the liar is.
Members of A will answer the questions, but don’t tell too direct answer.

6.Answering time
 B group members guess who a liar is.

7.Tell the right answer (who told a lie).

8. Change turns. This time B group gives a quiz and A group answers it.

9.Repeat with other topics.

<TOPICS examples>

* How did you spend last weekend?
* The best present you have ever received?
* Mischief you had ever done (including in childhood.)
* Have you ever told a big or funny lie to someone? What was it like?
* Your (or your friend’s) strange experience you have ever had.
* Embarrassing story.
* Favorite food?
* Favorite TV program.
* The most strange food you have ever had? (ex. Worm, insects)
* No experience (ex. I have never been to ・・・)
* The most impressive place you have ever been to?
* The most famous person you’ve ever met?
* Important factor to learn English
*The dangers you have passed in your life.
*The things you are thinking a lot recently
*The techniques of saving money
*The plan of your next summer vacation
*Favorite movies
*Failure story
*Heroic episode(武勇伝)
*What if you have more money than one will ever use?
・・・You can make any other topics

I hope you will enjoy that.
Thank you for reading.

Akihiro Tabata


4月7日 プラクティス



3月31日 プラクティス

Hello evryone.

I'm going to distribute the information about practice held on March 31th.

We will discuss our experience and desire about visiting World Heritage Site(WHS) in the world.

Firstly we are devided into several groups as usual.
it's desirable that a group consists of 4
or 5 members.

In each group members tell their experience to visit WHS in turn, following below steps.

1 What is your best WHS inside Japan that you've visited?
Please tell this with your reasons.

2 What is your best WHS outside Japan that you've visited?
Please tell this with your reasons.

3 What is your WHS inside Japan that you want to visit the most in the future?
Please tell this with your reasons.

4 Want is your WHS outside Japan that you want to visit the most in the future?
Please tell this with your reasons.

If you have no experience to visit WHS, please tell something regarding to No 3, 4.

Finally if we have more time, we will have some quiz time I'm preparing.

See you on March 31th.

Best Regards,
Takehiko Sakai



Here is the announcement for the practice on March 24th.

Genre : speech

Title : One minute speech No.4

More than three and a half years have passed since we did this practice.

I hope both experienced members and whom for the first time can enjoy a little taut moment.

The process is as follows.

1. Make 3-member groups.

2. Each group has 20 pieces of paper with a topic on each.

3. The person 1 turns over the paper on top and speaks anything about the topic for one minute.

Then the person 2 speaks about the same topic.

The person 3 follows.

4. After all members finish speaking about the first topic, the person 2 turns the next paper and starts speaking.

Repeat the same routine.

5. Next, the person 3 turns the next paper and repeat the same procedure.

You don't need to consider the topic seriously but speak swiftly about what hits your mind.

Keep emitting as many words as possible for one minute without consulting a dictionary.


Fujio Hirao


3月17日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

Hello, everyone.

This is an announcement of the practice planned on March 17th.

Following materials of practice are kindly prepared and provided by Ms. Miyazawa.
Unfortunately, she cannot attend, so Ms.Tabata will be a moderator on that day.

Here is the announcement from Ms. Miyazawa.
I hope you will enjoy it!

Yuko Tanihara

I'm sending this to let you know the contents of the upcoming practice on March 17th.

[Genre: ]Discussion

[Theme: ] double topics about current sports issues
《 Sports and budget 》--25min,
1. Should Japan spend more budget to increase the number of Olympics medalists?
2. What should Japan do for its athletes to achieve better results?
http://time.com/5168048/norway -olympics-medals-winter-games- skiiing/

《 Sumo scandal 》--25min.
1. Who should be blamed most ?(e.g. Harumafuji,Takanohana,the Asso ciation,or anyone else)
2. What can JSA(Sumo Kyokai)do to reduce the series of violent incidents?
https://www.japantimes.co.jp/n ews/2017/11/19/national/crime- legal/sumo-scandal-deepens-con flicting-accounts-alleged-assa ult-emerge/#.Wpqw6B3FIy4

1) Make some groups.
2) Read the material; 2 paras for each.
(*If majority of your group don't need the reading,just skip it and allot more time for talk.)
3) Discuss the agenda
4) Summarize the discussion by one member of each group.---5min.

Thanks for your cooperation in advance.


3月10日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

Hello, everyone.
I'm sorry to be late for my announcement.

This is an announcement of the practice planned on March 10th.

Genre :Quiz, Game

Title: Let's play sugoroku speech!

At first,please make some groups to have 4-6members in each group.

Part 1: (Warming up) English vocabulary quizzes (17:40-17:55)

This game is guessing the English word
from the definition of Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary.
One of your group member read out the definition on card.
Other members guess and answer the word.
Then, next person turn the card and read out the definition on card.
Other members guess and answer the word.
Please repeat this work by rotation.

Part 2: Sugoroku speech(17:55-18:40)
I'll prepare sugoroku sheet and question sheet for each group.
The rules are same as usual, and you should answer the question as same number on the square you stop.

I hope you will enjoy it! See you on Saturday.

Best wishes,
Yuko Tanihara


3月3日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

Here is an announcement of the practice we will enjoy on March 3.

Date: March 3, 2018
Genre: Listening Comprehension & Dictation
Title: A fill-in-the-blank questions of English song lyrics

Your outstanding abilities of listening comprehension will be challenged at the upcoming practice. Lyrics of several English songs will be prepared on a piece of papers, but it is half-baked. There are a number of blanks on the sheet. You will be requested to fill in the blanks by carefully listening to English songs.

Description of the practice:
1) 3 to 4 groups will be formed.
2) The sheet with incomplete English lyrics will be provided to the group.
3) The songs will be played only three times.
4) For the first time, just listen to it very carefully.
5) For the second time, take a dictation to fill in the blank parts of the lyrics without asking advice from other members in the group. You can use dictionary if it’s necessary.
6) Before listening to the third time, make a group consensus on the blanks of lyrics as a group solution.
7) For the third time, while listening to the song, check your group’s solution. Make corrections to perfect it if necessary.
8) The sheet of answers will be given to your group.
9) The group with the most correct answers will be praised.

To ensure fairness in the game, new and old English songs will be adopted.

Makoto Nishimura


2月24日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

This is an annoucement of the practice in the latter half of ESS meeing on Feb.24th.

1. Date: Feb.24th

2. Genre: Talking

3. Title: Winter Olympic Games.

The 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics Games began on February 9 and it is now in full swing. Everyday, we can watch exciting wonderful games through TV. I was interested in Winter Olympic Games this time and checked the history that when and where it was held until now. And also I checked who won a medal among Japanese players. Then, I'd like to talk with you about Winter Olympics Games not only Pyeongchang Games this time but also other games in the past.

4. Description

1) Please make 4-5 groups

2) I will distribute a paper written about Winter Olympic Games.

3) Please read it and fill in the blanks.

4) Next, I will distribute another paper filled in the blanks

5) Then, introduce and talk about your exciting memories about games, scenes, players and so on in your group.

I hope you will be able to enjoy the practice.

Masahiko Oka


2月17日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

Good evening!
I am Yuji Tsukuda. I would like to announce the practice on February 17th.

Genre: quiz & talk
Title: hot spring

The theme is “hot spring” which is one of the greatest culture of Japan.

Firstly, you try quizzes regarding hot spring for warming up.
After that you recommend your favorite “hot spring ” to your group members.

I am looking forward to seeing you on the day.

Thank you
Best regards,

Yuji Tsukuda


2月10日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members

I am sorry that the announcement is delayed.

This is the announcement of the practice on Feb 10th.

Genre: talk and discussion

Title: GRIT

Grit is the combination of passion and perseverance.

Passion is the consistency of goals held over long periods of time. It is NOT intensity or enthusiasm held for a brief moment. It is endurance.

Perseverance is the ability to overcome setbacks, put in hard work, and finish things you’ve started.

Grit predicts success, even when controlling for talent or IQ. That is, between two people of the same talent level, a grittier person will enjoy more success.

Life satisfaction and grit correlate strongly.


・Make some groups.

1st stage (15-20minutes)

・I distribute memo pads.

・Start with the Grit Test.

・Please write as follows one by one.

· Have you been experiencing any activity for more than one year? What is it?

· Why were you able to continue the activity?

· How do you think to improve grid?


2nd stage (35-40minutes)

・Share it to your group.

・Discuss how to improve grit.

・Other members advise the speaker.

Please repeat as above by rotation.

I hope you will enjoy the practice and it will contribute to improve your grit and satisfaction with life.


Sorry but I can't come to the Zngyoin today.

Yusuke Ueno


2月3日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto ESS Members,

Let me introduce the contents of the practice for Feb.3rd below.

[Genre] variety

[Title] “Let’s enjoy balloon art!”

[How to Do]

1 Make some groups according the number of participants.

2 Balloons are provided to each then I’ll explain the tips about balloon twisting.

3 I’ll demonstrate and teach you how to make a dog balloon that is very easy and simple one.

4 If you master a dog balloon twisting, for the next step, I’ll lecture some other animal balloons such as a swan and a giraffe.

5 And finally let’s try to make your original Dharma balloon, if we have enough time.

Please bring your scissors and oil-based maker pens if you have.
And if you want to have imagery rehearsal beforehand,




I hope you enjoy it!



1月27日 プラクティス

Dear ladies & gentlemen in Kyoto-ESS,

Firstly, let me apologize for my delay in posting the practice in this weekend.

Also, allow me to announce the contents as follows:


New technology always changes our life. Imagine life before Electricity, Life before the Automobile, life before the Telephone, life before the Computer, and life before the Smartphone.,etc. in the coming table, in the coming practice, let’s discuss technology & your life.

Theme: How does new technology affect your life?

Date: 1/27/2018

Type: Talking/discussion.


1) In the first half, discuss the following topics in each groups.

- Which technology/application have most influenced on your life in the past 20 years? eg.. Internet, PC, Smartphone, tablet, GPS, LED-light, electric assist bicycle, VR (virtual reality), some sort of new drug etc.

- How have they changed your life?

- The technology has changed your life better or not? Are there any side-effect?

2) In the second half, discuss the following topics.

- Which new technology/application are you interested? why? Any side-effect?

eg. AI, Gene-editing/designer baby, Cell therapy, Robot suit/powered exoskeleton, autonomous car/self driving car, wireless power supply, Quantum computer etc.

- Based on the new technology that you choose, imagine the society of future, by using of it.




1月20日 プラクティス

Dear, ESS members

Happy new year!!

I wish your happiness and peaceful new year!!

How are you?

Sorry for long time no see.

I hope we can meet at new year party!

Today I would like to inform you about first practice in 2018.

During new year holiday, you must eat many delicious foods.

So let's share your recommended dish.

We can accept any menu in the world, of course Japanese dish also. But please explain how to prepare in English and what kind of integrant do you use, when did you eat ? what the meaning of food? any story of dish, etc.

Procedure of practice 20th Jan 2018

1, Let’s make 5-6members group.

2, Please introduce your recommended dish among group members with one paper.

(5min preparing time)

(15min sharing time)

→What is the name of dish?

→Why do you like? When do you eat?

→Which countries food?

→What are integrant?

→How to cook? etc

3, Please decide best of dish in group presenter.(5min preparing time)

4, Please present and share your recommendation dish with in 3min for other group members.

(15min sharing time)

5, Let’s decide most favorite dish in ESS.(5min)

6, Award to Best dish group…..

I'm looking forward to see you.

Thanks and best regards



12月23日 プラクティス

Dear kyoto NHK-ESS members,
This is the anuouncement of the practice on December 23th.

Genre: Talk
Title: What is your favorite book?
Please intoroduce your favorite book.

1. Make 3 groups.
2. Each member gives a talk about
'' My favorite book''.
3. Other members can ask some questions
to the speaker.
Each of you have about 10 minutes
including Q&A.

I hope you will enjoy the practice . Thank you.


12月16日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto ESS members,

This is an announcement of practice on Dec 16.


This is a consensus game, rule is very simple.

First of all, make several groups. And choose a presenter in your group.

Please read the sentence and put priority on items listed in the sentence. After you decide your opinion, discuss within your group and make your group’s opinion. Please try to make a unanimous opinion as possible as you can. One thing which to be keep in mind is when you decide your opinion, please think the reason/ground in English and try to explain at the discussion.

Time table

17:40-18:00 Read and make your own answer

18:00-18:30 Discuss and make consensus in your group

18:30-18:35 Present an answer of your group and the reason(why?).

18:35-18:40 Model answer

See you soon

Hiroaki Ishizaki

12月9日 プラクティス

Hi, everyone.

Here is the announcement for the practice on the December 9th.

[Genre] interpretation

[Subject] radio commercial

[How to] 1 I want you to be divided into 4 or 5 groups as usual.

2 I want each group to select a representative.

3 Representatives will get together and do “rock-paper-scissors” and decide the order to pull a sheet of Japanese radio commercial scenarios.

4 The first winner pick up one from those sheets which are placed up- side down. And the second , the third , and the rest do the same thing one by one.

5 The representatives show it to their members.

6 Each member interpret the scenario into English by oneself.

You don’t have to stick to the Japanese, you can also arrange the expression as you like, you can change the name of the company at your convenience.

7 Around at 6:00pm, read aloud and show what you wrote one by one, and select the best scenario among the group to make a presentation. Or you can mixture your works. And also select representatives to perform.

8 Around at 6:20pm, presentation starts from group No1.

(1)First, I will ask the roles of the representatives, and then perform your works in English..

(2)Second, perform the original Japanese scenario to make the listeners easier to understand .

(3)Third, perform your English scenario again.

9 Other groups make presentations as the same as above.

I hope you can enjoy the simple humor of those scenarios. And make sure to listen carefully as you listen to a radio.

Thank you,

Iwai Megumi


12月2日 プラクティス

Dear ESS members
This is Shigeo HORI in charge of December 2nd practice in Hitomachi

Title: On OSAKA
Genre: Discussion (with qiz)
Description: We'd like to discuss the various things about Osaka.
First I'd like to give you a small quiz on Osaka. Good answer person
may get a present.
Then we will divide in several groups and talk about Osaka.
The points are cultural difference between Kyoto and Osaka, inbound
tourism, etc.
I hope you to discuuss the matters of a big city neighboring to Kyoto.

Thank you.

ps. Sorry that my computer was damaged and can't send you some
sophisticated setences.


11月25日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto ESS Member,
Let me introduce the contents of the practice for November 25th below.
Step 1:
Make some groups. Some materials (paper slip) on the practice are
handed out.
Step 2:
Decide the order in each group.
Step 3:
First person picks up a paper slip in which a question about Japanese
culture or customs is written in.
Step 4:
First person asks the other members to answer the question
as if the first person doesn’t know the answer.
Step 5:
The next person takes turns.
Step 6:
One member summarize the conversation in each group and
give a presentation in front of everyone.

I hope you will enjoy the practice.
Have a nice day!


11月 18日 プラクティス

Hello, Ecc members,

I'm Tamaki Murase. Long time no see. How are you? ……I'm fine, thank you. Yes, this is the announcement of the practice on Nov. 18.

I thought about the idea of the practice, but I could'nt come up with a good idea. But one idea poped up on my mind when I was taking a shower last night. So, I decided to stick to that idea, which is 「Love Letter Reading」.

Genre: performance

How to do:
① make several groups.

②a sheet of paper is provided to each.

Write a short love letter. Imagine that you are in love with someone passionately. It may be easier to think of a particular person such as your favorite actor or singer or anime character or wife or boyfriend or whoever. The length of the letter is within 2 minutes when you read it.

③Read your letter emotionally in the group.(You are an actor or actress !)

④ Select the representatives(a male & a female) in each group.

⑤Make random pairs among the representatives.

⑥A pair stand face to face each other making a performance of love letter reading one by one. (You can change the words adopting the person in front of you.)

⑦The audience decides which reading is more passionate and touching.

⑧Finally, the audience select the best performer of love letter reading.

I think it will be fun.

「世紀のラブレター」by Kumiko Kakehashi is a reference book.

See you then.


11月11日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto ESS members

This is an information of the practice to be held at the latter half of November 11th by Shimon Nakamuara.

This information might have been a little late for announcement because I was fearing that my practice might not overlap any practice held on the Camp on 4th and 5th to which I attended.

1) Make some groups according the number of participants.

2) Create your original and unique favorite motto in English (自己の座右の銘)for 15 minutes.

If you have such a noble mind-decision policy, it is superb. If you have not yet it , create it today.

It will surely bring you a successful and constructive life.

3) Make an impromptu speech by any topic shown in a separate paper (about 30) which I will hand out on that day. All topics are simple and easy to speak thereabout off-the-cuff.

It is recommended for any attendee to pick up 2 to 3 topics and make an impromptu speech for each topic in your group.

Any question for such a speech should be acceptable and you have to answer it.

Please continue it until the end of time.

I was very busy in this week after coming back from the Camp and could not prepare enough consideration to this obligation, 

but I hope you will enjoy this practice. Thank you.


Shimon Nakamura


合宿(11/4〜11/5) プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS member,

This is summary of the announcement of practice in English Camp.

Genre: variety

1st stage: Democracy game
13:15-14:30 Practice①75分 Ms. Tanihara
Genre :Quiz, Translation and Play

Title: Let's answer the questions of science or social studies and play in English!
At first,
please make some groups to have 4-6members in each group.

Part 1: (Warming up) Questions of science or social studies (13:15-13:25)
At first,please read and try to answer these questions by yourself.
Then, shall we share these answers with your group members?

Part 2: English Theater
2-1. Preparation(13:25-14:10)
I'll give each Japanese famous story for each group.
At first, please translate Japanese into English.
Then, develop some unique story after this.
2-2. Presentation (14:10-14:30)
Please play and share the story of your group with all members.

I hope you will enjoy it! See you on next Saturday.

Best wishes,
Yuko Tanihara

Genre: variety

1st stage: Democracy game
Guess the most answers in each theme.
2nd stage: Pictionary
Guess the word from the picture.
3rd stage: Spelling Chain
Write many words connecting the last letter and the first letter.
4th stage: Mastermind  
  Guess the 4-letter word.

I’ll explain that in detail on that day.
I’ll hope you enjoy that.

Best wishes,
Akihiro Tabata

16:10-17:30 Practice③80分 Mr. Mashima

Genre : Debate

Prepositions A : NHK should be privatized.

B : Schools should be " Coeducation " .

First of all, this debate is not very much formal one.

Affirmative and Negative debaters will exchange rebuttals after the opening
remarks by both team leaders.

The chairperson is responsible for steering the debate.

Procedures and time allocations.

1. Make Affirmative and Negative teams for the given preposition ( 2min
2. Team preparation time ( 5 min )
3. Each team leader gives affirmative and negative opening remarks
respectively ( 2min each ).
4. Exchange rebuttals ( less than 1 min each ) like
Aff.=>Neg.=>Aff.=>Neg.=> ( 28min )
5. Judgement ( 1min )


Please develop your perspective for the given prepositions.

Isamu Mashima

20:30-21:30 Practice④60分 Mr. Yoshida
Genre: Listing Comprehension

Title: What's going on there?

Perhaps listing skill is one of the hardest things to acquire for
none-native English speakers. Let's face the fact :)

This year, I'd like to you to watch some video clips, then answer
questions (what's happening). To make it interesting (or hard) for
you, I'm going to choose videos from collections of comedy and sci-fi
DVDs. Of course, they are for adults!

Since this Practice is the last of day one, let's kick back and enjoy
the ride!


Masakazu Yoshida

9:00-10:15 Practice⑤ 75分 Mr. Masayama
Genre: Quiz

Title: Riddle me a riddle, what’s this?

How to play:

① Make teams in which each one consists of four to five members.

② I’ll ask you riddles posed in order of low to high-rank.

③ Every team has a discussion time for two to four minutes to solve a
riddle according to its difficulty, and I’ll ask your team the solution in
turn when the discussion time is over.

④ Your team will be able to ask me for a hint by raising a hand during
the discussion time if it can’t find out a clue to solve, but in this case,
your team will get only half a point it can get without the hint even if it
hits the correct solution.

⑤ Each obtained point by your team will be added to your team score and,
I’m going to announce the total scores of each team at the end of the game.

I also hope all of the participants will enjoy the game and become
clear-headed through it. Sorry if the game makes your hangover even worse!
:) .

10:25-11:25 Practice⑥60分Mr. Minamihashi
ommunication is a must for us, either for expressing ourselves or
listening to the others’ stories. So, I planned this practice to boost
communication for all of us.
1)Date: Nov. 5th,
2017 ―10:25―11:25
2)Genre: Talks
3)Title: Communication
through brief comments on 140 topics!

A) Count 1 to 10 so that we would have some groups of 2 to 3 members.
B) Have your own material with 3 pieces of paper, which would be distributed
to all.
<PART 1> 10:30-10:50 Light-hearted topics
Decide the first speaker in your group, choose your topic one by one
from 70 topics in PART1, and make brief comments on the topic in turn clockwise
until 10:50.
NOTICE: Please remain silent
except on your own turns so that even shy members can speak out on their turn.
<PART 2> 10:50-11:20 Serious topics
From 10:50 to 11:20, choose your topic from PART2, which is on the
other side of the paper.
<Share Impressions
with your group members> 11:20-11:25
From 11:20 to 11:25, share your general impressions of your group,
topics and ESS English Training Camp 2017 as a whole.

maximize our communication!



10月 28日 プラクティス

Hi, everyone. This is Octane announcing the 2nd practice on October 28.

Are you ready to come on the day to earnestly enjoy and learn English and some of the United Nation’s activity? I promise you have an electrified experience within the 60 min of practice together with me.
Following you will see a part of the content in the practice on the day. I hope to see you at the temple.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

In 2015, seventeen SDGs goals are proposed by the UN as the obligation of all member nations to be achieved before 2030.
Purposes of the goals are briefly described in Sheet 1, but not in the right order to the original one. In the sheet they are arbitrarily numbered by alphabets A‾Q.
In Sheet 2, although incapable to show today in this RoundTable, to my regret, each of the seventeen goals has its own logo mark designed by the UN to symbolize specific activities.

Procedure 1. Read Sheet 1 to study 1) what are serious world problems, 2) what is the purpose of UN’s SDGs: first by each and then in the group.
Procedure 2. Take a deep look at Sheet 2 and connect each logo with one of the descriptions in Sheet 1 (group work). If needed in advance, you can find the logos by the internet.
Procedure 3. Presentation time for opinions and impressions for SDGs.

< Sheet 1 > Seventeen Goals of SDGs.

Goal A. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Goal B. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Goal C. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Goal D. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
Goal E. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Goal F. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Goal G. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
Goal H. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
Goal I. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
Goal J. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
Goal K. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
Goal L. End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Goal M. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
Goal N. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Goal M. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
Goal O. Reduce inequality within and among countries
Goal P. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
Goal Q. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

< Sheet 2 > will be presented on the day

10月21日 プラクティス (予告 No2)

Hello, Dear Kyoto(NHK)ESS Members !
Some additional announcement and information for Oct.21 practice are as follows.

Genre : Discussion

The title of the practice is
“ Which head (minister etc.) of ministry in the new cabinet do you choose ? ”

After dividing members into several groups, each member can study about
jobs of the ministries of the cabinet reading reference papers. Each member should choose the minister in the cabinet(the group; suppose it as the cabinet) within 20 min.
After discussion for 20~30 minutes the prime minister of each group will
Announce policy of each minister in the group.

Expecting heated discussion, see you coming saterday.
Y. Imai
( Refer attached documents)

• 健全な財政の確保
• 適正で公平な課税の実現
• 国庫の適正な管理
• 通貨に対する信頼の維持
• 外国為替の安定の確保  など。

• 予算の作成
• 税金の仕組みを考える。
o 税金を集めるのは財務省に属する国税庁。
o 脱税を取り締まるのは国税局査察部(いわゆる「マルサ」)
• お金を作る。
o 実際に作るのは、独立行政法人の印刷局と造幣局。

• 平和で安全な国際社会の維持に寄与
• 良好な国際環境の整備
• 調和ある対外関係を維持し、発展させる
• 国際社会での日本国と日本国民の利益の増進  など。

• 外国との交渉の窓口
• 海外の情報収集
• 大使館などの仕事
• 大使
o 大国の大使は事務次官経験者から選ばれる。小国や発展途上国の大使は、嫌がる人が多く、他の省庁から派遣された人に任せることもある。
o アメリカ大使:外交官の最高のポスト。
• 法の番人として刑法、民法、商法などの重要な法律を管理
• 法務大臣の所管に検察庁があるので、各省庁が裁判のときに検事を貸す(レンタル検事)
• 法務省の事務次官は、最高検察庁長官になるためのポスト。法務省は検事の力が強いので、最高検察庁長官が頂点の存在。
• 法務大臣は、最高検察庁長官を通じて、検察の捜査に意見できる(指揮権)。
• 刑務所の運営。

• 国民生活の保障と向上
• 社会福祉、社会保障、公衆衛生の向上と増進
• 労働条件や労働者の働く環境を整えること
• 職業の確保
• 引き上げ者、戦傷病者、戦没者遺族、未帰還者留守家族などの援護と、旧陸海軍の残務の整理  など。

• 社会福祉と医療
• 教育の振興
• 生涯学習で豊かな人間性の人材育成
• 学術、スポーツ、文化の振興
• 科学技術の振興
• 宗教関係の事務  など。

• 国土の開発と保全
• 社会資本の整備
• 交通政策
• 気象
• 海上の安全と治安の確保  など
• 政治家は選挙で選ばれる
• 政治家の熱心の支援者は建設業者が多い
• 自分の選挙区に公共事業を国や地方自治体から持ってくる
• 次の選挙での当選につながる
• 食の安定供給
• 農林水産業の発展
• 農山漁村と中山間地域などの新興
• 森林の管理
• 水産資源保存と管理 など

• 食料自給率が低いことの問題点
o 相手貿易国が不作だったときに、売ってもらえない可能性がある。
o 相手貿易国が戦争などに巻き込まれた場合、食料が輸入できなくなる
o 開発途上国の食費が、日本の食料輸入で上がる(日本が高い価格で海外の農産物を買うと、値段が上がり、開発途上国の貧しい人が食べ物を買えなくなる)。それにより、国際社会から非難を受ける可能性がある。

• 行政制度の管理
• 地方自治の実現
• 民主政治の確立(選挙)
• 自律的な地域社会の形成
• 国と地方公共団体などとの連絡役
• 情報通信政策
• テレビなどの電波事業の管理
• 郵政事業
• 消防
• 行政評価  など
• 日本の平和と独立を守る
• 国の安全を保つ
• 陸上自衛隊、海上自衛隊、航空自衛隊の管理
• 在日米軍の事務管理 など。
• 内閣総理大臣
• 防衛大臣
• 統合幕僚監部(総司令部)
• 自衛隊員

経済産業省のWEBサイト / Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
• 産業政策
• 貿易や中小企業対策
• 競輪とオートレース

• 環境問題に対応するための総合的な省庁。
• 地球温暖化対策など


10月21日 プラクティス

Hello, Dear Kyoto(NHK)ESS Members !
Some announcement and information for Oct.21 practice are as follows.

Genre : Discussion

The title of the practice is

“ Which head (minister etc.) of ministry in the new cabinet do you choose ? ”

Suppose you have enough political power , and under strong support by citizens, you can not run away from it.

Cabinet Secretariat
Cabinet Office, Government of Japan
the Imperial Household Agency
National Public Safety Commission
the National Police Agency
Ministry of Defense
Financial Services Agency
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
Ministry of Justice
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport

Ministry of the Environment

We will have 4~6 members in each group. It is recomendable a prime minister should
exist in each group. In the last announcement of each group, the prime minister shall
tell us the outline of the discussion.

Additional information will sent later.


10月14日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

This is the announcement of the upcoming Practice.

1. Date: Oct.14th.
2. Genre: Discussion
3. Title: Story of Mistakes (Failure) and lessons you learned
4. Description:

(1) Make some groups.

(2) Please talk about your story of mistake you made in the past and
what you learned from it within your group.

(3) Select one presenter in your group and share some of impressive stories with everybody.

I hope you enjoy it.

Thank you.



9月30日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

This is the announcement of the Practice.
1. Date: Sep.30.
2. Genre: Discussion
3. Title: Suggestions to solve social problems
4. Description:
(1) Make some groups.
(2) Please talk about the following three social problems and make some proposals to solve them in the group. (15min. for each problem)
a. Plastic garbage
b. Food loss
c. Long hour work
(3) Present the suggestions of your group to other members. (15min.)
I hope you to study for the problems beforehand and have a lively discussion on the day.
Let’s talk a lot and enjoy the practice.
Thank you.



10月7日 プラクティス

Practice :Improve your English vocabulary by using Longman E-E dictionary
Title : Can you guess what it is. Use Longman Advanced Dictionary 
If you wish to improve your English skills, by using Longman E-E dictionary.
I have often used this dictionary after that I could memorize some expressions in it.

Divide our members into 6 groups
Each group member answer assigned question.
Considering time 20 minutes
Translate the English sentences into Japanese.
Guess the Answer. (nouns only)
I will prepare 30 questions to the members.

Ex) a small animal with four legs that is often kept as a pet or using for catching mice
Answer) cat (ねこ)
Questions are very easy ones, don’t hesitate to joining us.



9月23日 プラクティス

Dear kyoto ESS members

Let me announce the practice on september 23

GNERE : A ward association game

Description: I will prepare chinise
Character cards. then choose two cards, and conect both words.
As you know 'when a gust of wind blows, box maker makes a lot of money. ' It's called the butterfly effect! Please make your original composition.

I hope you enjoy the game.

Kenji Tsuji September 7

9月16日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

This is an announcement of the practice on September 16th.

Genre: Translation

Title: English neologisms and speeches

I’ll divide members into some groups.

1. Try to translate some new English words into Japanese

2. I've prepared six stirring speeches in English. Choose one of the speeches which was already translated into Japanese. Each member tries to translate it back into English again and share it in the group.

I hope you enjoy it.

Shiho Nakashima


9月9日 プラクティス

Hell everyone,
This is the practice announcement on Sep. 9th.

Genre : Presentation
Title : Research Project in this summer

Did you have a good time in this summer holiday?
When you were an elementary school student, didn't you do summer holiday- homework called
research project (自由研究)!?
Did you make a money box or insect collecting?

Anyway, we have a saying "Study Lifetime"
so could you tell everybody what you learnt,
what was interested for you in this summer?
This is kind of a presentation even if it is trivial things for your 「大人の自由研究」.
Please bring your money box or insect collecting if you need!

Let's enjoy listening their research project!

Ryuichi Tanaka


9月2日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK-ESS member

Hello everyone.
I'm sorry to be late for our announcement.

Genre: Discussion & Presentation
Title: Guide tour
[Step. 1]
Make groups to be 4‾5 members in each group.

[Step. 2]
You are a tour guide. You have to guide rich American couple around Kansai area, and they don’t satisfied with famous tourist spot, like Fushimi inari, Kiyomizu Temple etc.
So please determine the Itinerary.

1 Write down three your recommended tourist attractions and reasons. (10 min)

2 Introduce your recommended tourist attractions to your group. (15 min)

3 Make two days Itinerary for American couple. One group one Itinerary (20 min)

4 Present your group's tour to the other group. (10 min)

We hope you will enjoy it! See you on Saturday.
Best wishes,



Segawa Hiroshi



8月26日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto ESS members

Let me announce the practice on Aug 26.

GENRE: translation

Title: Let`s make script from the movies!!


We will work to complete the blank scripts from two movies `` Roman
Holiday`` and ``Back to the Future.``

1. Make groups to be 4‾5 members in each group.

② I will hand out papers the script from one scene from ``Roman Holiday.``

③ Some dialogues between Princess Ann(Audrey Hepburn) and Joe
Bradley(Gregory Peck) are blank.

④ Please fill in the blanks to complete dialogues(20minutes).

(First, you try to fill in the blanks by yourself. Next, you discuss scripts
to fill in in the group.)

Japanese translation helps what sentences or words should be inserted.

⑤ I will hand out the complete script of ``Roman Holiday.``

⑥ Representatives from each group recite the script by turns in

Please play as you would be Audrey Hepburn or Gregory Peck.

⑦ We will do the same routine concerning with ``Back to the Future.``

I hope you enjoy the world of the movie !!

Seiichiro Iwai


8月19日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

Hello, everyone.
I'm sorry to be late for our announcement.

Genre: Talk

Title: How about your summer vacation?

At first, please make some groups to have 4-6 members in each group.

Talk style:
Step 1.Person X provides a topic of conversation.
Step 2.Other member in same group asks each in turn on a given topic, and person X answers each question.
*Please change the person who provide a topic, then repeat steps 1 and 2.

Part 1:This summer vacation (2017)
Did you visit somewhere?
How was the climate?Did you feel the changing climate, e.g. "tropical night" and "heat-filled day"?
Do you have any idea to enjoy hot summer days?

Part 2: Past summer vacation (memories)
How was your summer vacation in your school days?
Is there any impressive memories, e.g.grandma's house, summer session or fire-works?

Part 3: Future summer vacation (hope)
What would you like to do your summer vacation in future, e.g. travel abroad or summer resort?
How do you think the custom of summer vacation in abroad?

Let's share various memories or hope of summer vacation!
We hope you will enjoy it! See you on Saturday.

Best wishes,
ESS staffs of 2017


7月29日 プラクティス

1, discussion and description

2, I will give you a lot of topics such as sports ,seasons,food,family and so on.

3, discuss and describe each topics in your own way.



7月 22日 プラクティス

I hope this text message finds you well.

What we are going to do is :

Appreciate Literature

1) Japanese poems

2) English poems



7月15日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK-ESS member
This is the information about the practice on July 15.
Genre: Talk & Discussion
Title: School Days & Education

These days I have some chances to meet my old friends. They remind me of my school days. You have some memories of school days, don’t you? You have some opinions about education, don’t you? Let’s talk and discuss about those.

[Step. 0]
Make some groups and make pairs in each group. If you don’t have partner, please find a partner in other group. If there is no partner in all groups, I will become your partner.

[Step. 1] (30〜40 minutes)
I will give you a topic to be related to school or education. Please ask a question about the topic each other for about 8 minutes. I’m a timekeeper. About 8 minutes later, I will request to change your partner and give you another topics again. Please start conversation again and repeat like this style.
I’ll choose topics below
Subjects (English Japanese Science Mathematics Art Favorite subject ・・・ )
Teacher(Male/Female teacher Kind teacher Strict teacher Charming teacher ・・・)
Examination(Entrance exam Regular exam Cheating ・・・)
Event(School trip School festival Sports festival Graduation ceremony ・・・)
Friend(Boy friend Girl friend Good friend Bad company ・・・)

[Step. 2] (20〜30 minutes)
Please gather in each group.
Please answer the following questions one by one and discuss about each opinion.
Q1. These days some companies introduce an internship program. Is it useful for students? Why/Why not?
Q2. The number of student studying abroad is decreasing. Should the Japanese students positively try to study abroad? Why/Why not?

Hirokazu Sakai


7月8日 プラクティス

The practice on July 8th is as follows;

2017.7.8 (Sat.)
Made by Matsumoto Ryuhei

Translation Training(J→E)

✓ Make five (A, B, C, D, E) groups.

[Part 1] 30min.(10min. for translation, and 20 min. for presentation of the 5 jobs)
✓ Each group translates some different Japanese sentences on the following five themes into English as a group work.
1)Buddhist images(如来、菩薩、明王)
2)martial arts(空手、剣道、柔道)
3)something to do with a shrine(破魔矢、手水舎、絵馬)
5)Japanese architecture(合掌造り、寝殿造り、書院造り)

✓ Each group will show its translation work from 1) to 5).

[Part 2] 15min., when time allows
✓ Representatives from the five groups will move to the front, and pick up a piece of paper(only in Japanese) from ① to ⑤.

✓ They make an impromptu translation from Japanese into English in the numerical order.

✓ Evaluated by the other participants randomly.

✓ Repeat the above process three times at most.

From Matsumoto


7月1日 プラクティス

Dear mebers of the Kyoto ESS members.

I am Akira Hashimoto from the Kyoto ESS. I will be in charge of practice on next week, so I would like to make an announcement for what I am planning to do.

Since this is the first day of the summer season (month), I would like you to discuss about what do you want to do for this summer.

Date: 1st of July, 2017
Genre: Talk
Title: What do you want to achieve in this summer?

At first, members will be divided to 5-6 groups depending on the number of attendant.
Then, people in the groups will share what they want to do during this summer (holidays).
What you are planning to do can be anything, from personal matters to the business/academical matters.
For example, where you want to make a visit, who you want to meet, what event you want to attend, etc.
Please feel free to exchange your thought.

Best regards,

Akira Hashimoto


6月24日 プラクティス

Hi, everyone.

Here is the announcement for the practice on the June 24th.

[Genre] impromptu speech(即興スピーチ)

[Subject] things what we use or see in our daily life, such as stationaries, household appliances, parts of a house and so on (ex: socks, ball-point-pen, microwave, bag, ceiling).

[How to] 1 I want you to be divided into 4 or 5 groups as usual.
    2 I will hand out a pack of cards to each group.
    3 In your group, put those cards upside down.
   4 Decide the persons, who would do first, and who would be a timekeeper.
   5 The first one take one from those cards.
    6 The timekeeper time 30 seconds and the first speaker constructs a rough story within 30 seconds .
.   7 Then the timekeeper calls “ Start “ and he or she starts their speech.
Make sure to use simple expressions and short sentences to be understood by everyone,
If you feel difficulty, you can speech looking at the [Hints] .
  8 The speech would finish within one minute to two minutes.
The speaker can stop talking when 1 minute passes, and can check the time when he or she wants to finish .
 9 When the time passes 2minutes and still the speech is continuing, the timekeeper must say , “ Finish”.
  10 The audience can ask questions to the speaker if they want to.
  11 When the first one finishes, do the same thing from the 5 in clockwise until 20:10.
  12 When you want to change these rules, you can do as you like.

[Hints] You can talk about the history or your attachment for some specific one, or your opinion on general ones . Here are some hints to make your speech .
1 What does that remind you of?
   2 How many those things do you have ?
   3 What kind of that is your favorite one ?
   4 Do you have some memories about that ?
   5 Do you have any opinion about that ?
   6 How long have you being using that ?
   7 Do you want to use that from now and then, and why ?
   8 Do you want to buy a new one, and why ?
These are only hints . You don’t have to try to answer them. You can tell anything about that . I wish you can enjoy the speaker’s opinion , idea ,or memories about the thing .

Megumi Iwai


6月17日 プラクティス

Dear ESS members

This is the announcement of the practice on June17th.
The title is Word Construction and Letter Building.

The practice will be carried out as follows.

You will be divided into some groups as usual according to the number of participants on the day.
You will compete with other groups by forming as many words as possible using given letters within 5minuits for each sheet and those words created will be counted after the game.

While you are discussing within the group, use only English and you can use your dictionary for word construction but not for letter building.

I hope you enjoy the game.

Kumiko Takesue


6月10日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

Hi, everyone!
This is the chairperson of practice on June 10, Motoko Tabata.
I'm so happy to announce the practice for the second half activity on June 10.
Here is the contents of my practice.

1  Date: June 10, 2017
2  Genre: Discussion
3  Title: ”女子力”?”男子力”?
4  Description:
  Recently I often hear such expression like “女子力高い”
What is ”女子力“?
Cooking ability? kindness? thoughtfulness・・・?
Then how about “男子力“?
I’d like you to discuss”女子力”,”男子力” and gender equality in this practice.

  ☆ Make 5~6 groups.
☆First every member read through all the materials by yourself. 
And please write down 3 items of your image on “女子力”and ”男子力”and share your lists with your group members.
☆ Exchange your opinions in your group on each question below.

(1)What do you think of ”女子力”? Good meaning or bad meaning?
Have you ever heard of”男子力”?
And which type do you belong to a ”女子力高い” person , a ”男子力高い” person, or none of them?
(Just self judgement is enough. So please don’t take it seriously.)
And what are ”女子力低い”behavior and ”男子力低い”behavior for you?

(2) Do you agree or disagree so-called “lady’s day(レディースデー)”? And why?
And do you think the sham tears(女の涙) privilege of women?
Are women-only passenger cars acceptable to you?
It’s fair or unfair?

(3) According to the Global Gender Gap Report 2016, Japan slid to 111th ranking in the World Economic Forum gender equality rankings.
What do you think about this?

☆Introduce your group summary to the groups (from around 18:30).

Let’s have fun!!
M. Tabata


6月3日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

It is my pleasure to announce the practice for the second half activity on June 3.

1. Date: June 3, 2017
2. Genre: English Game
3. Title: 20 Questions


20 Questions is a classic game that has been played since the 19th century. To play 20 Questions, one person thinks of an object and others playing can ask 20 questions in an effort to guess what it is. This can be a great game as a vocabulary expansion game for language learner.

I hope that a lot of members will be joining this game of fun.

Makoto Nishimura


5月27日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members .

This is the announcement of the practice on May 27th .

1 Date : May 27th . 2017

2 Genre: Role play

3 Title : Let's play Kamisibai ( Picture-story show)


1. Make some groups .

2. Decide your part in the story .

3. Translate your part into English .

4. Practice the Kamisibai in your group.

5. Let's play and show the Kamisibai to all .

I hope you will enjoy it !

Akiko Matsui


5月20日 プラクティス

Hello Kyoto NHK ESS members,

This is the announcement of the practice on May 20th.

Genre: Talk

Title: Bucket list (a list of things you want to do before you die)

You may have many things to desperately do after you retire from work
or before breathe your last breath.
Let’s list them and share your unique ideas.
It is OK to put things you eager to do them again on the list.

Ex. Swimming with dolphins
Writing your life story
Seeing the northern lights

You might want to take time to ponder what you want to do in advance.

Fujio Hirano


5月13日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto ESS members,

Sorry to be late announcement.

I'm in charge of latter half practice on this Saturday.

1 Date: 13th May. 2017

2 Genre : Talk

3 Title: How was your experience in this holidays?

4 Description:

During the long holidays, some members might have relaxed in your hometown,
or travel, or utilized for this holiday for study, or read some books
or enjoyed some movies or some amusement park, and so on.

If you couldn't do for some reasons,
It is OK to tell your future plan for next holidays.

First, we will divide several group.
Let's talk your experience and exchange some information with your
group members.

If you have some photos or leaflet if you visited some places, please
show us some.

please enjoy to exchange information with your members.

See you on Saturday.


Itsuko Hori


5月6日 プラクティス

1. Date: Saturday, May 6th, 2017
2. Genre: Presentation and Talking about
3. Title: What does Global English look like?
4. Description:
Global English can be defined as one of English(s) which enables native and non-native English speakers to come across beyond;
① Cultural;
② Linguistic, and
③ Phonetic differences
such as English which has been spoken in UN, EU, ASEAN, Kyoto NHK ESS and you name it.
Following the definition above, We’re supposed to think about focusing on;
① The reason why the Global English has got prevalent;
② The advantage that the Global English has brought us, and
③ The kernel that the Global English as a means of communication represents.

Hope to see you soooooon with a biiiiiiig curiosity there and then.

Making the best and most imaginative city for the world

土岐 泉


4月29日 プラクティス

Dear ESS Members

Please find below the practice planned on April 29th..

It is a twofold one, Game and Case Study.
The detailed descriptions will be shown at the temple. No pre-study is required.
Why don’t you start your GW by joining ESS on 29th !! 

Date : April 29th
Genre-1 : Game ( Time : 5:40 ~ 6:00 )
Genre-2 : Case Study ( Time 6:00 ~ 6:40 )
Title for the Game : Word Association
Title for the Case Study : Akkie’s Case ( Fiction )
Descriptions :

Make some groups for the Game and Case-Study.

< Game>
Someone in a group starts with a single word xxxx.. Then, the next person follows in turn with the specific phrase “ That reminds me of yyyy because ……. ”
“ That reminds me of zzzz because …….…. “ …. this continues…
( note : xxxx and yyyy , also yyyy and zzzz are associated words ).

< Case Study >
This is a group study. You will read Akkie’s Case and discuss how to answer to her questions. Then, summarize the study for your team presentation.

Hope you enjoy it !! Isamu Mashima


4月22日 プラクティス

Hello, Kyoto NHK ESS members! It’s already April 2017, when my term as the Treasurer for ESS has already ended.

Then, why am I writing another announcement to this Round Table? Of course, this is an announcement for the practice on April 22nd, 2017.

1) Date: April 22nd, 2017

2) Genre: Game

3) Title:Persuade to be “Great Communicator!!”

4) Description:
A) Choose 3 or more statements from 49 statements attached to this documents.

B) Within 20 minutes until 18:00, write whether you agree or disagree with these statements you have just chosen and also write one to three or more specific reasons and examples to support each of your opinions.

C) Choose your partner.

D) Share one of your opinions, that is, whether you agree or disagree with the one specific statement you choose and try to persuade your challenger to support your opinion.

E) The challenger would tell whether he or she agrees or disagrees with your opinion based on one or more specific reasons.

F) If the challenger agrees with your opinion, you get one point.

G) Switch the role and repeat D) to G).

H) Choose another partner to continue the game.

I) A person who could persuade the most people will get most points and will be the winner, and the title “Great Communicator” will be given.

※Of course, you can modify your opinions or imitate others opinions afterwards flexibly to win the game if you really think those opinions are persuasive.

Attached documents would be available as your source of options for 49 statements. 

Choose three or more statements and write one or more reasons for each of your choices.

Let’s have fun!


PS: I really do agree that 49 statements are too much, but you can also use them for your future practice on English. Good luck!

☆Statement No. (   )

I agree/disagree with the statement No. ( ), for following reason(s).

Reason (1)

Reason (2)

Reason (3)

Reason( )

Therefore, I agree/disagree with the statement No. (   )

☆Statement No. (   )

I agree/disagree with the statement No. ( ), for following reason(s).

Reason (1)

Reason (2)

Reason (3)

Reason( )

Therefore, I agree/disagree with the statement No. (   )

☆Statement No. (   )

I agree/disagree with the statement No. ( ), for following reason(s).

Reason (1)

Reason (2)

Reason (3)

Reason( )

Therefore, I agree/disagree with the statement No. (   )

Agree or Disagree(同意するか否?)
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Use specific reasons and/or examples to support your answer.

1) People are never satisfied with what they have; they always want something more or something different.(物欲に際限はない。)

2) People should read only those books that are about real events, real people, and established facts. (フィクションよりノンフィクションを読むべきである。)

3) It is more important for students to study history and literature than it is for them to study science and mathematics. (理系よりも文系の科目を学ぶ方が重要である。)

4) All students should be required to study art and music in secondary school. (中等教育では美術と音楽は必修であるべきである。)

5) There is nothing that young people can teach older people. (若者が年長者に教える事の出来ることはない。)

6) Reading fiction (such as novels and short stories) is more enjoyable than watching movies. (読書は映画など動画鑑賞より楽しめる。)

7) Some young children spend a great amount of their time practicing sports. .(子供はスポーツの練習に多くの時間を費やすべきである。)

8) Only people who earn a lot of money are successful. (沢山のお金を稼ぐ人だけが人生の成功者である。)

9) A person’s childhood years (the time from birth to twelve years of age) are the most important years of a person’s life. (生まれてから12歳までの子供時代が人生で最も大事な時期である。)

10) Children should be required to help with household tasks as soon as they are able to do so. (子供が家事・家計を助けられるようになったら、直ちにそうすべきである。)

11) Playing a game is fun only when you win. (ゲームは勝った時しか楽しくない。)

12) High schools should allow students to study the courses that students want to study. (高校は生徒が学びたい科目を好きに学べるようすべきである。)

13) Decisions that people make quickly are always wrong. (人々が急いで下した決断はいつも誤った判断である。)

14) People behave differently when they wear different clothes. Do you agree that different clothes influence the way people behave? (人はその時々に着ている服によって違ったふるまい方をする。)

15) Parents are the best teachers. (子供の両親は常に最良の教師である。)

16) Schools should ask students to evaluate their teachers. (教育機関は学生に教師を評価させるべきである。)

17) “When people succeed, it is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success.” (成功は努力の賜物であって、運不運は成功とは無関係である。)

18) Universities should give the same amount of money to their students’ sports activities as they give to their university libraries. (大学は付属の図書館の予算と同等の額の予算を、学生のスポーツ活動に与えるべきである。)

19) It is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city. (子供は大都市よりも田舎で育てるのが良い。)

20) People should sometimes do things that they do not enjoy doing. (人はイヤな事でもやってしまうべき時がある。)

21) Television, newspapers, magazines, and other media pay too much attention to the personal lives of famous people such as public figures and celebrities. (テレビ、新聞、雑誌その他のメディアは公職にある人物やセレブなど有名人の私生活に注目しすぎている。)

22) Businesses should hire employees for their entire lives. (企業は終身雇用制を採用すべきである。)

23) Attending a live performance (for example, a play, concert, or sporting event) is more enjoyable than watching the same event on television. (演奏会やコンサート、スポーツなどのイベント参加は同じイベントをテレビの前で鑑賞するより、もっと楽しめる。)

24) Progress is always good.(進歩は常に良い事である。)

25) Learning about the past has no value for those of us living in the present.(過去について学ぶことは現在を生きている我々には無価値である。)

26) With the help of technology, students nowadays can learn more information and learn it more quickly. (技術の進歩によって、現代の学生は、過去の学生よりもより多くの情報を、より迅速に学ぶ事が出来る。)

27) The expression “Never, never give up” means to keep trying and never stop working for your goals. (「決して諦めるな」という表現は、「努力を続けろ、目標を目指して努力する事をやめるな」、という意味である。)

28) Face-to-face communication is better than other types of communication, such as letters, email, or telephone calls. (直接、顔を見ながら会話する事は、他の手段、例えば手紙や電子メール、電話などよりも、良いコミュニケ―ション方法である。)

29) The most important aspect of a job is the money a person earns. (仕事で一番大切なのは、人がいくらお金を稼げるかである。)

30) One should never judge a person by external appearances. (人を外見で判断してはいけない。)

31) A person should never make an important decision alone. (人は重要な決断を決して1人で下すべきではない。)

32) Games are as important for adults as they are for children. (ゲームは子供にとってと同様に大人にも重要である。)

33) Parents or other adult relatives should make important decisions for their older (15 to 18 year-old) teenage children. (両親や親戚の大人は、15歳から18歳の10代後半の子どもに代わって重要な決断を下すべきである。)

34) Most experiences in our lives that seemed difficult at the time become valuable lessons for the future. (人生で苦労した経験のほとんどは、以後の人生で貴重な教訓を与えてくれる。)

35) Classmates are a more important influence than parents on a child’s success in school. (学業で良い結果を出すためには、同級生の影響の方が、両親よりも重要である。)

36) The best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide. (旅行にはツアーガイドに連れられたグループで旅行するのが最良の方法である。)

37) Children should begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school. (子供は学校に通い始めると同時に外国語学習を始めるべきある。)

38) Boys and girls should attend separate schools. (男子と女子は別々の学校で教育を受けるべきである。)

39) Technology has made the world a better place to live. (技術の進歩で世界はより住みやすい場所となった。)

40) Advertising can tell you a lot about a country. (広告は、一つの国について、多くの事を教えてくれる。)

41) Modern technology is creating a single world culture. (現代の技術は、単一の世界の文化を創り出しつつある。)

42) Telephones and email have made communication between people less personal. (電話と電子メールは、人々のコミュニケーションをより個人的ではないものにした。)

43) Dancing plays an important role in a culture. (ダンスは、1つの文化において重要な役割を担っている。)

44) Teachers should be paid according to how much their students learn. (教師は、教えている生徒がどれだけ学んだかに比例して報酬を与えられるべきである。)

45) It is better to be a member of a group than to be the leader of a group. (一つのグループの指導者になるより、一人のメンバーでいる方が良い。)

46) Playing games teaches us about life.(数々のゲームをする事は我々に人生について学ばせてくれる。)

47) Watching television is bad for children. (テレビを見る事は子供たちにとって良い事ではない。)

48) A zoo has no useful purpose. (動物園は何ら実利的な目的を持ったものではない。)

49) Borrowing money from a friend can harm or damage the friendship. (友人から借金をする事は、その友人との友情を傷つけ、損なう事がある。)


4月15日 プラクティス

Hi, everyone!

This is the announcement of the practice on April 15th.

[Genre ] One minute speech

[Theme] Things that you want to do.this spring,

In this session, you `ve going to give a very short presentation.
It`s shorter than 1 min.
The theme is "Things that you want to do this spring."
You have 15 minutes to prepare for the presentation.
After 17:50, the presentations will start.

I hope you will enjoy it.

Takako Suzuki


4月8日 プラクティス

Dear ESS members,

Hope everyone has been doing well in perfectly sunny spring days.
Sorry for the delay in announcement about next practice on 8th April.

Let me explain what activity we will do in that day.
This time what we are going to do is very very simple.

I'd just like you to talk about yourself with a partner.

First we will be divided into 6 groups.
Then please make a pair with a person next to you
and talk with his/her on the topic which I show.
After we have finished the last topic, please someone in your group voluntarily share with us what you talked.

The main theme I'd like you to talk is "Love", what you love to do, what you feel great excitement, happiness, fun, and passion for.

Let's train our English muscle just by talk, talk and talk!
Looking forward to seeing all of you this Saturday.

Thank you very much in advance and best regards,
Chiaki Namba


4月1日 プラクティス

Hello, Kyoto ESS members !

It's still chilly in the morning and at night, but we certainly feel spring just around the corner, right?

Tamaki Murase is announcing the practice on April 1st at Hitomachi.

As you know, April 1st is the day you can lie openly as “April Fool”, so I'd like to take this opportunity for us to tell lies as much as we want ! and train ourselves to distinguish truths from untruths.

(I know Mr. Kurusu presented a lair game the other day. Sorry for the duplication of the subject.)

Genre: game


Think of both true stories and fake stories.
Fake stories have to sound like true ones, and vice versa.
Prepare at least 3 of them in 20 minutes.

Make a couple.

Tell one of your stories to the challenger who judges whether it is true or not.

If the challenger could tell it correctly, you would lose.

Swich the role.

Make another couple to continue the game.

The person who could deceive the most people will be the winner, to whom the title “Great Liar”
will be given ‼

Since the word “post truth” is becoming to widely spread recently, we way come across the sceans where we have to stop and think what the truth is. Could this game contribute to our preparation for the untruthful society coming up ???

Let's enjoy !!!

Tamaki Murase


3月25日 プラクティス

Hello everyone in Kyoto ESS!
Title: What is your opinion

In this practice we should make 5 or 6 groups.
Then I'm going to provide 3 questions.
Each member can choose one of these questions that you prefer.
And describe your idea regarding the question that you select.
We will have 20 minutes to prepare your answer.
After 20 minutes each member tells the answer to the others in each
It should be desirable that your answer is over 100 words.
If we have enough time finally, please decide a presenter that you
recognize the best and the presenter would show the idea as a group

Question 1
Space exploration is much too expensive and the money should be spent on
more important things.
What is your opinion?

Question 2
The internet has transformed the way of our communication style and
information is shared and consumed, but it has also created problems
that did not exist before.

What are the most serious problems associated with the internet and
I'd like to announce the next practice on 25th March.

what solutions can you suggest?

Question 3
The free movement of goods across national borders has long been
controversial issues.
Some people argued that it is necessary for economic growth, while
others claim that it damages local industries.

Consider both views and give your opinion.

That's all, thanks

T. Sakai


3月18日 プラクティス

Dear ESS members,

It's been for a while since I last participated in the weekly activities of the Kyoto NHK ESS Club...I am worried that most of you have already forgotten my face. Could you forgive me for my recent lazy attitude?

Today, I am texting to you as the Practicing planner on March 18th.
Because I am heading to Washington, D.C. in a couple of days and return to Kyoto just a few days before the Practice day, please let me give you a brief announcement now even though it seems too early.

Date: 18th March
Genre: creative thinking and presentation
Title: Intercultural Events Planner
1. Make groups as usual
2. Imagine you are working at a university as a planner of intercultural events for local students and international students. Your task is making unique opportunities for students to find friendship beyond nationalities and various cultural backgrounds. (Ex. Monday's lunch break chat event, special hiking event on Sunday) You have about 20 minutes to plan an event and make a poster.
3. Show the poster to your group members and make a short presentation about the event. Then, select the best plan in your group.
4. Share

Furthermore, I'd love to talk about what I will have learned and experienced in the United States.
Thank you very much as always and I am looking forward to seeing you.

Minamo Akiyama

(Btw, my 20th birthday is 9th March. It means finally I will join the ESS club activity as an adult!! The first day I joined you was just a week before my 17th birthday…How fast three years has gone!!!!)


3月11日 プラクティス

Dear our ESS members!
Youji Imai

Here are the advanced informations on Practice of March 11th.

As they said, last year was very remarkable to Japan because of ex-President Mr.Obama’s visit to Hiroshima and Prime Minister Abe’s visit to Pearl Harbor. It goes without saying that Pearl Harbor was the symbol of the Pacific War’s start, Hiroshima was it’s end. In other word, the Pacific War was started by Japan’s surprise attack then it was finished with Japan’s Unconditional Surrender.
Last year was the year of the end of the big historical span named “ After World War Ⅱ“.
Shouldn’t we recognize correctly fruits and losses brought by perfect defeat in the Pacific War?
Why don’t we confirm what we lost and gained as Japanese with the World War Ⅱ ?

The practice on March 11th will be a sort of group study.

We will make 5 or 6 groups, a reporter will be appointed in the beginning.
The reporter shall ask questions and summarize his members answers.
Lists of questions are to provided in advance.
After restudy and discussion on the list, each reporter announces it’s
summary to other groups.

Even though there must be hard and delicate titles and questions, don’t be hesitant nor passive in discussions, I hope.
An important hint is , without doubt, the Japan Constitution is one of main issues.
Thank you.


3月4日 プラクティス

Hello ESS members.

This is Shigeo HORI, from Kashiba City and I'd like to inform you the latter part of March 4th.

1. Date: March 4th, 2017.
2. Genre: Discussion.
3. Title: Male Affluent Society
4. Description:
Today in Japan, unmarried men outnumber unmarried women.
Between the age of 20 to 50, the number of unmarried males is larger than females by 300 million.
What we call male affluent society or male surplus society (Otoko Amari Shakai) is one facet of contemporary Japan.
I hope you discuss this matte from the following procedure;

a. Presentation form Hori, with several data and issues on this topic.
Some materials are written in Japanese though.
Some kind of quiz will be included.
b. Make several groups.
c. Read the materials and discuss the topic.
d. The leader of each group will show us the results of the discussion.

And one more, personal attack to some members is prohibited and don't ask private matters too much.
You don's have to speak your personal or private matters if you don't want to speak the matter.
This is just a social topic.

I hope all of you discuss this urgent social problem and see today's society from a little different angle.
Thank you.

Shigeo Hori

2月25日 プラクティス

Genre: Recitation of a Poem and Discussion
Title: “Youth” by Samuel Ullman

1) Read two materials A and B (15 min)
2) Recite one of them, which you prefer, to fascinate the audience (3 min for each)
3) Explain the reason why you prefer it for the other (2 min for each)
4) Talk and discuss on the ideal image of your “Youth” (20 min)

“Youth” (A) by Samuel Ullman, original script.

Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.
Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite, for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of sixty more than a boy of twenty. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals.

Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.
Whether sixty or sixteen, there is in every human being's heart the lure of wonder, the unfailing child-like appetite of what's next, and the joy of the game of living. In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station; so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the Infinite, so long are you young.
When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old, even at twenty, but as long as your aerials are up, to catch the waves of optimism, there is hope you may die young at eighty.

“Youth” (B) by Samuel Ullman, the Reader's Digest version
Youth is not a time of life ― it is a state of mind; it is a temper of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions, a predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over love of ease.
Nobody grows old by merely living a number of years; people grow old only by deserting their ideals. Years wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, doubt, self-distrust, fear and despair ― these are the long, long years that bow the head and turn the growing spirit back to dust.
Whether seventy or sixteen, there is in every being's heart the love of wonder, the sweet amazement at the stars and the star-like things and thoughts, the undaunted challenge of events, the unfailing childlike appetite for what next, and the joy and the game of life.
You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubt; as young as your self-confidence, as old as your fear, as young as your hope, as old as your despair. So long as your heart receives messages of beauty, cheer, courage, grandeur and power from the earth, from man and from the Infinite, so long you are young.
When the wires are all down and all the central place of your heart is covered with the snows of pessimism and the ice of cynicism, then you are grown old indeed and may God have mercy on your
Given to Doug MacArthur years ago by John W. Lewis. This is based on a poem written by the late Samuel Ullman of Birmingham, Ala.

Akira Oku


2月18日 プラクティス

Dear ESS members, welcome to our party(TEIAI group.)
This is the letter of invitation to the Hell or the Heaven on Feb.18th,2017.

Title:Liar game
Please image,you all are in the casino on the ship( Espowar Ship :ESS.)
① No groups.
② I will hand out the token paper to each.
token paper:代用貨幣.ここではperica.
③ A:challenger B:Receipient
A has to find out B and propose to challenge to B.
B cannot refuse it.
④ Bet.(No limit.)
⑤ A writes T orU on the back of token paper.
T:True story U:Untrue story
⑥ A talks about T story or U story in English.
⑦ B hits on Lor U.
⑧ The winner can get the bet.
⑨ Change.

This is the simple game.
The winner will go to the Heaven and get the big hands.
The loser will drop to the Hell and have the penalty.
Please enjoy.

Ref.:Commik book 「Kaiji」

Thanks. Makoto Kurusu


2月11日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto ESS members,

I am pleased to inform you on the upcoming practice as follows:

1.Date: 11th Feb. 2017
2.Genre: talking and discussion
3.Title: Optimistic characters and Life
--- Candide, Bakabon and other people ---

Attached is the material for this session. Please go through if you have a chance.
I hope it will help for your better discussion; Since this material is based on fictional settings, it could be a bit tricky.

a)Please make 5-6 groups and select a presenter in each of your group.
b)Read each materials and then discuss. Feel free to make stories as foolish as possible. There is no right answer indeed.
c)In the last 10min, or so, share your opinions with us.

See you then. Have a nice week!

Kaori Ishikawa


2月4日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members

Please be informed of the practice held on Feb. 4th at Hitomachi.

1. Date: Feb.4th, 2017
2. Genre: Talking
3. Title: Advice Column

An advice column is traditionally presented in a newspaper, though it can be delivered through internet now.
A reader writes to adviser with a problem in the form of question and adviser provides answer.
It is interesting to know universal problems and good to learn evryday English, too.
I will provide some of example of Advice column for you to talk on them

4. Description
a)Please make 5-6 groups and select a leader/presenter in your group.
b)Read materials
c)Pick up columns that interest you and exchange thoughts if you were adviser.
d)In the last 10min,or so, show us some of your answer or tell us how you felt about them.

For your ref., I took material from the following column
and will post the material as soon as it is ready.

Yoshitsugu atsuta


1月28日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

I am Yuji Tsukuda who is in charge of January 28th practice.
I am sorry for my late announcement.

January 28th


Negotiation between a student and a teacher regarding mid-terms paper grade


A student wrote a mid-terms paper with his heart and soul.
However the grade of the paper was C-.
The student and his teacher discuss the grade of the paper.
The student doesn't know the background why the teacher gave C-.
The teacher also doesn't know why the student poured his much energy into the paper.

1. Dividing you into 5,6tables as usual

2. In each tables, you are allocated to student team or teacher team

3. I hand out each teams each information sheets
(Student teams only receive student information sheet. Teacher teams receive only teacher information sheet.)

4. In each teams, making strategies.
(The student purpose is to get as high grade as possible. The teacher's purpose is to give fair grade)

5. Starting negotiation with the opposite team in you table.

6. After finishing the negotiation, exchanging each team's information and, if possible, presenting the result of the negotiation.

I hope you enjoy my practice.

Thank you for reading.
Best regards,

Yuji Tsukuda


1月21日 プラクティス

1/21 lesson information